
「 hot issue 」: season one — apply open.


min 'Daniel' Daewon


Jay Park


daniel sounds like a great character and i love how much detail you've put into the app, not only giving me a good feel for daniel in general, but for making me want to write about him as well. he's quite the serious, independent character, but with his age and backstory, it definitely makes sense and flows together. i actually liked how you were able to connect his personality to his backstory instead of just writing one without thinking about how his past would affect him, so kudos. you were also able to explain everything well and i definitely like how the trivia section aided to his character and added a little bit more depth. the appearance section was great and i like how he's reluctant about the facial products and taking care of his skin a lot more, which is usually the thing to do in korea. i enjoyed the love interest section and i definitely appreciate the scene requests. overall, it was a very well written app, thanks for applying.  





wonjae sounds great and i like how timid and cowardly he can be, not being one to rock the boat with others so to say (especially since he seems a bit like a push-over at times, so it'll be interesting to work with that), since that gives me quite a few things to work with in regards to his personality and growth as a character. personality and backstory match pretty well and seem to work well together in the creation of his character. the trivia section was also good and i like how his family supports him, even if they're not completely on board with him commiting himself to idol life. (i definitely have a feeling that while bae and wonjae may be able to see eye to eye on some things, that definitely won't be all the time, especially in regards to the whole teamwork thing at times.) talent twins are fine and moon jongup was definitely a good choice as he's come leaps and bounds with his singing, despite being a dancer. nicknames were well thought out and the love interest section was well written as well. overall, wonjae is a good character and the app was a fun read. thanks for applying.  

liu jinjing


zhang Yixing


jinjing looks like another interesting character and i will definitely have some fun with his darker humor and puns. especially since he gives me that izuki vibe from kuroko's basketball where he thinks his puns are funny, but the people around him usually don't. but he seems like the kind of guy that tries to understand people and is pretty patient with those around him, but when his buttons get pushed or when someone goes a little too far in their treatment towards them, jinjing isn't the type to run away and will fight back if needed (but only if they don't get the hint). he also understands what is needed of him in terms of the idol world, so he'll basically give the public what they want, but when he's on his own, he's a little bit different than his onscreen persona and is a lot more serious and wants something real when it comes to his friends/family. he's also a little bit of a daydreamer, but he's not too spacy/ditzy, and has the drive to achieve his dreams. overall, i think i was able to grasp his personality, but if there are some things that i've mentioned aren't exactly what you're trying to get across, please correct me. backstory and having no love interest section is fine. trivia was good and at least i know the dorm for the boys will be clean with jinjing, bae, and wonjae being clean freaks. overall, it was an interesting read.   

Jung Jaehyun


Park Jimin


jaehyun sounds quite cute, but also a bit brash and bold, which is really nice to see. especially since he's more or less an extrovert and is a nice change from some of the more awkward/introverted characters so far. i like how passionate he is about the people he loves and how protective he is of them as well. not to mention the fact that i can just see him being quite boisterous with some of the guys, maybe annoying them on occasion, but doing his best to mean well, even if he doesn't always come across that way. but despite that, he has a good heart that will make others eventually like him and get used to how loud and lively he is. backstory is well written and i like jaehyun's outlook when it comes to trainee life and the other trainees around them, able to make friends and whatnot. trivia and love section are also good. and to answer your question, you can put jimin as your vocal twin if you think that's the voice that fits him best and that's what you want. overall, a solid app, thanks for applying.    

Song Jaedong


Pyo jihoon


jaedong sounds like a pretty cute person and while i do think there were a few words you could have been switched out for better words, I was still able to grasp jaedong as a character. (for instance, the word nerd, i'd probably go with something else like putting something along the lines of him being the type of person that enjoys reading books, but enjoys them to the point where he creates his own scenarios or thinks about the overall themes and how they represent certain things in society, revealing that he is more of a deep thinker than an actual nerd. hypocrite also doesn't really work since hypocrites are people that pretend to have certain values/beliefs but don't really possess those values/beliefs. So i'd probably describe him as someone that is actually more complex than what he may seem and is the type of person that can be serious when needed. if anything, watch out for words that seem like they could possibly explain his character, but don't really do that.) the trivia section is good, so kudos on that. and i also like his background and how his past correlates to how he sees himself today and how it affects his appearance. love interst section was quite interesting and i love how he gives everyone little nicknames. and thank you for giving me lots of scene requests with quite a bit of detail to work with. overall, jaedong seems like a good character.     

Ahn-Chevalier Aime


Lee Seungho


so there are a few things that need to be explained a little bit better to have them make more sense. like for the language/background sections, you mention aime's father teaching him korean, but during the background section, it's implied that he didn't really see much of his parents for a good portion of his life as he lived with his grandparents. So it does not make much sense to have him learn the language when he spent a good portion of his time without his parents. and while i do understand aime has a knack for languagues, it would have been nice to see how much the people in his life helped him out with them. especially since children can pick up languages faster than adults, while once you're older (starts during the teen years) it's a lot harder to pick that sort of thing up and does take longer. and even with courses, it does not make sense that someone could be fluent or have advanced knowledge of a language unless a couple of years of courses are taken. however, that is a small issue. with the background, you mention aime moving with his parents to korea, but if most of his time was spent with his grandparents, it does not make much sense for him to move unless there was a reason for him to do so. did his grandparents move with them? did he feel like he was burdening his grandparents so he decided to move in with his parents? did his parents just want to take him and his twin with them because they felt like they burdened his grandparents for too long? the love interest section is fine, if not a little bare, but i would like more information in the relationship part of that section. so plesase describe how you think the love interest may act towards aime. overall, everything else is fine.         

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alohas #1
Is this still ongoing? : )
Chapter 4: Thank you very much fr the review, and I hope i've fixen everything to your liking
ok im done editing ^_^
wait let me change seokbin's face claim XD
i feel like taecyeon fits him more than mark
though if you think mark fits better then its fine
for now i'll edit him as backup fc
FallenAngell #5
Chapter 4: ah, sorry for...that? I kinda have problems to let out my rough ideas to words and just think of the nearest words that came close to my ideas. shall I change those wrong words or..? and thank you very much for your review!
Chapter 4: Thanks for the great review! I'm glad you like him. And I'll definitely keep Jimin as his singing twin. c:
FallenAngell #7
Chapter 5: Hi! Can I still participate on this apply fic?
My computer just deleted my entire app, so it might be a few days before he's ready again