Late night fire alarms.

Late night fire alarms.

A hard day at school, an even harder day at work and all he wanted was some rest. Minseok had to deal with the most obnoxious customers at the coffee shop, not to mention Tao decided that it would be a perfect day not to come in for his shift and of course Minseok had to pick up the slack.
He ran around front to back, doing as much as he could, and even got two orders mixed up causing him to get yelled at by a man two times his weight and a woman two times his height.

Before that he had 2 quizzes in school he had crammed for and was relying on 3 hours of sleep and four cups of coffee to pass. Half way through his first quiz his pencil broke and when he went to his backpack to grab another his phone fell off his desk making everyone turn to look at him with tired glares. If that wasn’t enough on his way to his second class he missed the bottom step and fell against the poor girl passing by, neither her nor her boyfriend were happy about that, but Minseok barely even heard their curses as he sprinted away. 

All in all it had been a bad day, and sleep couldn’t come any faster really, he couldn’t wait to fall on top his neatly made bed, cause of the lack sleep he had time to make it. He took a long hot shower, through on some boxers and a big sweatshirt and slipped under the sheets for a goodnights rest. 
But of course luck was not on his side for the millionth time. At 3am sharp the blaring sirens of the fire alarm going crazy woke him up him, red lights filling the halls and shock running through Minseok’s system. He jumped out of bed, throwing the blankets on to the floor, almost tripping over them and sprinted out of his room, to the hall and down the stairs, with many other sleepy patrons that lived in his complex. He went as fast as he could till he and many others, filled the sidewalk across from his building, the sirens still going off loudly, and his fellow neighbors chatting amongst themselves.

Minseok ignored everyone and scanned the building looking for the cause of the alarm, until he heard a deep, groggy, oddly adorable sounding voice next to him. He turned to see a man, slightly taller than him, in nothing but his underwear rubbing his eyes trying to make conversation with him. He recognized him as Luhan, his neighbor from across the hall who was fine as hell, but Minseok never had the courage to confront him.

Minseok caught himself staring at Luhan a little too hard, but Luhan was too busy talking to him and rubbing his eyes to notice his eyes scan every detail of his body. Minseok knew about Luhan being in soccer, he found it extremely hot, but damn, those abs were like from a Calvin Klein magazine, they didn’t look real, Minseok had to force himself not to reach forward and trace every line of his muscle. A cough brought Minseok back to reality, Luhan was giving him a smirk and he noticed that the loud sirens that had once been filling the streets had stopped and everyone around him was slowly making their way back into the building. 

“Are you okay there?” 
Luhan chuckled, as he looked Minseok down head to toe. Minseok had a realization that he was only wearing a his sweatshirt and grew self conscious, sure he wasn’t out of shape, but compared to Luhan he might as well be. 

“I-I’m fine.” 
He stammered and started walking away, back to the building in a fast pace. His face was already turning red from getting caught staring at Luhan’s drool worthy body, and he didn’t have the energy to embarrass himself further. He quickly made his way to his apartment and while he was punching in the code, Luhan called over from behind him. 

“Goodnight Minseok.” 
Minseok turned around just to see as Luhan closed his door and he froze where he stood. 

“He knows my name.” 
MInseok whispered to himself with a smile and entered his apartment. 

Yea I dont know, I just ran with the idea until i couldn't run anymore.

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nanayzz #1
Chapter 1: Oh~ nice story. Minseok’s bad day with his sleeping beauty guy across the hall 👍
Chapter 1: ehhhhh thats it? oh well
bananaicecream #3
Chapter 1: haha this is so short and random but it is cute >w<