" My new girlfriend is Kara's Jung Nicole "

Effort Doesn't Betray You


[Chapter 7]
After School
Hara put back her books on her locker. She closed it and went to Nicole who was waiting for her at the school entrance. They linked their arms and walked on.
It was a sunny day, they were going to the cafeteria, where they were supposed to meet the other girls. They had just turned the corner when Hara noticed a familiar boy.
He was fooling around with his friends, BEAST members (probably). He saw her and smiled brightly. Hara ran to him leaving Nicole behind.
" Heyy " Hara stopped on her tracks keeping a certain distance from the group. The boy went closer and waved her hand still smiling.
" It suits you " he pointed at the jacket she was wearing. It was the one he had lent her the night he walked her home.
The girl slowly took it off and handed it to him " Here, since we met, I'm giving it back to you " she said quite disappointed, she really liked that jacket. She wanted to bought it for so long already, but it was too expensive.
He shook his head and pushed her hand away " You liked it, right ? " recalling what she told him the other night " It's yours now "
" Are you serious ? " her eyes grew wide, she was half-surprised, half-happy " B-b-but I c-c-can't.... " she was stuttering for too much excitement " You can't g-g-give it out just l-l-like that " she handed it to him again.
Doojoon took it, but instead of wearing it, he beckoned her to turned her back. Hara frowned but she still did what she was told to, she turned her back to him. The boy looked at her tiny figure and helped her to wear it again. The girl faced him confused, but he just gave her a reassuring smile.
" Please take it. I'd be offended if you won't " Hara rolled her eyes.
" Thanks " she smiled shyly " I don't know what to say "
" Just tell me you'll go on a date with me " he whispered, but loud enough to make her hear it. He was blushing, obviously embarrassed. Hara chuckled at how cute he looked.
" But you didn't invite me. Invite me first " she smiled mischievously and walked off.
' Just wait for it Goo Hara ' he thought when she was a few steps away. 
" YAHH " Dongwoon jumped on him " Was it Hara ? " he pointed at the direction where Hara has just disappeared, Doojoon nodded still smiling like a little kid.
" And she was wearing your favorite jacket ! " Kikwang dropped his arm on their leader's shoulder " Did you give it to her ? " his eyes grew in disbelief, " The jacket that your beloved members can't borrow, try and can't EVEN TOUCH ???? " 
" You must like her a LOT huh ? " Dongwoon shook his head acting offended and disappointed, while Doojoon was feeling his red cheeks were going to explode for too much hotness. All the members gathered around him and giggled seeing their leader unusual behavior.
" Someone is in love " they all sang in unison.
Minho watched the whole scene.
He was walking behind the two girls. He was heading to the cafeteria as well. Seeing Hara being flirty with someone else made his heart fluttered. He was surprised. Since they started to date, he never saw her being like that with another guy beside him. It was just weird !! He was used to see Hara just looking at him, just smiling at him, just being there for him. Even after she found out about his betrayal, he still knew that her feelings didn't change after all. Her love for him COULDN'T change. That's what he was sure about, but that scene made him doubt about it.
Seungyeon saw him " Hey ! What are you looking at ? " the boy didn't answer, he was thinking so deeply that he didn't even notice her.
" Ah.. got it " she nodded in acknowledgement seeing Hara and Doojoon.
" I have to give him a lesson " Minho's eyes were filling with anger and hate. He clenched his fist.
" Why ? " Seungyeon knew that her question was stupid, he was obviously jealous, she patted his back " Minho, you don't have any right to act like that anymore "
" What ? " the boy glared at her " I'm just confused, but she's can't.... she's still mine ! " he shouted firmly, the girl stepped back startled,
" She's NOT ! " she shook her head " Don't be so self-centered ! Her world doesn't revolve around you ! " his expression changed and Seungyeon felt bad for him again.
Minho was so stubborn that she always needed to use her brutal ways to make him face the truth. He looked so pitiful, she smiled and held his hands " The best thing you can do is to hurry before loosing her definitely "
Break time
Because of misunderstandings and complications it's been awhile since Kara girls and the boys gathered all together for their break time. But fortunately after the previous day, it looked like things were willing to go back to the right way. They were all at their usual table, Jonghyun and Minho were the only two missing, even Taemin was there.
" Taemin, are you here waiting for your hyungs ? " Eunhyuk asked out of curiosity, the youngster smiled shyly.
" He's here waiting for his girl " Leeteuk chuckled looking at Jiyoung who just rolled her eyes. Eunhyuk was dumbfounded, he just shrugged and took a sip of his drink.
" PLEASE LISTEN TO ME !! " someone shouted. Everyone looked in that direction and saw Jaebeom standing on his group's table.
" I have an announcement " he continued. s helped him to catch everyone's attention.
" Days ago some of my fangirls saw me kissing someone right ? " there were those who nodded in unison, " Well, before bad rumors will spread, I want to clarify that she was my new girlfriend " after the last word was spelled, an uproar grew in the courtyard. Everyone were looking around wondering who was the Lucky/Unlucky girl.
" I hope.... " Jaebeom paused waiting for silence again " I hope that you'll respect her and you won't try to hurt her in any kind of way, because she's really important to me " another uproar grew among the students.
2PM members were totally dumbfounded.
Their leader bothered the whole school during the break time just to introduce a girl. Did it mean that he finally meet the right one for him ? Was he really serious this time ? All the fangirls were screaming and crying, while other big groups just smirked and turned back to their food. They didn't care about that jerk's business. Even Kara and the boys went back to their conversation.
This.... until Jaebeom announced the name of the girl " So my beloved schoolmates " he paused again, this time just to look for Her " My new girlfriend is Kara's Jung Nicole ".
Everyone were shocked !
Gyuri dropped her sandwich and shook the girl from her shoulder.
Nicole all this while has been listening to her Ipod. She didn't know anything about what was just happened. When she noticed all those eyes looking at her, she was totally dumbfounded.
" Is it true ? " Hara asked worriedly,
" What ? " the girl's eyes grew bigger,
" Jaebeom just announced that you're his new girl " Seungyeon whispered to her.
Nicole shook her head nervously, but it was too late, Nickhun and Taeckyeon grabbed her from her arms and brought her to their leader as he has ordered to.
As soon as she was in front of him she gave him an icy stare, but the boy just grinned and slid his arm on her waist.
" Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss !! "
He pulled her into his hug, leaned on her height then pressed his lips into hers. Everyone clapped their hands excitedly. Nicole pushed him away, he kissed her AGAIN, without her permission. She glared at him and dragged him away.
" My love " Eunhyuk kissed the back of his girl's hand " Wasn't she with Kyuhyun ? " the goddess didn't give any response. Jiyoung nodded in her place.
Hara looked at Seungyeon with an unnie-tell-her-something expression. The girl pouted, as she was always the one who had to do the hard task, confronting the leader.
 " Gyuri " she paused to take a deep breathe and calm herself " You'll take care of it right ? " but once again, the goddess didn't say anything.
She stood up and walked off.
Leeteuk frowned and hit his friend's arm " Hyuk aren't you going to follow her ? " the boy shrugged.
" What for ? " he shrugged " She's been like that since yesterday, it's better to leave her alone, for now " he sighed helpless.
" Oppa you never listen to me " Hara grumbled and hugged her knees on her chest, " I've always told you that you should be more careful ! You might loose Gyuri unnie without your acknowledgement "
" Unnie " Jiyoung cut her off " You're talking like you know something " the maknae pouted cutely, she couldn't stand her unnies hiding something from her,
" Because she actually know something " Seungyeon mumbled, but clear enough for the others to understand.
" What do you know Hara ? " the two boys looked at her, Hara gave an icy stare to her unnie, who was now feeling so sorry to her dongsaeng.
" You might loose Gyuri unnie because you don't take good care of her " Hara finally managed to say and laughed awkwardly, Seungyeon and Jiyoung followed her too but it wasn't obviously enough to get rid of the weird atmosphere that it was created.
Leeteuk and Eunhyuk just shrugged, but when their eyes met they were both saying that something was off there.
As soon as they were out the sight of their friends, Nicole hit Jaebeom's back strongly.
" What the **** ?? Is that the way you thank me ? " he rubbed his back from pain and looked at her in disbelief,
" Thank YOU ? " she wanted so badly to beat him up " Why do you think I should thank you huh ? " the girl hit his arm this time.
She couldn't let him go, he has kissed her without her consent many times already, and he has also ruined her school life once again. She needed to vent her hatred, her anger.
" I just wanted to clarify everything so bad rumors wouldn't spread, you know.... like what's happened with Kyuhyun " he mumbled looking down. Hearing his real intention made Nicole feel guilty. She calmed herself and gave out a deep sigh.
Bad rumors were really starting to spread about her and Kyuhyun. People were saying that she just made everything up about them to attract attention, many other bad things were being said and Kyuhyun has never said a thing. He was totally uninterested from the start. Even so, she stopped to hate him the night he walked her home, she saw another side of him that changed the way she used to look at him. Nicole sighed again and leaned on the wall.
Jaebum was right, if he didn't do what he just did in the backyard more bad rumors would spread, since the kiss between them would be added to those already spreading. Jaebum was just watching her, then he smiled when he saw her in a deep thought.
" Nic ? " he placed his hand on the wall and looked at her beautiful brown eyes " You won't have to pretend to be my girl " her eyes widened.
" eh ? " she spelled slowly.
" I want you to be my girl.. for real.. with no threatening, no pretending "
" I like you Nic and I want us to be together " Nicole just couldn't believe at what she was hearing.
It was too sudden for her.
Until now boys who had interest on her didn't have the guts to openly confess to her. She was surprised but also.... happy ? Finally someone told her his feeling directly.
" I know you don't feel the same towards me, but can you give us a try ? " Nicole bit her lip and smiled. In that moment her mind went blank, she cupped his face and pulled him closer to her.... Then SHE KISSED HIM and naturally he respond.... taking her action for a Yess.
From  that second, Jaebeom and Nicole were officially a couple.  
Nicole was going to school kind of worried. She had to face him, his fangirls, s, Her members, the whole school. As soon as she stepped in, she took a deep sigh as if she was preparing herself to deal with anyone. But.... unexpectedly no one approached her, no one was talking behind her back or just looking at her oddly. Nothing bad happened, actually nothing happened.
What has been announced the previous day, was something Big but not that big to be brought up over and over again. It was totally different from the fuss that it was created when rumors of her and Kyuhyun spread some time ago. Just then, Nicole smiled and remembered that 2PM was one of those Big groups in their school but they weren't considered a TOP group, like Super Junior, yet. She gave out a sigh of relief and headed to her class.
" Hey Jjong ! " the boy passed by without even looking at her.
" Yahh! Didn't you see me ? " she ran after him and grabbed his arm,
" Huh ? " he turned to face her " I'm in a hurry, what do you want ? " he said coldly,
" Are you angry ? Did I do or say anything wrong ? " her worried eyes were waiting for an answer.
He shook his head.
 She didn't do or say anything, ANYTHING and that was actually the problem.
" Can we talk ? " she asked with her puppy eyes.
And how could he say no ? She probably didn't even notice it, but he never said ' NO ' to her. That was the flaw of the cool and confident Kim Jonghyun. He didn't know how to resist to Jung Nicole. He loved her too much. He nodded and followed her to the school background.
" You heard about me and Jaebeom for sure " the girls stopped on her tracks and faced him, he just nodded.
" Aren't you going to say anything ? "
" What do you expect me to say ? " he grumbled leaning on the wall, she shrugged.
" You're pissed because I didn't tell you first right ? It's just that " Nicole paused trying to find the right words to explain herself " I didn't know it was turning to be like this "
" When you said you were going to take care of your problems by yourself, I didn't expect you to end up with another guy "
 he said lowly and in his mind he thought that if she was looking for another guy to replace Kyuhyun then there was always him.
He sighed.
" I'm sorry Jjong " her voice cracked. She couldn't take it.
 The only person who supported her all this time was upset.
" Are there any threats ? Or you're happy with him ? " he asked firmly.
He was pissed, but he was still worried and seeing her sad face made him feel guilty for being hard on her.
Nicole nodded.
" Ok, as long as you're happy, I'll be happy too " the boy sighed and gave out a reassuring smile.
" Corny " Nicole finally laughed. 
In the school hallway
Gyuri was in the corridor, waiting for someone. As soon as she saw him, she went towards him and pushed him strongly against the wall.
Jay was obviously startled, he heard about Gyuri's strength, but feeling it on his own body was something unexpected. She threw herself on him and grabbed his collar.
" You were supposed to keep him from her " her eyes narrowed giving out an icy scary stare,
" I know " he hardly said,
" Leave her! " the girl tightened her hands on his collar threatening his breathe more and more,
" I can't "
" Don't even think about playing with her, otherwise I'll kill you " the last part was emphasized. She finally let him go and turned her back to him.
 The boy rubbed his neck coughing.
" I won't hurt her "
" Good " after a few steps she stopped on her tracks " Because when I said I'll kill you, I really mean it " 
[AiKA's Note] :
- JayCole officially together..
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what-is-this #1
Chapter 12: i wa hoping too!
EveDay #2
Chapter 12: wow! that was nice story.
RMaddict #3
I was really hoping for JayCole :'(
This was a very good story! I loved it!
cool_assassin #5
I can't believe, I'd missed out ur update for 3 times!! I love the ending for each stories..Love doesn't always have a happy ending though. Thanks for finishing this fic, Aika!! =)
Miinii #6
Love it<3
It's really sad that it all came to an end but it's great that Nicole finally realize who she really loves :)
PIcali #7
Thank you. I have had a really ty day and this just made it better. I am happy for Nicole and it was great.
PIcali #8
I really loved this story. It was one of the first ever fics that I ever read. I also get inspired by your work to where it gives me ideas for my own and I want to thank you for that. Cannot wait to see what happens in the end. Congrats on this marvelous work