

            It’s May 27th, 5 months since Seokjin went to “the too-difficult-to-pronounced area”, Taehyung said, 1 week left until final and after that Taehyung will be free. Free from presentations and those killer stare from lecturers every time Taehyung tries to explain the subject. It doesn’t like Taehyung is stupid or something but “I have my own way to explain things”, as he tried to defend himself when Jimin judged him so hard one day after he presented the algorithm for Type II Diabetes.


            Taehyung misses Seokjin and university life is getting harder, though it’s 1 week left until final. The pressure of doing his best is enormous by the time he realizes that it’s Sunday and tomorrow is the first final for this term. On top of that, it’s an oral test. Taehyung hates oral tests “I hate when Mr. Sam acts so cocky like he knows every thing. Every reason on why our tablets are below standard”, he says this to Jimin as he eats the sandwich his mom prepared this morning and it’s the 10th times today. It becomes a habit for Jimin to actually pay no attention to his whiny friend, so in the end Taehyung is being ignored.


            No matter how hard Taehyung tries to look like he is prepared for tomorrow’s oral test, he is very nervous after all. His tablets are the worst, he admitted this when Sanghyuk said it without considering if his words would hurt Taehyung or not, it can’t even be disintegrated in water. Taehyung knows he (and his project group, of course) will be dead tomorrow and in addition Mr. Sam will attack him with a bunch of bizarre question (which Taehyung doesn’t even comprehend what it means). The thoughts of Mr. Sam’s sly smile, he’s aware that his students don’t understand his question let alone answering it, chills run down through Taehyung’s spine. He certainly is nervous.


            It’s 8 PM now, which means Taehyung still have 12 hours to analyze his products before he face Mr. Sam. As night becomes colder, ‘unusual’ he thinks, Taehyung shivers more. But even so, a comfortable embrace and the scent of vanilla, which Taehyung loves the most for an obvious reason, soon replace the bitter air. The warmth embrace and the sweet-scent from the fragrance are too familiar to Taehyung’s liking. He is positive that this is it, it’s the feeling that he long for the most right now. It’s Seokjin, the one and only person who is willing to put on a vanilla scented fragrance solely for Taehyung, and he’s sure even when he doesn’t turn his head from the reference books he has been attempting to look through for the past few hours.

“Miss you”, the only phrase he can form in the midst of self-debating.

“I miss you, too”, Seokjin says as he took the empty chair and placed it beside Taehyung.

“I thought you wouldn’t be back until December”, Taehyung finally turns his head from the books to properly look at Seokjin.

“Well, I should blame the short-tempered grandpa who calls me every night and grumbling about how exhausting his life recently”.

“I’m not…well…”, says Taehyung, looking sulky.

Seokjin just chuckles and ruffles the pouting boy’s hair.

The night is not as cold as before. They are too engaged in different things, but nevertheless just the sight of Seokjin working next to Taehyung makes the pressure in Taehyung’s mind gradually fade away. He can tell that he will nailed it tomorrow.

Eventually, Taehyung really did his best, got the best score, and didn’t forget to brag about his score to Seokjin (and, of course, silently thanked Seokjin for coming just because he was worry).

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owpaaal #1
Chapter 1: oh my gahd, oh my no, oh my wow!! this is so heartwarmingg >< i love this although it will be better if it's longer T_T continue your writing authornim, i support you and taejin! ^^