ϟ trainees

  ϟ mezzo — yg + jyp's new girl group — deadline: 25th feb!

# of applicants — 014
last updated — 14/FEB

leader, vocalist, visual — 001
main rapper, lead dancer — 001
Main dancer, vocalist — 002
MAIN vocalist, lead rapper — 002
lead vocalist, rapper — 001

leader #2, main dancer, vocalist — 001
main vocalist — 003
main rapper, visual — 002
triple threat — taken. #selfishauthor

note; click the images to be directed to the respective applicant's app! :)

the reviews

author's corner

sae yuseong (yuseong)

by indices

position — Triple Threat (Mezzo Forte)
face-claim — Jang Chom Mi
love interest — iKON's Chanwoo
birthdate — August 31, 1998

review — So... This is my character.... Bye.



min soohyeon (soohyeon)

by wikares

position — Main Rapper, Lead Dancer (Mezzo Piano)
face-claim — Yoo Hyun Jin
love interest — iKON's Yunhyeong
BIRTHDATE — June 14, 1996

review — Hi Carmen! The first thing on your app that I saw was your faceclaim and I was literally spazzing for half a minute cos she IS SO PRETTY. LIKE AISKJFGSLKS. Ok. I am a composed author. Lmao, don't worry about an awful fanclub name. Mines basically the same as yours XD Just casually take the surname and add something to the back, eh? Hahah. From reading the way you described Soohyeon's personality, I really got the sense of a great character who would quite possibly be the mother of the group. Or maybe just a really great older sister figure, since she has had quite a lot of experience with her younger sisters, right? I really like that idea of yours; Soohyeon being awkward with another Mezzo member. Most people with characters like yours, which is quite a few, love to mention that their character is best friends with everybody in the group, always being able to talk to anybody about everything. So, an awkward relationship a is really great idea. For her love interest, god bless you for choosing Yoyo! Their first meeting was so adorable and made me cringe so much... in a good way XD Actually, everything about her relationship with Yunhyeong is making me squeal xD Thank you for applying and a special thanks for being my first applicant :)



ryu seonhye (Soleil)

by yaeshinssi

position — Main Dancer, Vocalist (Mezzo Piano)
face-claim — Yurim
love interest — EXO's Lay
BIRTHDATE — July 4, 1995

review — Heya Mint! First off, /cries/ cos why do all ulzzangs have to be so pretty? T.T Like Yurim is perfection. She does have a bit of a resemblence to Sooyoung, doesn't she? Seonhye's personality got me smiling the whole way, because, to be very honest, it isn't like one of those typical generic characters that are always hanging around applyfics, you know? Yes, I know that mine's one of those typical hyperactive ones, but I'm not a creative person and I guess I can do what I want cos I'm the author? I don't know. That makes me sound horrible lol xD Anyways, back to you and Seonhye. Oh damn lol... I don't think I've seen anybody put down that their father/mother was a plastic surgeon XD Lmao maybe these girls could go to her dad for free, then, eh? Awww... baby Lay as Seonhye's love interest is just perf <3 Like I can die now and be happy, because I'll be imagining how cute their relationship would be. OMG OMG I just had a thought... How cute would it be if one day, Lay was suddenly like "Hey I know why you look so familiar now... You used to be on China TV, didn't you?" Ooooh! A girls night in sounds really fun! Maybe, instead of being idols, they'd just be girls for one night, and just spaz about boys they think are hot and all that. Thanks for applying :)




by chubbybunny20

position — Main Vocalist, Lead Rapper (Mezzo Piano)
face-claim — Junju
love interest — GOT7's Mark
BIRTHDATE — August 23, 1993

review — Hey Jai! Call me creepy, but prior to writing this review, I was literally staring at your faceclaim's eyes cos they're so beautiful /weeps/. Ooooh that mermaid hair is really really really pretty, but this one (click!) is a lot prettier, in my opinion :3 Originally, I was going to say that being happy-go-lucky kinda contradicts being prone to depression a lot, but then you basically explained that she believes she needs to keep her happy image, so all is well my friend. You mentioned 'Nari' a couple of times in the background, but I'm guessing you meant Jinju's mum, Jinri? Shall I go back to her personality cos I can talk about that a lot and just realised that I only talked about condradicting then un-contradicting- sorry I babble-write a lot. As a character, I think that Jinju's really great. She's got this whole open, happy-go-lucky image that could make anyone fall for her instantly, but then you delve deeper and get a girl who is prone to depression and believes she has to fulfil the role of being the happy one. /sQUEALs/ MARK omf- He'd be really adorable with Jinju like omfajfijkld. And their first meeting is real adorable. 'The 3's crazy personalities' xD Aww I can imagine Mark squirming awkwardly for a little while before speaking freely XD Thanks for applying! :)


kim johee (johee)

by amazonazafrina

position — Leader #2, Main Dancer, Vocalist (Mezzo Forte)
face-claim — Jo Eun Hee
love interest — VIXX's Ken
BIRTHDATE — January 14, 1994

review — Ahoy there Zaf! Omf- firstly, seeing as you made Johee Kai's twin sister, thank you for using Jo Eun Hee as a faceclaim cos asdhlajkfn she and Kai look so alike that it isn't even funny! I really like how you, in a sense, glorified her dark skin. As in, you really made it the centre thing about her appearance and whatnot, even though it really isn't all that dark xD Spazzes because yes she really does seem like a mix of Heechul and Jokwon from the way you described her personality. Oooh and thanks for including my baby in your friends list xD KEN! OMG KEN IS JOHEE'S LOVE INTEREST. /dies/ All in all, I guess I only had a slight issue with her backup talent twins. Maybe you misunderstood, but the backup twin was the twin for the backup position. Do you get what I'm saying? So, your chosen position was 'Leader #2, Main Dancer, Vocalist' so EXID's Hani as the vocal twin and Miss A's Fei as the dance twin is perfectly fine. Your backup position was 'Main Vocalist', but you put down f(x)'s Amber as the vocal twin. Amber is perfection, but she, being blunt, doesn't have what it takes to be a main vocalist. Do you think you could change that please? Oooh! One more thing; you got the title of the app right, but took it too literally? By 'character name' I meant that you should put your character's name there xD You'll be accepted once you fix those two minor issues. Thanks for applying! :)


ki haemyung (Youni)

by kiyouni

position — Main Vocalist (Mezzo Forte)
face-claim — Gam Da In
love interest — iKON's B.I
BIRTHDATE — June 27, 1996

review — Hello Imma! First of all, Gam Da In is simply perfection and is a great faceclaim choice for someone with Haemyung's personality. Lmao her birth name xD Frankly, that really would be a handful for Koreans to pronounce, wouldn't it? XD Thanks for adding that slight humour in. I really like Haemyung's personality, seeing as it isn't a particularly stand-outty character if you know what I'm getting at. Lmao her honesty is like one of her best traits, but also easily one of her biggest downfalls XD It'd be humorous to see her easily speaking about a secret and then the other members looking at her frantically, their eyes literally screaming "HAEMYUNG DON'T YOU DARE". I am squealing right now cos, as I scrolled down to the love interest section, I saw B.I's gif and just spazzed until I couldn't breathe. Then, looked to the side and saw that his and Haemyung's relationship was 'secretly dating'. That got me because it just seemed so cute and ashiklafhsldk. Lmao 'Leader's Weakness' as iKON's nickname for her is so cute and kawaii and adorable and just yeah. Thanks for applying!


choi eunhwa (eunhwa)

by mybiasesname

position — Main Vocalist (Mezzo Forte)
face-claim — Baek Su Min
love interest — GOT7's Youngjae
BIRTHDATE — September 14, 1997

review — Heya Jelly! You kinda stuffed up the layout, but it doesn't really matter cos I made no specifications about keeping it neat and its all still legible, so its all good. I have to say, I really like that you put in the percentages of how fluent Eunhwa is in those languages. Its unique and cool. At least, I think its unique because I haven't really gone about people's apps unless they're submitted to my applyfic. Lmao 'one of the shortest Chois'. That got me laughing, cos compared to SM's Chois and Zelo, etc, its really humorous. I really like Eunhwa's personality and it really matches Sumin, who is a great choice as a faceclaim. Oh, a neutral trait is something that doesn't exactly fit into positive or negative, or could have both positive and negative sides to it. You got the 'neutral' traits right, though, so despite not understanding, you did great xD Hahahah don't worry about the length of it. Its all good :) Thank you for chooing baby Youngjae as Eunhwa's love interest <3 He's so beautiful but I think he's kind of overlooked by everyone else in the group because of his awkward but somewhat kawaii personality <3 Thanks for applying! :)


ryu eunson (riyu)

by ---aeonian9

position — Main Vocalist (Mezzo Forte)
face-claim — Hyun Young
love interest — U-Kiss' Jun + BTS' Jungkook
BIRTHDATE — January 28, 1997

review — Hi Silvi! Omf- Hyunyoung is so pretty and she looks so /swear word/ young! Wow. She's really kawaii desu. I really like Eunson's imaginative trait. I was like smiling the whole time I read about it. I have two minor questions; Wouldn't Eunson be considered a year older than both Jun and Jungkook? <-- Wouldn't she then be a year above them in school so she wouldn't be in the same class as Jun? Idk. Maybe she started school late or I just got my facts mixed up? I'm not exactly the smartest person around lol :/ Oh damn xD She thinks EXO is overrated? Watch out Eunson! EXO-L-stans are comin to get you. Lmao she accidentally walked in on one of her members in the bathroom xD It would be a whole heck funnier if that member was constipated at the time or something XD /SPAZZES/ OMF- I CAN'T HANDLE YOU TAKING BOTH JUN AND JUNGKOOK. /calms down/ on the other hand, that would be a really beautiful and cute love triangle so ashfljksdfjkan,msdan,vs. So I ship it already. Let me get this straight... I get to choose who she ends up with, right? Please tell me I do because WOW I'd really like to make some really cute drama. Don't worry about that love interest coding thing. The coder actually mentioned that it was kind of a stuffed up part to begin with. "Don't think thoughts" xD Alrighty. All your scene requests are perfection <3 Thanks for applying! :)


hong gaeul (gaeul)

by samsaengnim

position — Lead Vocalist, Rapper (Mezzo Piano)
face-claim — Kang Ji Won
love interest — iKON's Bobby
BIRTHDATE — October 16, 1996

review — Heyo Sam! Lmao what the hell is Gaeul's Customers xD Oh Giriboy xD I actually can't believe you put own Giriboy as Gaeul's brother, though. That is simply a pefect idea <3 Gaeul really does seem like the Autumn season, to be honest, so you described her personality brilliantly. I like how you used that season as her name and as a basis to her as a whole. Aww you including Yuseong, eh? That's cute. I guess they could be good friends, given the circumstances xD Oooh you didn't put in Yeonseol's personality traits. Add them if you like. I doubt she'd really be a main point in the story anyway, if you get what I'm saying. "Ideal older brother" xD Giriboy not enough for you gurl? Oh damn... Gaeul doesn't like bright/neon clothing? /cough/yuseong wears bright clothes all the time /cough/ /sQUEALS/ Bobbyyyy! Hahaha yep I got his personality pinned down already, being an iKON fan and whatnot xD I am casually laughing on the inside because Gaeul's faceclaim's name is Bobby's Korean name xD Well, at least the 'Jiwon' part lol. Thanks for applying! :)


liang jingxin (jessiE)

by msdaisydork

position — Main Rapper, Visual (Mezzo Forte)
face-claim — Lael
love interest — Show Me The Money 3's Iron
BIRTHDATE — January 7, 1994

review — Yo Niks! Ohmyeffinggod- Lael is so attractive. Oh gods... DAmn lol xD Nice faceclaim choice! She'd definitely be the visual haha. Don't worry about JFriends! Its an ok fanclub name :) But, seeing as she likes pokemon, I guess I kind of expected a pokemon-related fanclub name? Lol idk xD Also, nice stage name. It actually reminds me of Jessie from Pokemon except that Jingxin does not have purple hair like that and she definitely doesn't have the same personality. Jingxin has the type of personality that I really like and she could potentially act well as the group's mother? Maybe during the afternoon or something, though, since she's not a morning person, right? xD Lmao yes! But I'm having trouble between 'Real Mezzo' and 'Mezzo TV' :/ cos 'Real' is a JYP thing and 'TV' is YG's. Maybe Real Mezzo TV, then? Haha idk. Damn all those rappers that she's currently crushing on xD I totally understand lol. The troubles of a fangirl xD Just one thing, really, that needs to be fixed up and you'll be accepted. Singing and dancing twins are required even if your position doesn't state that you're a singer/dancer. All idols will dance and sing when the time calls for it, though the ones who don't have that down as a position aren't as strong as the others. So, for that reason, do not put down someone like Hyoyeon for a dancing twin, or someone like Ailee for a vocal twin. Instead, I'd go for someone like Apink's Eunji or Girl's Day's Minah as a dancing twin, since they can still readily keep up with their group. And, for vocals, I'd say maybe someone like SNSD's Yoona or Girl's Day's Hyeri for vocal twin? Oh and just one more thing- The backup talent twin is the twin for your backup position. Does that make sense? So Miryo could definitely not be Jingxin's rap twin for her backup position since, if you don't have a rap position you won't be required to rap and yeah. Yeah... if I were to use Jingxin's backup position, the SMTM things would probably need to be changed because she doesn't have a rap position and if she was really that strong of a rapper, going on SMTM and everything, she'd be given a rap position. If you'd like to keep things as is, I recommend that you change her backup position to the main rapper of Mezzo Piano, if you get what I'm saying. Sorry for the long review ;_; but thanks for applying! :)


yoon siyeon (siyeon)

by vivianism

position — Leader, Vocalist, Visual (Mezzo Piano)
face-claim — Hong Yoo Kyung
love interest — Lee Soohyuk
BIRTHDATE — March 3, 1993

review — Hiya Vivi! First off, I am incredibly sorry for the late review >< I had a test to study for. I am currently swearing in Japanese because Yoo Kyung is so beautiful <3 I mean it. That flawless skin is to die for. One thing I've noted is that you wrote everything in lower case... And, its actually all really neat and pretty! I also particularly enjoyed how you separated each section into points/parts/stage, etc. It's extremely effective and captured me oh-so-well :) The fact that you said she's had plastic surgery and is readily ok with it me as amusing :3 Its not everyday that you'll find a girl who admits that she's had work done on her face xD Siyeon's personality is the perfect one for a leader! Like seriously! I would worship anybody who protected me and was able to juggle so many things at once. Let me worship Siyeon! I see her as that typical oldest sister you see in movies- The one who always thinks of her younger siblings as babies and wants nothing to do with them, but when the time calls for it, she'll be the most loving sister ever. I see Siyeon that way and I'm proud of it :) I think it'd really be cute to see her sighing or reprimending her fellow members for behaving in a silly way, but when they need help with something, she'd probably be the first they'd go to. And my-oh-my, Soohyuk is perfection! Let me hug him <3 'Friends crushing on each other' made me squeal and then swear in Japanese again cos its so kawaii <3 Thanks for applying! :)


kwon yoomi (may)

by misstomorrow

position — Leader #2, Main Dancer, Vocalist (Mezzo Forte)
face-claim — Sayo Yoshida
love interest — GOT7's Jr
BIRTHDATE — August 8, 1994

review — Hey Maria! I'm sorry for the late review T.T But oooh! A Japanese faceclaim! And she's so pretty like omfg- ergh- I aspire to be an ulzzang one day xD I'm really adoring her personality at the moment because its so beautiful! Yoomi seems like a really fun person to be around, yet someone you need to have around to be bold and loyal and all those cake flavours. That 'friendly rival' thing between the two main dancers of Mezzo seems like a really great idea and I'd love to put it into action. I'd really like to see the two having a dance battle or something xD Ooooh! And one of the songs that come on should be 'I like to Move It' from Madagascar! That would be epic :3 Or lol, because you mentioned that she can poll dance, both girls would have a pole dancing battle and then both YG and JYP walk in on them and are like "WTF ARE WE LOOKING AT?!" 'It's not uncommon to see her complaining about the politics? xD Hit me right in the kokoro because it reminded me of this school teacher of mine who keeps forgetting to actually teach us and will spaz about politics instead xD Anyways, I am internally screaming like a dying pig right now because JR. Also, I have to mention that there's someone who is planning on applying and she asked me if Jr. could be her character's idol sibling. I said yes so that could potentially be cute. As in, that character could openly hug him or something like that and it'll fuel a whole bucketload of jealousy in Yoomi. But then, it's only later that she finds out they're siblings and starts treating that girl extremely sweetly in the hopes that she'll put in a good word for her in a conversation with Jr. Idk man xD Thanks for applying!


park yeonji (yeonji)

by insiduous

position — Main Rapper, Visual (Mezzo Forte)
face-claim — Park Seul
love interest — BTS Jungkook + U-Kiss' Jun
BIRTHDATE — 22 November, 1998

review — Hi Hallie! Ergh that username xD Gives me the creeps, tbh. Lets just say that horror movies are on a lower rung on my ladded or likes. Park Seul is a really great faceclaim choice! So young and beautiful xD Yeonji's personality is so adorable and lovable! I am so in love with it already. Her awkwardness is so cute. Idk, I think she'd be the ultimate cutie pie of the group or something. Plus aegyo. Omf- Imagine her doing aegyo. I would become her ultimate fangirl or something. OMFG SHE LOVES ALL THE BOOKS I LOVE. LIKE WUT- Eheh GOT7's Jr is the cutest choice for an idol sibling. I feel like he really really does on her, and like you said, cares for her like a mother cares for her kid. Ergh, back to Yeonji's personality. Actually, lets go to her name. I really like the sound of her name. Its like a muted, more sweeter version of /KARA's/ Youngji. I don't know. It just really appeals to me for some reason. Oh, and rearrange bits and pieces and you'll get Park Jiyeon xD Anyways. Yeonji's personality is, like I've been saying, really adorable and kawaii. Chyeah. And I like that love square thing going on. /thanks for discussing with me beforehand :)/ I really really like the thought of it. Wait... ---aeonian9 agreed to it, right? Cos if not, this would be competely awkward xD Anyways, I think I'd have heaps of fun making this mini drama or something. Idek. Thanks for applying! :)


nam jiyeon (ji yeon)

by waterlily0777

position — Main Vocalist, Lead Rapper (Mezzo Piano)
face-claim — Kang Hye Yeon
love interest — B.A.P's Zelo
BIRTHDATE — April 24, 1993

review — Hiya Kim! I am really really really sorry for the late review! My test is over now, though, so its all good :3 Omf- Hye Yeon is my life! She's so beautiful and I particularly like her short-haired which is why I picked that image next to your review :3 Ehheh. I saw Jiyeon's surname and I was like... Eiiii I'm guessing that Taehyun will be her brtoher. And boom I was correct! I'm so smart xD slapped I'm pretty sure that f(x)'s Luna is the lead dancer of her group, so please change the dancing twin to someone who doesn't necessarily have a dancing position in her group, but is strong enough to follow along with everyone else. Within f(x), I'd say that you could use Sulli or something? But, of course, she doesn't have to be from f(x). I was just saying that cos Luna's from f(X) so... yeah I don't know where I'm going with this xD Just change the dancing twin, please? I really adore Jiyeon's personality and it would totally complement Zelo really well. Hold up- zELO! /hyperventilates/ I miss B.A.P T.T I saw Zelo's graduation pics and I was like 'awwww Zelo baby <3'. I miss them so much and I really thank you for putting him down as your love interest. I don't think many would include down a currently inactive person as their lover. Thanks for applying! :)


kwon hara (Hara)

by ohlovi

position — Main Dancer, Vocalist (Mezzo Piano)
face-claim — Kim Ja Young
love interest — Winner's Seungyoon
BIRTHDATE — April 1, 1994

review — Hi Livi! Like I said to the applicant above, I'm really sorry for the late review! I hope you forgive me!   >.< I genuinely love Hara's personality! My god- It's just brilliant! I really like how she's a strongly opinionated girl, but then there's the carefree side to her, too. Not everybody is perfect, and, we were all made to contradict ourselves. Lmao I totally agree! Who could not be friends with Bobby? He was probably put on the earth to be everybody's bestie, know what I'm saying? Lol he's just too friendly for everyone to handle. OMf- CHANWOO IS HARA'S IKON BIAS? LMAO XD Nu-uh girlfriend! Watch Yuseong kill her- Actually, Yuseong probably wouldn't do that.. She doesn't like like Chanwoo yet so Hara's free to stan him :3 But you really captured his personality so well! He is the friendliest guy I've ever seen and his dimpled smile is so kawaii. Sorry, lol. I got off track and spazzed about Chanwoo and my own character >.< See this is why I put him down as my love interest. I can't not love him. He's one of my ultimate biases at the moment. Back to you-  MY GOD. THAT SEUNGYOON DERP THE LIFE OUT OF ME. Please- I can't handle Winner's derps xD Sighs. Omg yes! They should totally go on weekly idol with iKON/Winner! That'd be kawaii desu! Thanks for applying! :)



character name

by username

position — here
face-claim — here
love interest — here

review — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus.


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Chapter 2: Thank you for the review!
I'm glad you liked Yoomi -- Sayo Yoshida, I know, she's a goddess. I wish I could look like that.
Please let there be a pole dance battle I would literally die laughing. If their love interests walked in though.
Oh my gosh if Yoomi was in the same group as the younger Park sibling. He'd be all "Remember that sister I have? She's not so little anymore." And then it's her and Yoomi's just dumbfounded and Jinyoung thinks it's hilarious. She'd be like "Do you still love my brother?" and Yoomi would not so casually change the subject because she still sees her as a little girl. Oh my god.
forward #2
Chapter 2: thanks for the nice review!<3
Chapter 2: omf- thanks for the really quick review!
hahahah im really glad that you like yeonji :3:
she is quite kawaii, isn't she?
yep! ---aeonian9 agreed to it :)
Chapter 2: Thank you for the review author-nim. =))))))))) I've updated my application. I added the needed positions. I just wanna say that I really wanna be part of JYP lol hahahahaha and yeah i hope i understand all the things you have pointed out. if their are still mistakes please inform. thank youuu o u o
Chapter 3: omg what is this
Chapter 2: thank you for the review ^.^
i added yeonseol's traits btw
and you can hear lim kim's songs to understand gaeul's voice (its great)
sorry for my horrible 'gaeul's customers'. i don't really know how to make a fanclub name
yuseong's so cute so i added her to gaeul's friends ^.^
author-nim, this is midnight-tinkerbelle a.k.a ki hae myung XD
i want to inform you that i changed my username. XD
Chapter 2: author-nim please wait for my application *insert crying emoji here* i'll send it later hahahaha thank you!! fighting!!