
C▲NDID — ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏ ʀᴀɴᴛs ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏɴғᴇssɪᴏɴs (check out the new layout!)
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CANDID RANT When you create a RP you feel so linked to it that you did all the stuff, from advertising to welcoming each member and bam when things goes wrong, the other admins points to you saying you are childish and then they claimed that they created the RP and you are just taking all the credit like urgh.. are you even hearing yourself? Sometimes I really wonder what I did wrong though
        A/N Wow but you're the one that did all that hard work. Peeps just can't blame you for things going wrong, tsk. Like do they even hear how childish they're acting? It's never just ONE admin that is at fault. Admins are suppose to work together as a unit, so when things go wrong they share the responsibility. That is just so unfair. I just can't even right now ._.           CO.NETWORK
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phonology #1
Chapter 112: thank you for changing the layout rong, i can read the confessions now < 3
Chapter 107: idk if it's just me but i can't read the confessions because the picture is blocking the way? this occurs to the previous chapters too ;a;
Chapter 89: that's what i learnt about roleplaying so far. hayoung from apink used to be my number 1 bias but this person who roleplay as eunji changed my bias list so eunji's definitely my first now ;a; (lmao i think i commented too much? i should stop-)
Chapter 7: i just feel like the need to say something about this . I AGREE WITH THE KRYSTAL AND EXO MEMBERS ISSUE. I've been roleplaying for a long time and every roleplay I joined I see Krystal x Kai, Krystal x Sehun, Krystal x Kris etc... not hating on her or anything(she's one of my fav in f(x) ). I thought I was the only one who noticed this whole thing whew.
Chapter 57: THIS IS SO TRUE OMG FINALLY SOMEONE SAID SOMETHING ABOUT THIS XD most of the close friends i made in roleplaying are apink members lol and they are just so fun and cheerful aww <3
Chapter 50: it's mostly the girl idol rp who does this thing and very common in the roleplaying industry lmao XD
Chapter 19: this happened to me once, i was roleplaying as a guy idol and then suddenly one of my really close friend in the RP (girl roleplayer) told me that someone has a crush on me and then she asked me if i was a girl OOC because that person that has a crush on me wanted to know if i was a girl or not. So i was debating if i should lie to that person but in the end i told my friend that I'm actually a girl and then she told that person and i never heard of that 'secret admire' anymore. I knew who that admire was because i convinced my friend to tell me. It really annoyed me tho :/ geez roleplayers nowadays.
Chapter 1: and this too! oh my god, this roleplay that i'm in has quite a bunch of rpers who give half-hearted replies. it's so annoying!!
Chapter 30: yeah! i hate it when you're only the co-admin but the head admin doesn't do anything for the roleplay. like, if you're going to help or run a roleplay, be committed and don't just rely on one admin!!