
The Oddest Place to Find Gravity

Annoyance spread through his vein, it wasn't that he was jealous or anything but he had gotten used to working with Kyungsoo, and as to why his sister decided to separate them made Jongin slightly cranky.

After the incident last week, Jongin and Kyungsoo shared shy glances but with a glint in their eyes. No one spoke of it, but certainly did not let it go. In fact they stepped up their game, when the tension between them had become too much, things stirred. Sudden kisses as Kyungsoo was pushed towards the wall, haggard breathing as Jongin’s hair was pulled while harsh red marks on the doe-eyed’s ethereal skin. Pushing each other to the bathroom stalls, grinding at first, but then more and more was needed. What would take a span of a month or two between healthy adults, Jongin and Kyungsoo got them covered in a week. But who can control the male species and their urges.

Kisses turned deeper, lower and possibly more meaningful..

Kyungsoo isn’t one to simply sleep with a person, but then again Jongin isn’t just anyone. So when things moved in a speed of light, he felt terrified. Kyungsoo didn't want to be used and thrown away once done with, but Jongin isn't that kind of person. Contrary to his face, Jongin is not a player. He knew that. So Kyungsoo puts every hope he found within him and decides to trust in him. He wasn’t asking to be loved, not that he minds, he just didn't want to feel used.

By god, Kyungsoo prays that this isnt just for his pride. He acknowledges that that was how it started, and he is grateful for it, truly. But somehow along the confusion, Kyungsoo found his feelings getting jumbled up.

And if this was the way to get Jongin, then Kyungsoo deemed it worth it.

Lately things have been difficult for Kyungsoo, not that anyone could tell. Jongin spent most of his time on his phone with Chanyeol, Kyungsoo knew it was platonic but still. It’s not like things were serious between them however, Jongin felt like he had to explain himself hence telling Kyungsoo about the struggles Chanyeol was facing. And to his surprise, Kyungsoo smiled. Jongin didn't know if he should feel offended since he smiled right after telling him about Chanyeol’s misfortune or feel delighted that the latter smiled.

Kyungsoo eased after learning the  new piece of information. He relished in the feeling that Jongin was explaining, was sharing a piece of himself to Kyungsoo. That made him feel extra generous towards Jongin but to his dismay they were separated for the day. Which felt weird since for the past two weeks they were working together (and so did their body.) So rather than giving Jongin the time of his life, Kyungsoo kept shooting longing gazes to the tanned male.

Maybe this was wrong, maybe Kyungsoo should not have started this. Looking at Jongin speak to the people working in the nursery swells his heart.

Two weeks in and Kyungsoo is putting hope on marking Jongin, who was he kidding? But he tried to remain positive, he might not have Jongin to himself but he certainly is getting a piece of him. Right?

He, however, did not know that Jongin was easily attached and was never good at sharing.

Seated at the corner of nursery, aligning the books on the shelves, Jongin's eyes kept darting towards the other end, where Kyungsoo was feeding the children.

Cream puff.

The round pastry, puffed to perfection, the hole where the cream was squirted in was opposite to Kyungsoo's mouth. As his plump lips carefully bit into the fluffy sweet, cream found its way to the ends of his lips and Kyungsoo it creating a sensual scene for Jongin. To top it off, when the oblivious guy took another bite, a bit of cream was squeezed out from the hole it went in.

White cream coming out of a hole did no good to Jongin, nor his groin. But of course, mercy was not on his agenda as Kyungsoo expressed how delicious the pastry was by quietly it. Yet loud enough for Jongin to hear. Or maybe his senses heightened thanks to Kyungsoo. The seeping cream fell on Kyungsoo's finger, and due to the lack of tissues the poor boy had to use his tongue to lap it up.

Jongin truly believed that he was being made fun of by god; it is just impossible for that to happen, one after the other.

But when Kyungsoo’s eyes locked with Jongin’s as he continued the cream off his finger, something in Jongin snapped. The tanned male shot up and dashed towards Kyungsoo, grabbed his wrist and placed his mouth dangerously close to Kyungsoo’s ears. Blood flooded his face as Kyungsoo felt the others breath against his ear; it was ragged and hot.

“I will ram you into oblivion if you don’t stop Do Kyungsoo” Jongin hissed, hands still gripping tightly. Kyungsoo knew better than to succumb to his lust but alas, groin over brain.

Kyungsoo, cheeks still burning, inched backwards to face Jongin, and when their face was parallel to each other, he slowly brought up his hand and placed it over Jongin’s lips.

“Make me.”



Sleep didn’t visit Baekhyun, thoughts and feelings were going rampage, and he was cold. He couldn’t buy a new blanket since he didn’t how long he would stay, nor did he sleep with thicker clothes since it would only suffocate him.  And if he were to be honest, Chanyeol was the perfect heat; the warmth he emitted was what Baekhyun sought for. So now when he and Chanyeol were sleeping as to what it felt like miles apart, Baekhyun seemed to have forgotten as to how to fall asleep.

The next few days felt even worse, Chanyeol barely spoke to Baekhyun, only when they had their meals and occasionally when bumped into each other. They stayed in an apartment, so to say that they had to bump into each other was odd, but that truly was the case. Baekhyun heard Chanyeol talk to Jongin over the phone, his tone gave away that he was complaining. How much is he going to complain?

There was a certain feeling bubbling within him. Baekhyun couldn't quite put a finger to it. It was asphyxiating and clung heavily onto his heart. Whatever it was, it didn't feel good. He wanted it gone, but the more he thought about it the more he felt it.

The feeling of being replaced.

Which was funny because Baekhyun wasn't anything to be replaced in the first place. They were together the whole time, yet he wouldn't hear Chanyeol complain about his day, or merely talk about how it was. Instead Baekhyun would overhear him wailing over the phone. Who was he to compare himself to Jongin? Baekhyun knew, they were different, they meant differently to Chanyeol. But he can't help it, he can't.

He shouldn't feel this when Chanyeol goes to Jongin rather coming to him. He shouldn't feel this when Chanyeol doesn't tell him about his day. He shouldn't feel this at all. Baekhyun and Chanyeol are close, and got along very well but that's about it. Jongin is different, they knew each other for a longer period, they've been through stuff together, and they overcame obstacles with each other’s help, who was Baekhyun to feel replaced. He was merely a friend.

Baekhyun wouldn't ask Chanyeol anything personal, fear he named it. But was he asking too much for the other to openly talk to him like it’s the most natural thing.

For a while it was only them two, adjusting to their new situation, to the new house, to the new life. But after everything fell into place, Baekhyun realized that their world didn't consist of them two only.

Chanyeol was nice, observant even though he says he isn't, objective, caring, understanding and so much more. And this is what makes it worse, Baekhyun keeps finding out more about Chanyeol and he's just becoming better and better. And Baekhyun finds himself becoming attached to the taller, while Chanyeol only has Baekhyun at an arm length. It was getting frustrating. He might really end up falling in love with Chanyeol, Baekhyun feared. If he is feeling this while they're friends, what would he turn into if he falls for the taller.

The two weeks was coming to an end, meaning that the book was supposedly arriving soon. They have another week until the holiday ends, and Baekhyun is grateful that he and Chanyeol are drifting apart. Leaving him and returning to his usual lifestyle won’t be as difficult then.  Its not as if his feelings would disappear, but something is better than nothing. Or at his this point, it’s the other way around.

Chanyeol came out of the room in his sweat pants, only. His hair wet from the shower, and the droplets of water that rolled down glistened his body, making him shine.

Baekhyun stared at the beauty before him sullenly, before he rolled his eyes and pressed his palms onto his face in frustration. He wasn't in the mood for a come-do-me looking Chanyeol.

"What's wrong?" Chanyeol asked, "Why aren't you watching your show? It airs now."

"God damn it" Baekhyun muttered under his breath.


"I watched it online," Baekhyun replied as cheerfully possible.

"Then why aren't you using your laptop?"

"Does it look like the only thing I do?" Baekhyun snapped.

"Uh, yea. When you don't watch TV, you're on your laptop, if not then you tend to read a magazine. And if not that then you finally talk to me."

"Finally talk to you? Oh, well I'm sorry, I don't like to interrupt someone when they're on the phone" Baekhyun shifted the blame.

"Oh please, I'm not always on the phone" Chanyeol defended.

"Yeah? What were you doing before showering?" Chanyeol didn't reply. "And what did you want to do after dressing up?"

Okay so maybe he did spend a bit more time on the phone with Jongin, than the usual, but that didn't mean he left Baekhyun. In his defense, he was having Baekhyun troubles, and to whom was he supposed to talk to? Baekhyun? Of course not. Its not like he isn't admitting his increasing affection for Baekhyun, not at all, he just has trouble keeping it on bay.

"So what if I use my phone a lot?" Chanyeol suddenly spoke.

"S-s so what? I don't care if you use your phone, its just that.." Baekhyun tried to arrange his thoughts, "you know what this is pointless. What are we arguing over?"

"No. Answer my question, what is it to you that I use my phone a lot?" Chanyeol insisted

"Get over yourself, it’s got nothing to do with me," Baekhyun barked

"Then why are you pissed?"

"I'm not," he sighed, running his hand into his hair.

"Yeah, well you gotta do better than that because I'm not convinced" Chanyeol folded his arms.

"I'm not angry okay." Chanyeol merely stared, unfazed, at Baekhyun.

"Look, I had a bad day, and I accidentally took it out on you. I'm sorry."

"No" Chanyeol stated quickly.

"No?" Shocked at the others statement, Baekhyun automatically repeated Chanyeol’s answer.

"No, I don't accept your apology. Answer my question."

"Oh my god, Chanyeol get over it!"

"I will if you tell me what's wrong,"

"There is nothing wrong, and I told you I had a bad day."

"Baekhyun, I'm with you the whole day if something were to happen, I would know. Tell me, what did I do wrong?" Chanyeol spoke softly.

Of course, of course he knew, Chanyeol always knew. Why is he even asking if he knew Baekhyun so well, he probably knew things about the shorter that he doesn't know about himself. Goddamn it, Baekhyun felt all sorts of emotion beginning to pent up. It was unfair how Chanyeol knew Baekhyun so well but he knew nothing about the taller.

"Nothing, you did nothing. Its all in my head," Baekhyun just wanted to get away.

"Then what's biting your ?" Chanyeol snapped.

"Why don't you ask Jongin?" Baekhyun mentally slapped himself after saying that. He stood and walked, wanting to lock himself in the bedroom, but as he took his third step, Chanyeol grabbed his shoulder and shoved him harshly against the wall; his hand on both sides, trapping Baekhyun.

"What does Jongin have to do with this?" Chanyeol growled. Baekhyun clenched his jaw in fear, annoyance and terror. "Baekhyun please," he pleaded, "Please tell me, what does jongin have to do with this? I’ve never seen you like this, you have to tell me what’s happening."

"It hurts okay, it's just.. It ing hurts" Baekhyun voiced cracked, and it broke Chanyeol but he said nothing letting Baekhyun continue. "I thought maybe I meant more to you. No no not more, just something. That I meant something to you. But I guess... I'm not Jongin after all."

Chanyeol’s face turned grim, and Baekhyun knew the taller misinterpreted his feelings. "You are you, and Jongin is Jongin. Both of you mean the world to me, but you guys are different"

"I know, I know, I swear I do. I keep telling myself that. But I can't help but feel this this annoying thing. Chanyeol it hurts."

"Baek.." Chanyeol started; Baekhyun looked at the floor, not trusting himself with looking into Chanyeol’s eyes. "Baek, Baek look at me," he only got replied with a Baekhyun shaking his head.

"Baekhyun please, please look at me" and when he did, Chanyeol lost all his words. What had he done?

Baekhyun's eye were glassy as tears threatened to spill, the tip of his nose were red, his Adam apple bobbed harshly as he tried to swallow forcefully, his jaws clenched tightly before letting out a shaky breath.

"This is wrong," Chanyeol let out softly, earning a gaping Baekhyun, "Baek, don't you ever compare yourself to Jongin. Ever."

, that hurt. Baekhyun knew he and Jongin were on different levels, but for Chanyeol to spell it out for him was painful. A lump started to form in Baekhyun’s throat, and he blinked furiously stifling any tears to fall out.

"Chanyeol," Baekhyun placed his palms on the others chest and slightly pushed him, "leave me alone please."

"No, I'm not do--"

"Please," his voice shook yet sounded ever so stern. Chanyeol, against his own will, stepped back, allowing Baekhyun to walk away.

Baekhyun moved quickly into the room, afraid that Chanyeol would make him stay. He's had enough for a day.

             Chanyeol could only watch the other walk into the room, a heavy unsettling feeling lingering throughout his body. His knees betrayed him as he crashed onto the floor. He went numb. What have I done?

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Chapter 8: Oooooh, god, I need to read the next chapter so hard T-T
This is really a good story !
I don't really know why Kyungsoo did it..
Maybe it was because he wanted to do it but he was too afraid, and he thought that, this way, he will be capable to do it with Jongin..
I don't think he used it for Jongin, but for himself