Wooyoung came to my birthday and my life has a great changes!!

Wooyoung came to my birthday and my life has a great changes!!

I talked to wooyoung to get his sign and he just signed for us.. he even sang a song named Heatbeat  and we asked why don't you sing "Electricity or others" ??

He answered "Because it's my favorite song!

"What kind of girl do you like?" I asked...

"The girl that immediently comes to my heart" answered wooyoung...

"Its me!!" answered IU. "IN DREAM HIGH" continued IU

"HA HA HA !! Poor you guys... " said Candy and May Thu

"WHAT EVER... " -.-  I REPLYED..

"Wooyoung! what is your real facebook??" I asked..

"It's Jang Woo Young, but there are too many people who do Jang Woo Young and most of it are all fake... " answered wooyoung...

"Oh..." I said "So can you add me?? My facebook is... ***********" I continued..

"Ok! I will!" wooyoung answered...

"How about you? IU?? " Mabel asked..

"Oh... me?? imm.........." answered IU..


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Annyeong:) I'd added a tag for ur story. This tag is a link for readers to find ur story easier. Thank you and have a nice day:) <br />
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~Dreams_alive (M)