Freeze Me

[CONTENTID2]a friend and ally is what they see in him[/CONTENTID2][CONTENTID1]

His fists tighten. The rumble inside his chest cannot be appeased. Her assaults on his heart is never ending. And, she knows. She knows it very well. She delights in watching a fallen demon rise.

Her hands rest against his bare chest. She knows. She knows where he hurts most. Slipping past collarbone to the base of his neck. Her fingers curve, wrapping like a silk noose. "Would you like to know how your sisters died? Just for you, Jaejoong... I took great liberties in caring for them. Still... you should have seen them... in their last moments of life. How they tried to protect you from me." The vibrations in her voice gives her away. "Utterly ridiculous. Them... trying to protect you... from me."

Pleasure floods and burst forth. Her laughter falls onto his ears like a shower of needles. She sighs and wipes a diamond tear from the corner of her eye. "Who do they think they are? Your lovers? What stupid sisters, you have. But, in spite of their stupidity, you may take comfort in knowing my thoughts were solely reserved for their last breath in that one fleeting moment." Her nails curl to penetrate soft skin. "To have life snatched away by these white hands... it is a great honor, agreed?"

She observes his pupils move, syncing with the pressure of her fingers on his neck. "Have no worries, my love. I killed you once. It would be repetitive to kill you twice."

He is silent. No different than his response while frolicking under the waves of deep slumber. He has always been a demon of few words. Content to listen, allowing her to speak all which she wishes to speak. Those smooth lips that are always moving. Never stopping. Not even for him.

"I know, Jaejoong. I know you are frozen in confusion. Too many things to think about. Too many things to do. Should you kill me now or later? Is it abandonment or betrayal? My poor love... there must be a thousand little voices in your head having a wicked bash."

Her hands fall away and she sinks down to her knees. Without turning his head, his eyes follow... never leaving her shining face. "As much as I love to hear the sound of my own voice, I must leave you. So you may carefully rearrange your emotions and order your thoughts. But believe me!"

She flings her entire body over his, trembling with passion ablaze. "Believe me when I say... I would much rather be here with you."

Except for the beating of their hearts, it is silent. One moment, that is all she allows herself... before tearing herself away most reluctantly.

"Savor this time, my love. You are now one of a kind. But promise me... promise me you will not take too long."

• • • • • • •

She means to take revenge. We should have never allowed the path to diverge as such.

We should have kept her a prisoner forever.

You know very well we do not have the means to keep her captive forever. 

If only we could erase her... make her disappear all together.

That is not our way.

Not our way? We cannot fight her fire with a droplet of mist!

• • • • • • •

Resting on his back, with his hands behind his head, he watches as thick clouds merge against the raging black sky. A thunderbolt rips through the dark, celestial fabric... like her flames. The elder gods, they have taken him in... healed him. To a certain extent, he is thankful... thankful for their love and care, thankful for being given the chance to partake in their little plans for the world of tomorrow. It is a grand honor. He is sure it is, but their talk does not interest him. Completely opposite. It bores him to death. All talk and no action. It is a wonder they ever do anything.

But... they do not know it. She is taking her punishment as they speak. He knows what hurts her most. She is taking her punishment now. Though it seems... the longer he waits, the more her punishment becomes their punishment. His ability to tolerate pain is unmatched, but there exist a limit to his tolerance... like all things.

Should he kill them now or later? He has waited... quite long enough. Being the last of his kind has given him the power... the power of an entire race. The power... to destroy, even the gods. He is one of a kind... just like her.

They had blindly invited him into their circle... believing him a friend, believing him an ally, believing they had a common enemy, the goddess of fire. How stupid. How utterly stupid, they are... just like his dead sisters. They will end up to be just as dead... for in their descent to true death lies his ascension to godhood.

To become a god. The Demon Ice God. 

"Xinling..." His whispers... psychotic and possessive. "My sweet goddess of fire... you are next." His laughter... divine.

The Fire Goddess and Demon Ice God... a worthy match.


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Chapter 1: Congrats! ^_^
000054 #2
Chapter 1: Congratulations
Chapter 1: Congrats on the feature
Chapter 4: whoa, the language.. is very, very good. I got into the story! this is a really good one!
Chapter 4: Waaahhh! Why does it feel like Jaejoong has deceived them all into thinking that he's truly mourning for the tragedy that has befallen his kind. That he's the innocent victim here. T^T I'm now inclined to believe that it has all been orchestrated by him and Xinling is just there to make everything happen. I think he'll soon kill the elder gods and find Xinling to be with her again. After all, they're not the stupid ones in this fic. ^^

As always, you've delivered an amazing story. I didn't expect the ending to be like this. Really nice! ^^
Chapter 3: I forgot about his scars. T^T

Poor Jaejoong. It must have been difficult for him. I don't know if it would have been better for him to stay in deep sleep and remain elusive to everything, or finally be awake to exact his revenge on her. Xinling is such an intriguing character. When you described her whispers to be ' psychotic and possessive', that definitely made everything so much darker and exciting. >_< I' sure Jaejoong's not happy with what she shared so I'm anticipating his response on the next chap. Uwaah! Jaejoong, are you going to be violent on the next update? I hope not. >_<
Chapter 2: Oh, so she's Xinling... I would have never guessed. I really thought she was just a patient who knew things. It excites me to know that Jaejoong will soon wake from his slumber. I wonder how he will react once he finds out that he's the last of his kind. He'll probably not be as eager to be with her as she is to him. I can picture him in my mind, sleeping like a prince....*sigh* So beautiful.
Misa's knowledge of the Fire Goddess and the Ice Demon intrigues me. Surely, a girl like her (is she human? *shrugs* I don't know) wouldn't have been able to find out about that unless she witnessed it herself or had been a part of it. Of course, there's also the possibility that they are all a product of her imagination. Still, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they're real and she just knew about them (somehow).
Where'd you get that picture of the guy (you know, the Ice Demon)? Who is he? He looks handsome (LOL I have a strange way of looking at beauty).
Anyway, looking forward to it! ^o^