02 - Park Chanyeol



Chanyeol was woken by the sound of the door slamming shut. He sat up, wincing in pain from his hangover. Sehun's appartment was amazing. From his flatscreen TV, to his smart black leather sofas, Sehun's appartment oozed sophistication and class. He took pride in his appearance, and his house was no exception. Beautiful art work lined the crisp white walls, and a spotless black carpet sat beautifully on the brown wooden floor. To say Chanyeol was older than Sehun made him cringe. Sehun had already made so much of himself. Chanyeol on the other hand..


Ring Ring ! Ring !


Chanyeol jumped, scavenging the sofa to find his phone. 


Caller ID : Umma-bear


"Dammit" He scoffed, before answering the phone. "Yo~ Mum, what's up?"

"CHANNIE IT'S BEEN A WEEK YOU HAVEN'T CALLED WHY HAVEN'T YO-" His mother yelled, Chanyeol had to pull the phone away from his ear to prevent his ear buds from bursting, and interupted her sharply.

"Mum. I'm not deaf. I've been busy, that's why I haven't called." He lied. If anything, he'd been bored out of his wits for a week. He hated that he had to lie to his mum but he couldn't have her know what a failure he was. He heard his mum breathe in deeply down the phone.

"Baby I've been worried. Tell me about everything, your job? Have you got a partner yet? When can I come over?" He winced at these words. His life was a lie. A complete lie.

"My job is awesome, I think I might be getting promoted soon as I've been working so hard. And uh- the house is still being done up, I wouldn't want you sleeping in a half finished room. Maybe next month." He cringed. What a liar. Job? I don't even have a job. I don't have a house, I don't have anything. But since it's mum.. I have to make her happy.

"Chanyeol? You there sweetie?" He snapped out of his daydream. 

"Uh.. Yeah sorry, I'm just getting ready to go to work.." Liar. Liar. Liar.

"But.. It's Saturday?" Oh.. Sh....

"Yeah. I'm working extra time." More lies. Lies upon lies.

"That's great dear. I'm so proud you're such a great so-"

"Sorry mum, I gotta get going or i'll be late. Love you bye!" He spoke so fast he could barely breathe. He hung up and slammed his phone into the sofa. 

I can't live being a liar.





Baekhyuns deep slumber was ended by Yoora chewing on his toes. He squinted in the bright sunlight, rolling onto his front to cover his eyes. "Yah, stop. I'm coming" He groaned. He sat up, ran his fingers through his bed hair, and pushed the duvet away from his body. Yoora ran downstairs, awaiting her breakfast. Baekhyun stared at his sleepy face in the mirror. "Why is it so difficult" he groaned, lazily throwing a punch towards the mirror. His fist spread to an open palm as he softly hit the glass. To say he was beautiful was an understatement. He was 174cm, slim, with sparkling brown eyes and a charming smile. But none of that mattered if no one noticed him. He groaned, and wrapped his near body in his favourite robe.

He sludged towards the kitchen, still half asleep, where Yoora sat patiently by her food bowl. He grabbed the closest tin of cat food from the shelf and scooped it generously into her bowl. He spent the next hour scouring the internet, the newspaper and anything else he could find for a personal assistant. It was useless, no one decent. The only way he could do this was to hold interviews himself. He took his laptop and posted a short advertisement onto the company's main webpage. With more than 50,000 hits a day, someone is bound to be half decent... Right?


Are you intersted in joining BYUN-STAR ENT? Our CEO is searching for the perfect personal assistant.

You must be of at least 20 years of age, able to work full time and well suited to a proffesional atmosphere.

Please email your CV and Cover letter to [email protected]


Good luck!


And... Post. To be honest, this idea was insane. He was sure that 99% of the people emailing him would be crazy fangirls asking him to send him some pictures of their favourite idols but... Surely someone with a brain would apply. Right? He slammed his laptop shut and groaned. Fiddling with his hair, he sat slumped in the chair for a good 10 minutes before deciding to eventually make himself breakfast.

After grabbing a decent sized bowl of his favourite cereal, he slide onto his sleek black sofa, and spent a good 2 hours watching Happy Camp episodes. He can't deny he loves this kind of junk, even if it's aimed at fangirls. It's nice to see celebrities, especially ones from his own company, having fun and enjoying themselves.




Chanyeol had been looking online for a good 3 hours for a job. ANY job. The trouble is, he had near no qualifications and everything wanted so much. Sure, there were jobs availible, but they weren't just jobs. They were jobs with 6 years training, or 2 diplomas, or top grades in every subject that exists. This was useless. The sound of the door unlocking startled him. He realised he was still sat in the exact same position Sehun had saw him in when he left this morning.

"Have a good day?" Sehun grinned.

"If looking for jobs with no sucess and being a failure to your family is a good day, then today was brilliant." He scoffed. Today was painful, he just wanted to curl up and sob. 

"Oh son! Come here!" He lunged onto his hyung. Despite being significantly younger than Chanyeol, he still insisted on acting as though he was older. Chanyeol embraced him, and flinched.

"Sehun, you've got so slim. I can feel all your bones and everything" He proclaimed, almost in fear.

"Channie it's fine! I've just lost a bit of weight with all the dancing and promoting and stuff. Now promotions are over I'll put it back on again. Promise ya~" He hummed. Chanyeol often forgot his best friend was so famous. At the age of just 12, he was scouted by BYUN-STAR ENT. After a couple of auditions and a lot of training, he debuted as a rapper and dancer. He worked hard, and he was good. Really good. "Chanyeol?"

"Ah- yeah. Whatever Sehun-hyung. Just keep healthy." Sehun nodded while rising of the sofa. He headed towards his bedroom before suddenly stopping and twisting towards Chanyeol.

"Yo, I remember hearing that we're hiring for a personal assistant. You should really check it out, I think you'd suit the role" Sehun shouted. Chanyeol didn't know what to say to that. He was clumsy, forgetful, shy and silly. How could he ever make a good personal assistant. But, a job is a job right?

"Haha.. Very funny Sehun" he scoffed. After Sehun left, he flicked onto his phone and typed in the websites URL.

Eh.. So they are hiring. Oh well, I guess I'll give it a shot.

Chanyeol clicked out a short email, attatching his relevant documents. He always cringed when writing profiles about himself, but hey. He kind of needed this.


Park Chanyeol


Reference: Mr. Oh Sehun 010-4**2-2*40

Contact: Mobile 010-7**3-3*80
         eMail [email protected]

Attatched documents:



So, it was a little cheeky to use Sehun as a reference. But it will get him noticed right? He sent the email and locked his phone as Sehun emerged from his room, wrapped in a small towel. "DUDE" Chanyeol shouted.

"You know you're not my type, I just forgot my phone" He grinned, winking at Chanyeol. His hair was wet from the shower and slicked back away from his face. He was extremely attractive. Everything from his smiling eyes to his sharp jaw line was attractive. But hey, he had a partner and he wasn't really Chanyeols type either.

After Sehun and his semi- body had exited the living room, Chanyeol flicked on the 40" television which Sehun often regarded as being too small. 

"Drama... Drama... News... AH!" He muttered to himself. A days worth of Happy Camp was being broadcast. That was it. Chanyeols entire Saturday was decided. He ran into the kitchen and gathered the essential supplies required for a TV marathon (popcorn, drinks and anything else unhealthy he could scavenge in the fridge) and slumped across the sofa. 






yo! thank you again for reading. these chapters are short i'm sorry, 
but i feel like if i write too much in the early days of the story it 
will kind of become overwhelming, so look forward to longer 
chapters as the story progresses. feedback is super welcome.
love you all <3

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nmnmthyn #1
This story is really interesting!! :D