01 - Byun Baekhyun




Byun Baekhyun sat at his desk, perched in a large black leather seat. He sighed, running his hand through his short brown hair. His office was neat, but not too neat. A few pencils were askew on his desk, and the stacks of documents were never in order. It was his organised mess, and he usually enjoyed it being that way - but not today. 

He had spent the past week staring at one small card placed in the center of his desk. On the front of the card was a small beagle puppy, in a suit and glasses. Quite fitting to Baekhyun’s image. It would be a lovely card if it didn’t have the words ‘Thank you’ and ‘See you soon’ embossed on the front. He snatched it from in front of himself and read it again, for what must be the 50th time today.


"President Byun

It is with great sadness that I inform you I will be leaving my position as your P.A. As you know, I will be moving to Japan to join my family business.

I have enjoyed working for you and would be very eager to keep in touch.

Keep working hard,

Kwon Miyuki



He stared at the card blankly after reading it a few more times. A long silence remained, only to be broken by Baekhyun’s whisper.

“S**t. Now what”. He groaned, again running his hands through his hair. He had to stop himself several times from calling Miyuki over to “Fetch me a glass of water please” or “Can you call Mr. Kim?”. But she wasn’t here anymore. It was just Baekhyun and Baekhyun only in his dull, empty office. The plants in the corner were already withering, Miyuki hasn’t been here to water it since last Friday.

He groaned, slamming his fist onto his keyboard. His desktop computer came to life, slightly startling him. At that moment, an email flashed on his screen.


'Sender: Kwon, Miyuki

Subject: P.A'


She’s coming back! I knew it! He hastily clicked onto the email, only to be silenced by his own previous words.


“Hey, President Byun. Remember to look for a new P.A. I’ll be sure to send you a post card! K.M”


“F**K” He yelled. At that exact moment, a small young lady entered the room.


“Uu-uh.. Mr.. President Byun” She stammered, clearly shocked by his sudden outburst.

“Ah, Miss Oh. I’m very sorry you had to hear that. What can I do for you?”

She seemed relieved to be out of the firing line, cleared and parroted the phrase her boss had told her moments ago.

“Mr. Kim, he says you need to hurry with finding a new PA." Baekhyun sighed and nodded.

Kim Taehyung was Baekhyun's younger cousin and friend. He is quite a bit younger than Baekhyun, but they still have very similar facial features. They often get called brothers, to Baekhyuns annoyance.

"I understand, I will begin looking. Thank him for the message." Miss Oh smiled, ignoring the obvious frustration in Baekhyun's tone. It was tough. To say Baekhyun was fussy about who he worked with was an understatement. Miyuki was a school friend of his, and probably the only person in the entire world he actually didn't hate. This would not be easy.





"GEE GEE GEE GEE BAB- F**K" A voice 'sang', although it would be comparable to a howling wolf. In the outskirts of Seoul, a near empty bar was bought to life by a young man singing away on the karaoke machine. That was until he fell off the stage...

"Yeollie, you ok?" Another voice shouted, slurring his words as he grabbed the 'singer' by the arm. 

"Soo... you wanna .. hook up some time babe" He murmured. He was... drunk. To say the least. Clinging on to a half empty bottle of Soju, he dropped the microphone and grabbed onto his friends arm, which resulted in them both being pulled down. 

"Dude.. Chanyeol. You're wasted" The second man laughed. He pulled up his drunk friend and snatched the bottle out of his hand.

"SEH- UUUN .. FREE LOADER I'LL GET ... GET Y-" Chanyeol began shouting, only to be interrupted by him tripping on the microphone he had just dropped. 

"Thanks for letting us stop by, I think we should be going now" Sehun bowed to the bar owner. The owner laughed, nodding in agreement, as the pair left and began the walk home from the bar to Sehun's house. "Chanyeol?" 

"Meow meow. Kitty kitty kitty" Chanyeol was attempting to converse with a very annoyed cat. Every time he spoke, the cat winced, as his breath stank of alcohol so much. "We friend let go home" he giggled. He was talking like a child, a very drunk child.

"HEY, hyung." Sehun shouted, grabbing Chanyeols attention. Chanyeol waved goodbye to the cat and sulkily followed Sehun back home.





Baekhyun pulled up into the garage of his apartment. He'd been in the office alone all night trying to find someone to hire. As expected, he had no luck.

"Hey Yoora" He smiled. He reached out and grabbed his favourite woman in the world, picked her up and her little furry ears. Yes, Yoora was a Bengal cat. The only woman Baekhyun had eyes, or time for. He kissed her nose and carried her inside. "Yeuk, you smell like Soju" Baekhyun scoffed. "D*mn drunks touching my cat."

He put a small bowl of cat food on the floor of his little kitchen, kissed her goodnight and headed upstairs. His room was small, but it was beautiful. He had a few framed posters of the artists he managed, as well as a little faux fur rug which Yoora loved to snuggle in. His room was mostly monochrome, but he had a few bursts of colour in the form of action figures and video games, although they are tucked into drawers to maintain his smart image. He sighed, loosening his tie and ing his shirt. As he removed his blazer and shirt, his slim, toned torso was highlighted by the moonlight through his window. He liked to have his curtains open a little at night, as the morning sun was a nicer way to wake up than to an alarm.  

After brushing his teeth and showering, he collapsed onto his double bed. He set his alarm for 6:30AM, even though he always woke up before then anyway. Yoora crept into his room and curled up onto his feet. Sleep soon swallowed them both, as they rested in anticipation of the next day.


Authors Note

hi!! thank you so much for reading the start of my fanfic. I haven't 
wrote for over a year so please do leave me comments of any 
improvements you'd like me to make, and do tell me what you think
of the story as a whole so far! I didn't want to make the story too 
crazy in the first chapter, so i'm just sticking to introductions and stuff
stay tuned for some fun baekyeol/chanbaek action >:-)

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nmnmthyn #1
This story is really interesting!! :D