

“I really hope we can watch the red bullet tour as in the whole tour that would be daebak!” Seuk Hye clapped her hands as she smile widely.

“you should be preparing for the exams” Kangjun suddenly butted in while walking towards the kitchen with a book on his hand. Seuk Hye just rolled her eyes at him. Haru invited her at their apartment. It was a Sunday afterall.

“you know what...” Seuk Hye shifted from her seat at the couch. “I really don’t get how you can live with a guy like him”

Haru just chuckled. “and I don’t get why she had met a girl LIKE YOU” Kangjun emphasized. He was now heading back to his room.

“aish!” Seuk Hye stood up but Haru held her back down.

“let’s just spazz inside my room. Kaja” Haru drags Seuk Hye.


“you’re not gonna eat dinner here?” Haru asked while Seuk Hye was putting on her shoes.

“mian. Eomma called, she said she cooked my favourite dish.” Seuk Hye grinned.

“aigoo~ choosing her favorite dish than her friend tsk!” Kangjun mockingly clucked his tongue. He was standing behind Haru with crossed arms. The girl elbowed him.

“you sure you can go alone?”

Seuk Hye nodded. “I can manage myself don’t worry. You, be careful someone might eat you alive here” Seuk Hye glances at Kangjun.

Haru laughed. “aigoo~ you two stop bickering. Be careful on your way”



After eating dinner, Haru went up to her room to wash up.

“Junie~~” Haru peeked at Kangjun’s door.

“what?” he asked from his book.

“Junie~” Haru stepped inside the room and went up to Kangjun’s bed.

“you know it’s forbidden to sleep together in one bed” Kangjun said as he flipped the pages of his book. Haru lay down beside him and hugs his torso.

“can you tuck me in? You know I can’t sleep without knowing that you’re watching before I drifted to dream land..”

Kangjun finally puts his book at his bedside table and held Haru’s arms.

“arrasso~ arraso~ kaja.”

They went to Haru’s room.

“aigoo~ I feel like I already have a daughter, a hard-headed one” Kangjun teased as he tucks Haru on her bed.

“but you really love this hard-headed daughter” Haru spoke softly as she yawns. Kangjun frozed for a moment after hearing those words from her.

“yes.. I really do..” Kangjun whispered and tucked a strand of hair away from Haru’s face. She had already drifted in dream land. Kangjun silently walked towards the door. He took one last look at Haru’s peaceful figure before closing the door after he went out.

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Titanik #1
Chapter 4: This fic is really nice! I feel like I could be living as the main character!!! Please continue this fic^^ HWAITING (^O^)/
Interesting story! I hope to see more interesting chapters from now on :) fighting.