fangirl mode activated


“Yah! Park Haru! If you don’t get your lazy —”

“OKAY! OKAY! I’M GETTING UP NOW!” Haru yelled in perfect English with a muffled voice inside her room. Kangjun couldn’t help but to smile, it was just so cute for him that she was acting that way so early in the morning.


Haru plopped herself down at the dining table with her headphones on. She was ignoring Kangjun’s nagging about her staying up so damn late last night while watching endless fancams from BTS’ fansign event in Gyeong-gi-do that she and Seuk Hye didn’t attended because they have exams. Actually she was just pretending that she can’t hear but the truth is, there’s no music playing on her Dr. Dre wireless headphone.

“..and I know you can hear me so better finish your breakfast now If you don’t  wanna be late for school” Kangjun took the last sip from his coffee before standing up. Haru made a face and followed after.


Fan screams can be heard when the two entered the campus premises of SungKyunkwan University located in Gangnam district of Seoul. Don’t get it wrong, they’re not celebrities, they just both look like they just came out of a comic book.

“are you sure they’re not a couple? They look so good together..”

“andwae! Kangjun oppa’s only mine!”

“I’m the one who deserves to be the goddess’ boyfriend!”

Whisperings from the other students can be heard as the two passes by at the school garden.

“HARUUU!!!” an ear-splitting scream echoed at the hallway.

“uh-oh~~” Haru sing-song and look to her sides. When she looked to her right, she found her spazzing buddy, Seuk Hye, running towards her.

“I’ll get going now.” Kangjun bid Haru goodbye before he got irritated again by their crazy fangirl spazzing. He was the university’s student council president, a model student for everyone. He’s smart but quite arrogant towards others especially for his fangirls.

Seuk Hye made a face as she eyes Kangjun’s disappearing figure then she turned to Haru with a very wide smile.

“waegurae? (what’s the matter?)”

Seuk Hye giggled. “guess  what” she smiled even widely.

“Bangtan’s coming??”

“huh? How did you know??” Seuk Hye raised a brow.

“YAH! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” Haru yelled in too much excitement which gained more stares from the other students.


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Titanik #1
Chapter 4: This fic is really nice! I feel like I could be living as the main character!!! Please continue this fic^^ HWAITING (^O^)/
Interesting story! I hope to see more interesting chapters from now on :) fighting.