Yul's Plan

"I'm so bored I can die!" Hyoyeon exclaimed out of blue. 

It was a sunny Saturday and everyone was either lying down or sitting lazily on the balcony of YoonYul's house. 

The atmosphere was already so gloomy and the heat only worsened it. 

"Let's go on a trip!", said Yul. 

"Why not! It has been a long time since we last did!" Tiffany added enthusiastically.

"Shall we?", Sooyoung looked at everybody with a smirk.

"Yoona and Seohyun just finished school, right?", Sunny confirmed.

"But how about my library?", Seohyun pointed out as she had a bite of the sliced apple. 

"Close it for a while. Nobody dies because they don't read.", Hyoyeon rolled his eyes receiving a slap from the youngest. 

"Your inn?"

"I'll leave it for Mr. Yoo."

"So Seohyun, Yul, Sooyeon and Hyoyeon are free now. And I can take a short leave from work. Taeyeon?", asked Sooyoung. 

"No problemo. My neighbours can take care of my store."


"What do I have my brother for?"

"Good. Sunny?"

"I'm closing. Toys don't rot, you know?"


"I do nothing, remember?", said Yoong sarcastically. 

"So where do we go this time?"

"You know that place. You have to go there by train. Hey! We once went camping there at high-school.", Hyoyeon poked Taeyeon.

"We haven't gone there." Sooyoung, Yoona and Seohyun said in unison. 

"You'll see. It's very pleasant."

Sooyeon then woke up from having a nap on Yul's lap and was connected to the world again. 

"What's pleasant?", she looked up at Yul.

Everyone broke into a good laugh. 

They were so loud that a passerby was startled.

"The place where we're going on a trip.", Yul replied as he brushed a hair away from the girl's face. 

"We're going on a trip?", she shot up at once. The excitement was evident in her eyes. 

Seeing everyone nodding, she asked once again. 


They looked at one another since they hadn't decided on the question yet. 

And Taeyeon did it for the rest. 



All 9 of them started running around. They were so busy they couldn't even talk to each other. 

They've already gone on many trips around the town so they did not need to discuss about who's in charge of what. 

Taeyeon immediately ran to his house and started packing everything. 

Clothes for 4 days, accessories and essential items. A sketchbook and different pencils. He also studied drawing together with Yul. 

Then, he grabbed dozens of instant noddles, water bottles, snacks, dried goods and others from his own store.

Hyoyeon, Yul and Sooyeon had to run to the inn. Sooyeon was directed to her room to pack her own things while the other two were to pack cooking materials and such. They also took out a huge tent from the store room before Hyoyeon went into his room and Yul ran back to his house. 

Yoona had finished with her business and now was helping Yul.

Tiffany was still busy choosing her outfits while Sunny finished early and now pulling a big tent out with the help of her mom.

And of course, Seohyun was the first to get things done. 

By evening, they're all ready waiting for the train that should arrive in 20 minutes. 


"What time is it?" Sooyeon tagged Yul's white shirt. Again. 

"You asked that a minute ago, lady. It's still 4:53." Taeyeon answered for he pitied Yul. 

Sooyeon glared at the guy and sat down as her legs hurt with all that standing and waiting. 

Yoona and Seohyun went to a nearby store to buy some snacks since it's still a bit early. 

"You sure are excited, Sooyeon." Yul smiled as he looked down at the girl. 

"I AM! By the way, are you guys always like this? I mean..going on trips out of nowhere without any plans beforehand. I've never seen people traveling like this"

"How do you usually travel?" Miyoung asked curiously.

She was startled and desperately looked for the most suitable answer.


"Hurry up! The train's coming!" Yul shouted at Yoona. 

All of them turned their heads in the direction of the railway to find nothing. 

But the girls buying snacks immediately ran to the group with their hands full of food. 

Hyoyeon, Sunny and Sooyoung played along, gesturing at the two girls to hurry up. 

But the train really did come as soon as they arrived so their prank was not found out. 

Sooyeon was relieved she was not found out, too. 


Everyone was so happy. The smiles on their faces were so bright that the other passengers couldn't help but be amused and happy along with the group. 

Yul held Sooyeon's hand and helped her get on the train, surprising everyone. 

"Wow. Where did our shy boy go?"

"You've improved, man."

"Yoona, your spot has been stolen."

Sooyoung glanced at Yul as he tried to read his mind. 

"Something is definitely wrong."

Yul shot a glare at Sooyoung while putting his bag onto the storeage above. 

"Wait. How are we going to sit?" Tiffany glance at the paired seats.

It was usually Yoona with Seohyun and Sunny with Tiffany. But now there was Sooyeon. 

"Let's see." Taeyeon pretended to scratch his head. 

"Yul sit with Sooyeon. Yoona sit with Seohyun. Sunny sit with Fany and Sooyoung sit with Hyoyeon."

"Aww..are you sitting alone?" Seohyun asked. 

"No no. I'm sitting here."

Taeyeon pulled an extra seat out between Miyoung and Hyoyeon and patted sat down on the seat. 

"Oh hi, Fany. What a coincidence! Seems like we're sitting side by side."

Tiffany just flashed her eyesmiles while the others either rolled eyes or shot disgusted glares at the dork. 

"Coincidence my ." Hyoyeon said, receiving a punch from Taengoo. 

Sooyeon laughed along with others. 

She sincerely wished she could just live there with them. 



Due to the lack of sleep last night, Sooyeon felt sleepy. But she refused to do so for the side view was so fascinating. 

The trees that lined the railroad seemed endless. And she was totalling enjoying the view of it.

Sooyeon shivered as a cold wind came in from the window. 

And of course, Yul did not fail to notice. 

"Why won't you just close it? You're cold, aren't you?"

Sooyeon stubbornly shook her head. 

But wearing the scarf Yul handed to her, she felt much warmer. 


Well.. There won't be any update until the HUGE update in March 20. Is it good news or bad news? ;) 


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jasonds #1
Chapter 12: strong yul...i am happy that their will meet again but lets give sooyeon a little heartbreaking hahahah
Chapter 12: poor yul T__T
give yul a y gf plsssss
jasonds #3
Chapter 11: omg this story is daebak but i felt pity for yul...please make him happy author nim....bring jessica back to him
Skyinside #4
Chapter 11: After all the fluffy things, here come angst. And that letter tho T,T
Hope next update will ok
PilotIsMyJob #5
Chapter 11: Just take it easy yul..find someone else. That's why we as a human being can't give our heart to other human being fully like 100%. Love between us should be divide like this, 90% love to God, 4% love for family, 3% love ourself and another 3% love other human being equally (bf/gf & etc). So yeah..just move on & don't think too much about it. LOLOLOL :D
Chapter 11: wae sica T___T
poor yul :'(
i hope yul will go to the city to find a job & find someone
DarkestAngel #7
Chapter 11: Aish..
Poor yul, he know and he lie for her sake...
Hope he find someone who can make him happy
kwonchatiz1186 #8
Chapter 11: BE STRONG YUL......
Many people love you.....so dont worry.....
I hope sica will regret her decision.......
Chapter 11: You. Updated. *cries rainbows* Thanks for this. :)