It's YulSic!


I still have no idea how aff works but I love to read comments so please do leave your opinion if you have enough time and interest.


The thoughts of the characters are written in italic. I won't differentiate who thought it as it's pretty obvious. So, read on!


It's YulSic


The girl with blonde hair locked her room and came down to the first floor of the inn. She saw Hyoyeon dusting the decorations on the way and thought the same thing for millionth time. 
What a weirdo..
She walked out gracefully in her high-heels as usual and wandered around here and there, checking out the new place. Her plain light blue long-sleeved shirt with thin long collars that had its bottom covering the top of her dark blue jeans glowed under the sunlight.
As she walked, she was amazed at the people in the town. No fake smiles, no anger, no hate. Nothing like the ones she was used to seeing for all in the town seemed nice and most importantly, they were so guileless and simple. 
She walked past a tiny building and turned left.
It was then that she saw Yul, playing football with kids. He was so noticeable standing among a group of little boys. 
Jessica couldn't help but smile at the sight of the knee-length short with colorful cartoon cars printed on it. But as she had always been a fashionista, she felt uneasy looking at the shirt Yul had been wearing. It seemed so old and worn out that there was no way to identify the original color of it. 
Seconds later, Yul saw Sooyeon so he turned to greet with a smile, walking to her.
"Hi", Yul smiled again. 
Oh my god! I can't believe it I'm standing right in front of her again! Just a foot away!!!
"You love kids, I see..", said Sooyeon with streching lips despite a slight twitch on her eyebrows. 
"Haha. I do. Seriously who can resist these cuties, don't you think so?"
" I'm not really good with kids,"
That smile..
" that so?", Yul stared at her, the smile on his face never once faded. 
" do you think of our town?", asked Yul, tilting his head slightly.
"It's I don't know. It feels so good to be here", she shrugged.
Yul felt strange that Sooyeon had kept eyeing his bottom before remembering what he was wearing. 
Yul's face became as red as the lips of the woman passing by. He started a conversation to hide his embarrassment. But that smirk on Sooyeon's face did not help him recover. 
"Have you been to the mountain?"
"Oh you should totally check it out! It's so gorgeous..I mean..beautiful"
"Really? How do I go there?", Sooyeon seemed excited.
"Oh it's not far.. You can even ride a bicycle. But..", Yul stole a glance like a kid who just did something his mommy wouldn't like. 
"But?", she asked curiously.
"But it can be a little tricky if you don't know the place enough.. And climbing the mountain would not be easy.."
"So.. I can't go there?"
Yul felt bad seeing her disappointed. But he was too much of a shy boy to suggest her to go there with him.
And he himself did not want to involve with her deeper. He knew that no matter who she is, where she came from, she had to go back to where she belonged one day. And when that day comes, Yul is all prepared to let her go as just someone he helped and forget her quickly. 
"Oh! Can you take me there if you don't mind? Because I have never been to a mountain and I really wanna go there..," Sooyeon asked with puppy eyes.
Yul stared at her. His lips stretched to form a thin line. 
Spending a few more hours with her won't harm much, right?
Yoona heard her brother storm into his room. 
She shouted, "What happened, Oppa?" and followed him to his room.
Sooyeon went back to the inn after having dinner downstairs. She lazed on her bed as she had nothing to do.
What is this.. This town doesn't even have a television.
She did ask for one to Hyoyeon but all she replied was
"Who needs television here, girl? We don't use those stupid electric things. We don't even use phones."
She was right. Nobody in this town uses phones as the whole town knew one another and can go each other's house anytime they wanted to. So a phone is not needed.
But she had no idea about why they did not watch television though. Maybe because there is no one to fix it if it's broken.
And the town is too far from any city for an internet connection. If you must use it, you have to go to another town some miles away from here and find the only shop that has only one computer with connection.
But Sooyeon liked it as she could stay disconnected from people she did not want to interact with.
Since she had to go to the mountain at dawn to see the sunrise with Yul the next day, Sooyeon tucked herself in the blanket and fell alseep.
"So, what are you going to wear tomorrow?", asked Yoona with her chin resting on her left palm. 
Yul pointed at the clothes he took out just now. A plain white long-sleeved shirt, a black jacket and black trousers. 
Yoona looked at her brother with popping eyes.
"Great. While you're at it, why don't you wrap a tie around your neck, huh?", said Yoona with much sarcasm.
"Yeah.. But I don't have it. Should I borrow one from Sooyoung?", asked Yul sincerely. 
"Urgh..seriously. Where you are going is a mountain, man! Not a ball!", Yoona got up frustrated. 
"Just imagine wearing a suit and climbing that mountain! Does it make sense to you!?", she cupped Yul's cheeks with both hands and patted them in unison.
Yoona opened the closet door in fury and picked out some pieces. 
"This," a pair of blue loose-fitting jeans was taken out.
"And... By the way, why do you have only dark things? I don't see any bright colors,"
"Here, this should be fine," Yoona threw a pure white sweatshirt to Yul.
"Oh and wear your black and white shoe with laces, okay?", said Yoona before going out. 
"Okay," Yul was delighted. 
3:01 AM,
Yul was awake. In fact, he hardly slept throughout the night. His mood changed according to his thoughts.
Yul had never let himself be this nervous and off-guards. This time, he almost lost control but quickly composed himself again. 
3:10I won't get up until 3:10 because I'm not that desperate. 
3:05. Yul closed his eyes. 
3:07. He closed them again.
Okay, I'm getting up because..because I have to go to toilet.
Yul showered and put on his clothes humming to a lively song before wearing a heavy black backpack filled with stuffs. 
It was still dark outside. And the moon was still shining brightly. Yul felt as if the crescent moon was smiling and winking to him. He smiled back and saluted at it before getting out of his yard with two bicycles in his hands. One his, one Yoona's. 
3:59 AM,
Yul waited at the first floor of the inn. He left the bikes outside. 
Hyoyeon came out from his own room which was behind the door beside the reception. A huge pair of headphones was on his head and he danced his way through the hall before seeing Yul. 
"Hey~! Dude! Whatcha doing here!?", he dropped his headphones to his neck and greeted Yul. 
"Waiting Sooyeon cause I promised to take her to the mountain," said Yul with his usual smile. 
"Ooh~ I smell something in the air!", said Hyoyeon with a smirk. 
"Maybe your chicken is burning," Yul referred to the breakfast Hyoyeon usually made for the people sating in his inn. 
Hyoyeon did not care whatever Yul said. 
"It seems your lady is still asleep... I'll get for ya!", Hyoyeon dashed upstairs and knocked the door hard. 
"Allo!! Missy in there! Wake up wake up! Your Kwon Yul is here! You have to go on your date!", shouted Hyoyeon not caring if he would wake other people up.
Yul was blushing downstairs. 
Hyoyeon's continuous knocks made the girl in there hurry up and soon, the door was open. 
"I'm done. Thank you for waking me up with such beautiful sounds," said Sooyeon, pressing her lips to make a thin line.
"You're welcome!", Hyoyeon ran into his kitchen as his chicken pot began to burn for real.
Sooyeon smiled at Yul as she came down the stairs. It was obvious that she was still so sleepy. 
Yul took advantage of the darkness covering his face and stared at the goddess stepping down. He noticed the change in her hair. She dyed it dark brown. 
Silky brown hair flowing backward as she walked added more elegance to her already-beautiful face that was reflecting the pink color of her usual slim-fitting long-sleeved shirt with thin collars. The trousers were brown this time and the matching black handbag and heels perfected her clothing. 
Hmm..heels won't be good for climb the mountain though.. , Yul thought. 
Yul got out of the dark and smiled at Sooyeon.
"Let's go."
Yul stopped the bicycle near a house. 
"Wait a minute here. I'll be right back," Yul quickly ran to a small building with his back pack and disappeared. 
Soon, he returned and hang the bag on his bike.
"Where did you go?", asked Sooyeon from the back. 
They decided to go with only one bicycle since Sooyeon was too sleepy to ride one and of course, Yul was the one in the front. 
"Just buying some stuffs," Yul smiled and started off again. Being extremely careful since he had got "someone" on the carrier. 
"Whose house is that, Yul?" Sooyeon pointed at a certain house. She was just starting to open her eyes after resting on Yul's back for some minutes. 
"The Mayor," replied Yul. He smiled so widely since no one could see his expression. 
"Oh..that man with funny mustache?"
"Haha. Yes."
"And that is?", she pointed at another house again.
"Oh that's Sunny's. She is a nurse and lives with her grandmother and younger brother,"
"That one?", pointing at another house yet again.
"Library. It's Seohyun's,"
"Are we there yet!?"
"Wake me up when you get there."
Sooyeon rested her head on Yul's back again. 
It's the back she's leaning but it was Yul's chest reacting so loudly.
"It's the mountain!", announced Yul shaking the hands wrapping loosely around his waist.
"IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!", Sooyeon suddenly ran to the whole lots of colorful  flowers taking all the space under the mountain. 
Yul smiled. 
"Sooyeon! You can see the flowers anytime. Now let's go to catch the sunrise", he shouted loud enough for her to hear him. 
" do I have to climb all the way there?", said Sooyeon, looking up the top. 
"You don't have to if you don't want to," said Yul.
"We can take the bus anytime. But you still have to walk a little after getting off the bus,"
"We're taking the bus," Sooyeon said immediately.
Yul smiled stealing a glance at the girl beside him. 
Sooyeon was gloomy since she did not manage to get a seat on the bus. 
"why is the bus so small? Why are there so many people at this hour?" she asked Yul with a pout. 
As you may have predicted, Yul smiled. 
"Workers mostly. This bus stops at the harbor before going up. And these people will get off there,"
"Ah.. Why don't they separate what bus goes up and what bus goes there?"
"Our town is a small one, miss. One is enough,"
 Sooyeon stuck out her tongue and became quiet as she was pressed every time the bus turned. Yul also couldn't help her as he himself is sandwiched a little far from the girl. 
One time, the man behind her started making his time on the crowded bus enjoyable by laying his hand on her like "accidentally" touching her shoulder, back or waist as the bus made its turns. 
Yul's face was very red with fury and tried his best to get to the girl. 
Sooyeon was also very irritated and angry by then. Therefore, as soon as the man touched her again, she aimed her 4-inch-heel with pointy end at the man's upper part of the foot and stepped on it with as much force as possible. 
"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!", the poor man shouted and pulled his now-crashed right foot with all his might. 
All the people in the bus were startled and looked at the man. Some smiled knowingly as they noticed what actually happened. 
The man blushed. 
Sooyeon turn to him and smiled so prettily at him which seemed somewhat like a victory smile before pulling out her tissues and pretending to clean the dirt on all places the man touched. 
Embarrassed much, the man immediately got off at the next stop although he couldn't walk fast due to the powerful heel. 
Yul smiled yet again.
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jasonds #1
Chapter 12: strong yul...i am happy that their will meet again but lets give sooyeon a little heartbreaking hahahah
Chapter 12: poor yul T__T
give yul a y gf plsssss
jasonds #3
Chapter 11: omg this story is daebak but i felt pity for yul...please make him happy author nim....bring jessica back to him
Skyinside #4
Chapter 11: After all the fluffy things, here come angst. And that letter tho T,T
Hope next update will ok
PilotIsMyJob #5
Chapter 11: Just take it easy yul..find someone else. That's why we as a human being can't give our heart to other human being fully like 100%. Love between us should be divide like this, 90% love to God, 4% love for family, 3% love ourself and another 3% love other human being equally (bf/gf & etc). So yeah..just move on & don't think too much about it. LOLOLOL :D
Chapter 11: wae sica T___T
poor yul :'(
i hope yul will go to the city to find a job & find someone
DarkestAngel #7
Chapter 11: Aish..
Poor yul, he know and he lie for her sake...
Hope he find someone who can make him happy
kwonchatiz1186 #8
Chapter 11: BE STRONG YUL......
Many people love dont worry.....
I hope sica will regret her decision.......
Chapter 11: You. Updated. *cries rainbows* Thanks for this. :)