Date night for the kids.

You See Right Through Me.


"So Kim did it?" I yawned and GD nodded. "Wow what a "

"She got transferred to JYP" He said sitting next to me on the couch. 

"Good" I said leaning my head on his shoulder. "I'm glad it's blowing over"

"So is it still on tonight?" Seung Hyun said walking in looking fly in his new jacket.

"Yeah. Dara, Bom, CL, Young Bae, Daesung- practically everyone besides Riley, Minzy, and Seungri are going!" GD said happily.


"Where going out..21 and over." Seung Hyun smirked at me.

"No fair" I pouted at GD.

"It's a tradition" GD messed up my hair. "You'll just have to wait till your older luv" 

"Stop calling me 'Luv'!" I pushed him playfully and he laughed.

*Ring ring*

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"Hey is Seungri! What are you doing tonight?" He said.

"Nothing now." I pouted. 

"Wanna go out to dinner?" He said hopefully. "Like a date"

"You know what sure. Pick me up at 8" 

"Kay!!" He shouted and then hung up the phone.

"What was that all about?" GD and Seung Hyun stared at me.

"Uh I have a date with Seungri" I stood and smirked at Seung Hyun.

"A date!" Seung Hyun yelled while I walked to my room. 

7:45  Narrator POV


"So where are we going to eat?" CL said with the rest of the girls. "I'm starving"

"I can go for some Myun" Dara said. 

"I want a burger" Daesung said rubbing his growling stomach.

"A burger?" Bom said but before she could say something insulting, they all stopped when they heard heels click down the hall.

Riley stood there and they gasped.

(What she was wearing)

Riley POV

"WOAH!!" The boys gasped.

"Ooo girl. What man did you wrong?" CL grabbed me by the hand and spun me around. "You look smokin"

"You look like a girl" Bom said. 

"You look great..but were are you going?" Dara rolled her eyes at Bom. 

"Dinner" I smiled. 

"With who?"

"Seungri" Seung Hyun said coldly. "Riley you look beautiful" 

This made my heart drop..he seems mad.

"Thank you! Be safe tonight" I smiled at him and he looked away.

There was a knock at the door and the girls squealed.

 "I'll get it" Young Bae ran to the door.

"Young bae? Where's Riley?" Seungri walked in but stopped when he saw me. 

"Woah.." He said blushing and looking down. 

"Smile" Bom said emotionless and took a picture with her phone. 

"Come on" I walked to him and took his hand. "Show me Seoul"

"Sure thing my yobo" He kissed my hand and I giggled.

"Hey you two! You better be home by 12." Dara said.

"Sure mom" I rolled my eyes and we walked out hand in hand. 

Seung Hyun POV

"Seung Hyun you okay?" CL said waving her hand in front my face.

"Uh my stomach is hurting me" I lied.

"Well take it easy"


Seungri POV 

Riley stared out the window during the car ride, she seemed a little bothered.

"Liking Seoul?" I said breaking the silence. 

"'s like Korea Town times 4" She smiled at me. 

I was quiet again.

"Riley you look beautiful tonight" I said looking at her when we were at a red light. 

She looked at me threw the darkness and smiled. 

"You look very handsome" She said looking down at her purse, hiding her blush.

"You know what screw that fancy restaurant I was going to take you to! You deserve to go a real area before you get famous." 

"Oh thank god!" She said. "I didn't really want to put up with snotty people today" 

"But your wearing tha-" 

"Are your windows tinted?" She looked at me.


"Okay!" She diged into her purse, she pulled out a pair of shorts and t-shirt.  "Just look ahead"

"Okay" Oh my god she's changing in my car, while i'm driving. 

I didn't look, but I was tempted. 

"There" She said throwing her dress and heels in the backseats. 

"Woah how did you fit all of your clothes into that small purse?!!" 

"I'm a woman" She said while putting her Nikes on. Damn she's flexible. 

"What am I going to do?" I said realizing i'm in formal clothing.

"Your lucky I have a habit of stealing oppa's clothing" She threw me a shirt.

::::::::::::::At a street fair:::::::::::::

"Tell me something no one else knows about you." I said as she looked around at booth.

"I was in a lot musicals when I was in high school. Mimi in Rent was my biggest role. Uh i love orange soda, preferably Fanta. I love food and I can break. Next question"

"You can break?" I looked at her and she nodded. 

" of the reason I tried out for YG was to come to Korea and see the Breaking Competition thats held here" 

"Last boyfriend?" I said holding her bag as she tried on bracelets. 

"Was an , hit me, and I still stayed with him.." She said starring at the bracelets she had on her arm. 

"Your to beautiful to be treated that way" I said grabbing her hand. "I'm sorry I brought it up"

"It's cool" She smiled and took off the silver bands. 

When she wasn't looking I bought them from the vender. 

"Favorite song?" I said running up behind her.

"Hmm" She said looking up the sky. "Probably Strong Baby" She laughed. 

"Oh I love that song" I joked.

"I can never take that song seriously after seeing GD making out with himself to it.."

"ASH don't bring that up, I had to kiss Seung Hyun and GD on the same day" I said and she laughed.

"Truthly I love 2PM.."

"Loving the enemy?" I looked at her.

"Big Bang is ier" She shrugged and I laughed.

We walked down a path. It was a rose garden, with fountains everywhere. Strands of lights lit every detail of sculptures and made Riley's eyes glow.

We stood there for a minute, silent.

She stood close to me, her lips taunting me. 

I grabbed her hand and pulled her close to me. She looked at me confused.

"Wha-" I stopped her by gently grabbing her face and kissing her lips softly.


"YEAH!" GD screamed holding up his glass and Dara laughed with him. 

Suddenly a sharp pain pierced in my stomach, wait not my stomach, my heart. 

"Hey Seung you okay?" CL said placing her hand on my forehead. 

"I just need some air" I stood up from the table and made it out the door. My head felt like it was spinning and something kept taunting me to go forward to the park. I followed my instincts and found myself walking threw a garden alone, passing old and young couples just strolling. 

 But then I stopped to see two people kissing by a fountain. But something seemed familiar,.. that guy was wearing my shirt. 
Seungri and Riley. 

EPP! What do you think of Seungri and Riley together? Hmm? 

Sí, me gusta hablar espanol!

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Finished and subscribed! Reading the next one. <br />
kyeopta! kekeke~<br />
<br />
omg this had me smiling non stop it was sooooo freaking cute!! :D
hai_young #4
omgomgomg.. IS THIS IT???!!<br />
heh..such a cliffhangerr~<br />
more more more;)<br />
lovd it
mycharming #5
“Are you having a ing intervention with me right now?! I WANT MY FANTA!” My favorite line. XD
maeriyaki #6
LOL WOW.<br />
that was one weird chapter xDD
mycharming #7
Omg, Top's going to explode with jealousy. ;] Cant wait to read the next update <3 keep it up, your writing is very interesting.
maeriyaki #8
OHHH MI GAHHHHH o____o"<br />
mycharming #9
I am falling in LOVE with your story; it's HILARIOUS. My favorite lines:<br />
<br />
"I need some Rosetta Stone up in here"<br />
"So you used to be fat?"<br />
"She had some possession up in the elevator -- It's called Spanish!"<br />
"I can't hear you, she's playing DJ Hero. Hold on... UGH TURN IT DOWN -- No I'm on a roll here!" XDD<br />
<br />
loooove it <33 Riley & Top, yes?<br />
*subscribes* please update soon.
omg i really like your story *-* can you speak spanish :O?