Mermaids, sirens and tritons

List of creatures

"The night seemed suddenly defiled by the absence of music, as if silence itself was injecting a sickness that only a song could cure... a song sang by creatures under the sea"


Mermaids and tritons are legendary aquatic creatures with the upper body of a female or male human and the tail of a fish. They are usually beings of love, a bit promiscuous and associated with ual threats. They have mastered the act of seduction, have enchanting voices, perfect skin, beautiful hair and the ability to prepare love potions.

Despite their naughty and mischievous nature, mermaids and tritons are “well-behaved” and they are beings of love and light. They are protectors of the seas and the lakes as well as protectors of sailors. Mermaids and tritons can adopt human form vouluntarily, but they’ll go back to their semi-fish form after 8 hours of being out of the sea or the water.

Sirens, in the other hand, are fully human-like aquatic creatures. Contary to mermaids and tritons, they were dangerous yet beautiful creatures, portrayed as femmes or male fatales who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. They hate humans and are creatures similar to demons since they use their power for selfish purposes.

They are mortal, but can live thousands of years.


- Both, sirens and mermaids/tritons can swim as no other creature. They are fast and agile and can hold their breathing all they want under water.
- They have hypnotizing voices and eyes.
- They can control water.
- They have some magic powers: healing and prediction of the future.


- Their hair is very important to them. If it is cut or not brushed properly, they’ll lose all their powers and their skin dries.
- They can’t be away from water for long periods of time or they dry and die. The most time they can spend out of the water is 24 hours. In the case of mermaids and tritons, they can’t keep human form for longer than 8 hours.
- They are physically stronger than humans, but they can’t be compared to vampires, dragons, demons, werewolves or even elves and shapeshifters.
- Their skin is very fragile and delicate.


1st class: Royal, noble and rich mermaids and sirens. They live in castles of pearls under the sea and are a bit arrogant. 

2nd class: Commoners, servants and subordinates that live under the water


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Cookiemonster12345 #1
Chapter 5: Is this rp still open?
Name: Ashleigh
Age: 19
How did you find us?: rped here before
Name&group: Jung Taekwoon VIXX
Creature&class: shapeshifter (white tiger) 1st class
ual orientation: bi
password; mudkip
Chapter 1: -Occ Info-
Name: Yeon
Age: 20
How did you find us: Google search

-Character Info-
Name: Cha Hakyeon
Group: Vixx
Creature: Vampire
Class: Transformed vampire
ual Orientation: Gay
Password: Dialga
Taeny_1127 #4
Chapter 1: Name: Cahlan
Age: 17
HDYFU: Ramdom search of rp

Character information
N&G: Kevin Kim of ZE:A
Creature/Class: 1st class Vampire
PASSWORD: charmander
Gray has arrived. ♡

Also, i couldn't pull up two of the admins with the links provided??
Chapter 6: NAME: Pigeon
AGE: 17
HOW DID YOU FIND US? A friend rps here. ♡

CREATURE&CLASS: 1st class shapeshifter (changes into any marsupial; i.e kangaroo, koala, etc. )
Chapter 6: Roleplayer info:
Name: Ashleigh
Age: 17
How did you find us?: searching through the roleplay tag

Idol\group: Kim Himchan B.A.P
Creature/class: shapeshifter 2nd class
Changes into any feline (house cat, tiger, lynx etc.)
Password: Mudkip!
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Roleplayer info:
Name: Rachel
Age: 18
How did you find us?: Friend of a friend that may be in this rp-

Idol/Group: Do Kyungsoo of EXO
Creature/Class: Shapeshifter, second class
Changes into a cat/kitten, wolf, and screech owl
Password: Espurr
Chapter 6: Roleplayer info:
Name: Tia
Age: 19
How did you find us?: I googled around looking for a supernatural rp

Idol/group: Lee Taemin, of SHINee
Creature and Class: Shapeshifter, second class. Changes into a cat, tiger or owl
Password: Bulbasaur
Name: Estrella
Age: 16
How did you find us: RP search

Name/group: Xiumin, EXO
Creature/class: Shapeshifter; 1st class
Password: Squirtle~!