
List of creatures

The world is dyed with the color of blood… it will never go back to the way it was before


A vampire is a mythical being who subsists by feeding on the life essence that comes from blood (either human or of any other being considered alive for having a soul). 

They are immortal beings of the class of the undead. Contrary to the common belief, they have a beating heart and blood in their veins. Vampires are considered undead because they do not have a soul or life essence in their blood.

They are characterized for being incredibly beautiful, intelligent and seductive. Their natural enemies are the lycanthropes. They feel strongly, stronger than any other being; either it is happiness, sadness anger or love, they would always show it more than others, but they have the ability to turn off their emotions voluntary if something is bothering them too much.


  • Colossal strength and speed.
  • Almost invulnerable skin (very few materials can cut it or harm it, including werewolf claws…this depend on both classes of the vampire and werewolf. Example: 2nd class werewolf can't harm 1st class vampire skin, but 1st class werewolf can)
  • Mind control, mind reading and ability to hypnotize their victims. (1st class vampires can mind control other vampires and 2nd class demons too)
  • Teleportation
  • Ability to heal themselves and regenerate body parts
  • Ability of transformation (into smoke, shadows or the last animal they fed from)               
  • All five senses heightened.
  • Vampire weapons: daggers and/or swords.


  • Garlic and stakes don’t kill them, but make them fall into a deep sleep (1st class are not affected by this)
  • Sunlight kills them or weakens them depending on their class.
  • Holy water and crucifixes burn them.
  • The only effective way to kill 1st class is by taking out their hearts and destroying it with a special spell performed by a 1st class wizard. 
  • Not drinking blood for long periods of time turns them into stone or can be lethal depending on which class they are. Drinking fresh blood again would bring 1st class back to life.      


1st class or pure-blood vampires: Considered princes and princesses of the vampire society. They are the original vampires, who were never transformed. 

2nd class or transformed vampires: As their name says, they were humans that turned into vampires byt the bite of another vampire. They obey and consider pure-blood their leaders. 


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Cookiemonster12345 #1
Chapter 5: Is this rp still open?
Name: Ashleigh
Age: 19
How did you find us?: rped here before
Name&group: Jung Taekwoon VIXX
Creature&class: shapeshifter (white tiger) 1st class
ual orientation: bi
password; mudkip
Chapter 1: -Occ Info-
Name: Yeon
Age: 20
How did you find us: Google search

-Character Info-
Name: Cha Hakyeon
Group: Vixx
Creature: Vampire
Class: Transformed vampire
ual Orientation: Gay
Password: Dialga
Taeny_1127 #4
Chapter 1: Name: Cahlan
Age: 17
HDYFU: Ramdom search of rp

Character information
N&G: Kevin Kim of ZE:A
Creature/Class: 1st class Vampire
PASSWORD: charmander
Gray has arrived. ♡

Also, i couldn't pull up two of the admins with the links provided??
Chapter 6: NAME: Pigeon
AGE: 17
HOW DID YOU FIND US? A friend rps here. ♡

CREATURE&CLASS: 1st class shapeshifter (changes into any marsupial; i.e kangaroo, koala, etc. )
Chapter 6: Roleplayer info:
Name: Ashleigh
Age: 17
How did you find us?: searching through the roleplay tag

Idol\group: Kim Himchan B.A.P
Creature/class: shapeshifter 2nd class
Changes into any feline (house cat, tiger, lynx etc.)
Password: Mudkip!
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Roleplayer info:
Name: Rachel
Age: 18
How did you find us?: Friend of a friend that may be in this rp-

Idol/Group: Do Kyungsoo of EXO
Creature/Class: Shapeshifter, second class
Changes into a cat/kitten, wolf, and screech owl
Password: Espurr
Chapter 6: Roleplayer info:
Name: Tia
Age: 19
How did you find us?: I googled around looking for a supernatural rp

Idol/group: Lee Taemin, of SHINee
Creature and Class: Shapeshifter, second class. Changes into a cat, tiger or owl
Password: Bulbasaur
Name: Estrella
Age: 16
How did you find us: RP search

Name/group: Xiumin, EXO
Creature/class: Shapeshifter; 1st class
Password: Squirtle~!