Confusing Answers

Training ~~~~


          Ever since the ‘incident’ three days again, Sangbae felt like he was the only one that felt awkward. Nothing seemed to change for Juhyeon, the odd rapper as nonchalant as ever as they continued their promotional activities. The other members, not surprisingly, didn’t notice anything either. To top things off, Juhyeon had continued to use his handheld camera throughout the day, focusing it on Sangbae more than he did the other members Yes, Sangbae didn’t like being on camera, but it was Juhyeon’s eyes that were more unsettling to him now. It was frustrating to Sangbae to think that he was the only one who seemed to be struggling. When they were especially busy, he would almost forget about it until he’d catch Juhyeon’s eyes or happen to brush against him as they passed. Knowing that a leader wouldn’t let himself become so flustered, he tried to keep his composure. However, would a leader also allow a younger member to do something like that without even an explanation? Sangbae was more than just confused at this point.

            Sangbae had known Juhyeon for quite a few years now, the two of them backup dancers together and then in a sub-unit before Madtown had debuted. Sangbae had spent six years as a trainee, and after he had to drop out of MBLAQ right before they debuted, he had questioned why he was still doing this. It had been a struggle to stick with it, especially when he had felt so alone, but when Juhyeon and the other kids began joining him, he felt like he had gained a new family. There was finally someone to share experiences with and people to work alongside. This is one of the reasons that Sangbae was feeling so concerned about what had happened with Juhyeon. Granted, there were plenty of reasons why the situation was strange, but most importantly to Sangbae was keeping his ‘family’. If Juhyeon continued acting like it had never happened, would Sangbae ever get the closure he needed to continue working with everyone like before?

            It wasn’t until the third evening after when Sangbae was finally given an opportunity to confront Juhyeon about it. The members were finishing up practice, everyone sweating and exhausted as they began gathering up their things. Despite how tired the kids were, they still had their usual hyper edge, Jaeho talking loudly as he complained about his test that he had at school earlier that day. Kyungtak started in on one of his stories from back during his school days, bragging to the maknae about how tests were never difficult for him. Jonghwa was quietly putting his things back into his bag, sparing a glance over at Kyungtak before he interrupted the blonde, complaining that he wanted to go back to the dorm. His whine was joined by Jaeho, who already had forgotten about the conversation that him and Kyungtak had been having. Kyungtak sighed loudly as he rolled his eyes, yelling over at Daewon and Heojun who were lost in their own world like usual. The only ones out of the members that seemed to understand all of Daewon’s antics were Kyungtak and Heojun, except Kyungtak would still find the other blonde tiring. Heojun, however, always seemed interested in everything Daewon did, so the two seemed to click extremely well.

            Juhyeon was sitting on one of the benches, his ankles crossed as he watched some recording on his camera, paying no heed to the others as he seemed completely content with what he was doing. Sangbae watched the younger in the mirror, mentally planning out the conversation he wanted to have with the rapper, but wasn’t sure if he’d ever get that chance. It seemed like a golden opportunity was suddenly dropped in his lap as Kyungtak announced, “I’m taking these crazies back, Hyung. Are you ready to leave?”

            Feeling stressed still, Sangbae decided to stay behind for a bit to work things out in his mind as he waved his hand to the side. “I’m staying back, there are some things that I need to work on.” Juhyeon’s voice came from the back of the room as he bluntly said, “Same here.” Sangbae turned and look at the younger, but got no response as Juhyeon continued looking at the camera. Kyungtak just shrugged, “I thought practice went fine, but if you say so.” He grabbed Jaeho’s arm as he pulled the maknae to his feet, accidently brushing Jonghwan off of him as he turned around. He yelled at Daewon and Heojun one more time before dragging the maknae out the door with Jonghwan close on his heels. Daewon looked shocked, as if he hadn’t heard Kyungtak the first time as he hurried out of the door, Heojun laughing as he left with the flustered blonde.

            Sangbae took a deep breath, waiting until he was sure that all of the others were far enough away from the practice room before he walked towards Juhyeon, who had still not looked up from the camera. Stopping right in front of him, Sangbae tried to seem as stern as possible as he crossed his arms and looked down at the younger. “Juhyeon,” He started, his voice not as strong as he wanted it to be.

            Juhyeon looked up at him, his eyes bored as he seemed completely unaffected by the atmosphere. He was silent in response, waiting for the leader to continue. Sangbae steeled his nerves as he said, “We need to talk about what… um, happened.”

            Juhyeon raised an eyebrow, finally reacting to Sangbae. He was silent for another moment before he slowly asked, “What happened?” Sangbae could feel his insides twist, annoyed that Juhyeon was going to make him say it out loud. “You know, the um… what you did the other day.” When Juhyeon didn’t respond, Sangbae was forced to continue, feeling his face heat up against his own will as he started blinking faster. “The thing with the camera and the kissing, okay?!”

            He surprised himself as he raised his voice, annoyed with Juhyeon’s lack of reactions. Juhyeon also seemed surprised, his eyes widening slightly as he silently stared up at the leader, causing Sangbae to become even more nervous as he impatiently waited for his response.

            After what seemed like an eternity, Juhyeon took a deep breath before he plainly said, "So? What about it?" Sangbae set his jaw as he dropped his arms to his sides, proceeding to clench and unclench his fists. He didn't even care as Juhyeon raised the camera up and pointed it at Sangbae again, the leader too frustrated to bother with that at this point. "Juhyeon," he started with a little more firmness to his voice this time, "Stop pretending that I'm over reacting about this. At least I'm acting like something happened, unlike you who hasn't once approached me about it or even seemed the slightest bit affected. I can't be the only one who cares about that kiss!"

              Juhyeon moved his lips for a moment, as if he was thinking something over as he stared at Sangbae through the small LED screen on his camera. "Hyung," Juhyeon's voice sounded slightly hoarse as he seemingly forced out, "So then you're admitting that you've been thinking about it?" Sangbae was incredulous as he huffed and crossed his arms again, staring down both the younger rapper and the camera as he quickly blinked. "Who wouldn't think about something like that?!" Juhyeon shrugged nonchalantly, "I was just wondering if that meant you like me..." 

               Sangbae coughed, surprised at Juhyeon's words. "W-What on earth are you-" His arms uncrossed as he took a surprised step back when Juhyeon stood up, recalling what had happened last time. However, Juhyeon made no move to touch him as he stared down at the shorter man, the camera lifting up to get a better focus on Sangbae’s face. The smallest hint of a smile touched his usually stoic face as he said, “So I guess that means your training was successful.”

            Sangbae huffed in confusion, “That’s another thing! What on earth are you talking about? You mentioned that before at the apartment…” This time Juhyeon smiled fully, finally taking the camera off of the short leader as he turned around and turned it off and sat it on the bench. Sangbae was tired of waiting for Juhyeon to reply again. He tapped the taller’s back as he tried to get his attention, “What was that smile for? Why can’t you just answer me when I-“

            Just like the previous time, his words were cut off as Juhyeon turned around and captured his lips, dipping his head down as he possessively put his hand on the back of the older’s neck. He gently held him in place as his other hand reached down and grabbed Sangbae’s, squeezing his hand as he breathed deeply against his lips.

            Sangbae didn’t know why he was surprised, but it was still odd for his bandmate to be suddenly kissing him. He didn’t react, still confused at the lack of an actual explanation for what was going on. He wasn’t sure if this was part of the response, but he didn’t understand it anyway.

            After Sangbae didn’t react, Juhyeon pulled his mouth away for a moment, looking straight into the leader’s eyes as he stood close to him. “You don’t get it yet, do you?” Sangbae didn’t exactly like being talked down to by his dongsaeng, but he wanted an explanation so he just shook his head in reply. Juhyeon continued, “The camera… I’m more important than it, right? I…” he paused for a moment, “I want you to be confident, Hyung. You’re the most important person in Madtown, and I want to make sure nothing holds you back…”

            Sangbae blinked as he tried to work everything out in his head. “So…” He slowly started off, “You’re… helping me by doing this? And how-“

            “The camera, Hyung… we need to cure your fear of it.”

            Sangbae paused, slowly starting to begin to understand Juhyeon’s weird trail of thoughts. After a moment, he slowly began laughing, using his free hand to hide his face as he could feel it heat up. “So THAT’S what all of this was?” He giggled again, feeling slightly stupid for thinking it might have been something else. Sure, it was an odd way to fix his fear of camera fear, but Sangbae wasn’t sure he could fully understand Juhyeon. “That was an odd way to go about it, Juhyeon. Maybe next time you can explain yourself so I don’t get the wrong idea.”

            Juhyeon gripped his hand tighter as he bent down again, pulling Sangbae’s hand away from his red face as he asked with a serious expression, “What else did you want it to be, Hyung?”

            Sangbae stiffened, shaking his head quickly as he blinked. “T-That’s not what I meant! I was just confused…” Sangbae’s eyes locked onto Juhyeon’s mouth as the taller his lips, his dark orbs staring intensely at the leader. Sangbae could feel his heartbeat quicken as he quickly added, “I-I just wanted to make sure that everything w-was okay between us, that’s all. I only-“

            He flinched as Juhyeon brought his face closer to his, the younger hoarsely whispering “You’re so cute” before pressing his lips against Sangbae’s again, this time deepening the kiss as he let go of Sangbae’s hands and pulled his body closer.

            Sangbae’s mind was racing; all the pieces that he had put together were falling apart again as he could feel Juhyeon’s tongue run across his lips as his arms held him tightly in place. What did this have to do with getting over his fear of cameras? Just when Sangbae thought that he was starting to understand the younger, he does something to utterly destroy everything he had thought he’d figured out.

            Sangbae turned his head away, unable to escape the arms of the taller as Juhyeon continued to brush his lips against his cheek, his fingers gently kneading on Sangbae’s back which made it difficult for the older to string together a coherent sentence. “Juhyeon, stop this…” Juhyeon hummed in response, moving to Sangbae’s neck as he trailed kisses back up to his jaw. His breath was hot against the leader as he quietly replied, “Why, Hyung?”

            Sangbae couldn’t think straight while Juhyeon was invading all of his senses. “You’re confusing me again… I don’t want to be confused anymore.” His heart stopped for a moment as he could feel Juhyeon chuckle, their bodies still close together. Juhyeon gently bit his ear before breathing out against it. “That’s why I’m doing this, Hyung… So that you don’t have to be confused again.”



A/N: SO.......................... Do you want me to continue? I actually like writing make out scenes, lol. I just wanted to update something since it's been a while. HAHA I decided to make it a cliffhanger bwahahaha (Actually I'm uber tired and can't think clearly lol I want to write the important stuff when I'm sane ;3) AND I'M SORRY FOR ANY TYPOS I'LL EDIT IT LATER. Sorry lol I'm really tired................. -_-"

So yeah, comments make me happy, like raelly happy. Tell me if you want me to continue. And THANK YOU for your comments on the first chapter. It's thanks ot those comments that I want to keep writing. :)

P.S. Moos is too cute for me to handle I just can't with him

Like look how short he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 LIKE LOOK HOW SHORT HE IS!




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This is really good. I hope you decide to continue~
idollartree #2
Chapter 6: You continuing would make my life complete lol.
ryuusoultaker #3
Chapter 6: I really hope you not giving up..i like the way you write..
dirkexotic #4
Chapter 6: omg please don't give this story! IT'S TOO GOOD. I SCREAMED ALL OVER MY ROOM WHEN I SAW THE NOTIFICATION QWQ and i hoped it was an update ;;
i really really hope you wont give up on this ff!!! it's one of the best fanfiction of madtown that i've enjoyed so far~ i wish you good luck on everything :)
zapandasshi #5
Chapter 6: Don't give up on this story !!!!! Please (doing aegyo *v* ) you're praticaly the only one genius who thoug about writing about MOOFFY !!!!! plus a love what apens so far in this story !!!!
Lemonykitten #6
Chapter 6: I really hope you don't give up on this story! I know that I haven't. It's so cute and quirky, I love it. I really hope you come back and write some more. Although, I'll understand if you don't. When you let something like this sit for so long, sometimes the ideas just aren't there anymore. Here's hoping though!
ryuusoultaker #7
Chapter 5: please, just please....update soooooooooon T_T
Chapter 5: *flips all tables available