Through The Years



The Year is 2009 – and Dara is 23



Dara parked her car outside the apartment building and then got out and took a look around. It was strange to come home to a different place from where she’d grown up all her life. But such was life she thought a little sadly.


The owners of the apartment complex where she had grown up had sold the building. The new owners purchased 2 adjacent buildings on that block and were knocking them all down and replacing them with a department store and an office building. Dara’s parents, the Kwons, and all their old friends and families they knew were given notice and had to move.


Her parents had moved into a smaller apartment half an hour away from their old apartment, and this was Dara’s first time visiting since they had moved. It was a quieter neighborhood then the old one they lived in, the building was newer, and the occupants generally older. It was perfect for her parents but Dara missed the old neighborhood and all of the memories she had of it – and the people.


Dara knocked on the door of her parents’ apartment. A minute later it opened and her mother welcomed her with a warm hug. Her father came to the door as well. After greeting her with his own hug he took her suitcase and pulled it in to the living room and then over to the extra bedroom.


“You should have let me come pick you up from the airport,” her father scolded, but Dara just laughed and waved her hand.


“It’s fine, appa.”


Upon her college graduation Dara had been hired by Samsung Technology. She’d spent the last 18 months working overseas, rotating from their office in Tokyo, Taipei, Michigan, and lastly in Germany. Now that her rotation was over she would be working at the headquarters in Seoul.


Her parents had prepared dinner and Dara spent the evening relaxing and telling them about her work and the different locations she lived at. At about 9pm she began to yawn, jetlag catching up with her.


“Go get some rest, honey,” her mom said, seeing that Dara could barely keep her eyes open.


“We’ll talk again tomorrow,” Dara said, standing up and going over to kiss both her parents goodnight. She stopped to look at a photo of Sanghyun in his military uniform that sat on top of the bookcase, and Dara smiled. “He’s so grown up now,” she mused, noticing how handsome he was as well. She missed him but he would be finishing him military service in a few more months and then she would be able to see him again. “Good night,” Dara called, and headed off to the guest room.


The next afternoon Dara headed downtown to meet up with Dami, whom she had called that morning. She was excited to be able to finally catch up in person with her best friend. The moment she spotted Dami Dara ran over and hugged her.


“Look at you!” Dami stepped back and her gaze inspected Dara over. “When did you grow up and turn into a freakin goddess?”


Dara looked down at the sleeveless designer dress she wore and strappy sandals. Was there something with what she was wearing? Was she overdressed? Her wardrobe had changed somewhat since joining Samsung Corp. because of the image she had to portray when meeting with clients.


Dami laughed and shook her head – Dara was still as clueless as ever about how beautiful she was. “Never mind, you dork. You’d look good wearing a paper bag even. Come on, let’s go to lunch!”


They spent two hours catching up over lunch. It pleased Dami to see that some things about Dara had not changed – the girl still loved to eat! It was a wonder that she never gained any weight. And Dara loved that in all the years since she’s met Dami (almost 20 in total) there is no one she is closer too than her. As they grew older their paths began to diverge after high school, but they still considered each other as their very best friend. When anything monumental happened to them – like falling in love, getting a promotion at work, breaking up with a boyfriend – Dara and Dami turned to each other to share their joy or sorrow. And that was how it was now when Dami shared with Dara her latest bit of news.


Younghwa and I are engaged.”


Dara’s mouth dropped open, her eyes wide. She wanted to scream but contained it as much as she could, considering that they were in a restaurant full of people. Dara stood and in two steps was hugging Dami tight. “Ohmygod! I can’t believe this!!” There were tears of joy in her eyes as she wished her very best friend congratulations.


“There’s more,” Dami told her. “I want you to be my maid of honor. Please say you’ll be here.”


“Nothing could keep me away,” Dara proclaimed. They spent the next twenty minutes or so discussing Dami’s wedding plans, including when she was looking to hold the wedding. Dami wanted to wait until that November. Jiyong would be back from his military service by then. The mention of Jiyong made Dara smile. “How is my Jiyongie?” Dara asked, her heart quickening fondly at the thought of Dami’s little brother.


“He’s grown into a wonderful young man,” Dami informed her. “He plans to enter med school when he gets back.”


“Isn’t it funny how he and Sanghyun are all grown up now?” Dara mused. For so long she’d thought of their younger siblings as just that … but now Jiyong and Sanghyun were grownups, just like her and Dami. “Is he still with that model girl he was seeing?” she asked.


Dami rolled her eyes. “I hope not. She broke up with him before he went away to the military. I know he took it really hard and I think he may still be in love with her but I’m not certain. Their relationship was always so rocky and I hated seeing him so unhappy at times. I just hope he finds someone stable that will love him and treat him the way he deserves.”


Dara smiled. Jiyong always was a sweet boy growing up. She supposed he was that way still now even as a man. And Dami’s sentiment for her younger brother was the same way Dara felt about Sanghyun. “I’m glad he’ll be home for your wedding. Sanghyun will be home as well!” Dara said. She looked forward to when she would see her two favorite dongsaengs again.


Over the next few weeks Dara got her new home, a spacious two bedroom condo in Hongdae. Dami’s mouth dropped open as she looked around Dara’s place. “Damn girl, what are you, a CEO at that company or something?” She could barely believe the lifestyle that Dara now lived, it was so different from when they were growing up.


“The building is owned by Samsung so I got a good deal on it,” Dara explained.


“And that expensive car you drive? The designer clothes?” Dami had even seen Dara in some news clipping photos at some of the red carpet events in town.


“It’s all just part of an image for work,” Dara informed her, sitting back on her $10,000 neo contemporary couch. "I have to do a lot of entertaining for clients, especially those from abroad that are visiting our headquarters here. The company requires that I project a certain image. But you know I’m still the same girl that loves to wear jeans and t-shirts when I can.”


“Except that one pair of your jeans is worth my whole wardrobe,” Dami teased, and the two laughed. Dami had slept over the night before and they had stayed up late talking. “So what about this rich guy I hear you’re dating?” she asked, and Dara shrugged her shoulders.


“It’s not serious. We’ve gone out a couple of times. He’s asked me to marry him.”


“What!!?” Dami’s eyes popped out, but Dara shook her head.


“I turned him down, Dami.”


Her best friend frowned with worry. “Why?” she asked, and waited for Dara to talk.


“He’s a really nice guy… but I don’t love him. I want to love the guy I marry,” Dara said quietly.


Wordlessly Dami leaned over and hugged Dara, understanding now what plagued her friend. Dara may live in an uptown, up-scaled world due to her job and career but deep inside she was still the sweet simple girl Dami had grown up with. The man that would win her heart would be the one that recognized that fact and that loved the simple side of her nature.


“Someday you’ll find the right guy for you,” Dami assured her, and Dara smiled as she nodded, hoping that her friend’s words were right.



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Chapter 12: I love the last two chapters they become happy family ❤️❤️❤️
Icequeen31 #2
Chapter 12: This is a cute story thanks ?
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 12: Authornim, please write more stories like this.
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 11: Is it just me who wishes to have my own Jiyongie?
Fr0zenMus1c #5
Chapter 9: Wait..so Sanghyun is Jiyong's wingman?
Fr0zenMus1c #6
Chapter 2: Haha!! Little boy's jealous.
Fr0zenMus1c #7
Chapter 1: Oh how cute (^w^)
saguntop #8
Chapter 12: Short and sweet story... this story brings smile in my face while I am reading it....
akasia #9
Chapter 12: Awwww so beautiful
Chapter 12: That was short but beautiful story. :)