Through The Years



2006 and Dara is 20 Years Old:



Dara knocked on the door of the Kwon’s home. A few seconds later it was opened by Mrs. Kwon. “Dara! What a surprised!” She pulled Dara in and gave her a hug.


“Hi Auntie!” Dara greeted with a smile, hugging Mrs. Kwon back.


“When did you get in? I saw your mother yesterday and she didn’t say anything about you coming home?”


“I didn’t tell them I was coming,” Dara explained, as Mrs. Kwon led her into the living room where she saw Mr. Kwon on his recliner watching tv. Dara bowed in his direction and greeted him as well.


“How long are you here for?”


“Just two days. I came for omma’s birthday tomorrow, but then I have to get back for classes before Monday.”


“Oh your mom must love that, having you home is the best present, I’m sure!”


Dara laughed, and just then Dami entered the living room, equally surprised and happy to see her friend. The two hugged and Dami pulled her toward her room while Dara waved bye to Mr. and Mrs. Kwon.


“I should hate you for not telling me you were coming,” Dami pouted. “I would have taken time off work if I’d known!”


“It wasn’t certain if I would make it or not,” Dara explained. “I didn’t want to tell anyone I was coming and then have them disappointed if I couldn’t make it.”


Dami sighed. “Maybe I should call in sick…”


“No, go to work. We can hang out tomorrow if you have time. Tonight I’ll just spend it with my parents. No biggie. I just wanted to come over and say hi.”


“I’m glad you did.” Dami reached over and gave Dara another tight hug. “I’ve missed having you around, girlfriend!”


Dara laughed at this. “I doubt that since I hear you and Younghwa are getting pretty serious. At least according to my sources.”


“Your sources being Chaerin and Bom?” Dami asked, laughter tinging her voice.


“No, my sources being Sanghyun – who heard it from Ji. Speaking of which, where is that dongsaeng?”


“Probably out with his girlfriend.” Dami rolled her eyes.


“Girlfriend! Jiyong has a girlfriend?!” Dara was shocked. Was he even old enough now to have a girlfriend? Ah, but even Sanghyun had a girlfriend, so, yeah, that meant Ji was that age also.


“Don’t even get me started,” Dami said. “That brat has a new girlfriend like every other week.”


“Oh my god… don’t tell me he turned into one of those guys at school with a gazillion girls chasing after him,” Dara mocked, recalling how she and her friends used to roll their eyes at those types of guys and all their fan girls.


“Tell me about it,” Dami answered, and then changed the subject. “But what about you? Have things gotten any better between you and Donghae?”


Dara shook her head and gave a slight shrug of her shoulders. “No, we’re done. I think he’s dating someone else now. I’m just focusing on school.”


“Well not this weekend you’re not! Let’s call the girls together and go out! What do you say?”


“Sounds like a plan,” Dara cheered, and the two best friends high fived to seal the deal.



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Chapter 12: I love the last two chapters they become happy family ❤️❤️❤️
Icequeen31 #2
Chapter 12: This is a cute story thanks ?
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 12: Authornim, please write more stories like this.
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 11: Is it just me who wishes to have my own Jiyongie?
Fr0zenMus1c #5
Chapter 9: Wait..so Sanghyun is Jiyong's wingman?
Fr0zenMus1c #6
Chapter 2: Haha!! Little boy's jealous.
Fr0zenMus1c #7
Chapter 1: Oh how cute (^w^)
saguntop #8
Chapter 12: Short and sweet story... this story brings smile in my face while I am reading it....
akasia #9
Chapter 12: Awwww so beautiful
Chapter 12: That was short but beautiful story. :)