The Artist Unveiled

HELLO EVERYONE! This is the author of The Artist Unveiled dropping by to give you guys an update that you honestly deserved a long time ago. I know this story was supposed to debut on Valentine's Day but I ran into quite a few complications while writing up the first chapter and such. I was planning on writing the first ten chapters so that I can update regularly even if I didn't feel like writing one week, I can still give you guys a chapter but while writing, I had some health problems that I had to deal with first. I'm not talking about a cold, or fever or some type of three day sickness. I wasn't even sick. I can write when I sick if I really push myself and if this was just some regular cold or something, I would've been on my computer writing my off but unfortunately that wasn't the case.

(this is where I get into detail about what I had because I don't mind being a little open with my readers and subscribers so far because you guys are special to me)

I had body pain. Aches, all of that. My migraines came back and I had to take medicine for them but the biggest major problem was the problem that occured in my neck. The doctors never even told me what it was but they gave me medicine for it. It's this huge bump that popped up out of no where and it was the size of a golf ball and it started getting really big to the point where I had to wear scarves inside of school even if I already took my coats and such off. It left me in a lot of pain. It was painful to even move my neck left or right or even move it at all. You know the pain of a charlie horse on your foot? Well imagine a cramp that bad on your neck every time you turn but worse. As writers, we constantly get cramps in our hands and necks and backs. So when this pain came, it was hard to write because I was in constant pain. This pain was even there when I didn't move my neck at all. From the time I woke up to the time I went to sleep, I was in pain. Some days, it was so bad that I could'nt even get out of bed because the pain left my body so tired and drained. I would get these hot flashes and it was just so bad for me. I didn't even want to include all this because I didn't want to make excuses for not writing for you guys but I just thought that you deserved this reason. Had I known that would've happen, I would've planned ahead and wrote faster or change the due date for the premiere of the chapter. I'm really sorry everyone. 


Now for good news, I am getting a lot better. The bump is still there but it has gone down a lot and I am not in pain everyday. It hurts sometimes and even when I touch it but it's gotten better. Now I can write in peace and I AM continuing this story. I did not spend one whole class period ignoring my teacher coming up with this idea for nothing XD I have a lot planned for this crazy story and I really want to go through with it. It's been nearly a month and a half since this bump has been here and it's finally leaving. I am going to be working with my co-producers/co-authors as much as possible to give you guys an awesome story. 


Now I am working on chapter one as you read this so hopefully within the next two weeks, this will be up. It won't be up now because I am busy with school but spring break is right around the corner. I will be leaving updates at the end of every chapter so you guys won't ever have to be in the unknown. 


Thank you guys! I love you all so much and keep your eyes on the lookout for chapter 1!

And please do leave me feedback and ideas! I really love them and they inspire me and I do consider them. 


bye!- KitsuneMitsune A.K.A Airess <3

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Where are you now that I need you :'( Where r u, author-nimm. I hope you're okay, and I demand this fic to be continued! Jk, but I really wish you continue tho. ♡♡
Chapter 2: Glad your ok

Can't wait for the first chap JiminxYoungjae! yay lol XD
Chapter 2: Get well soon. I love your story but i can wait ;)
hope your not too sick
Chapter 2: Hey babe hope you feel better! If you need any help with editing, obviously just shoot me an email or PM! <3
Chapter 1: Oooooh this looks amazing, can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 1: I like it so far. Can wait for the next one
I'm just wondering if Jimin or Youngjae will make an appearance soon xD
Chapter 1: Omg lol their audition taoes are just lol especially V haha
guardian_angel274 #8
Chapter 1: Pls update soon author- nim. Reality series sound great :v : v
Wait if they are 12 will it mean 2 members will not be in the show? Like 1 from BTS and 1 from Got7?