1st day shooting.

I'm supposed to hate you.

RIIIIIIINNNNNNG, My alarm woke me up. I stood up and stretched. Seungri passed my door and smiled at me. I stood up walked towards the bathroom.
When I finished taking a shower I got dressed. Today was the first day of our shooting.

I walked to the kitchen and started eating.
“Ready?” Seungri asked me.

“I guess so. Well at least this time if I create a mistake we can retake it right?” I smiled.

“yeah.” He gave me a glass of milk and I smiled.


We arrived at this set after a one hour ride. Everyone was there, I set down my bag and looked around the set.
“Where is the other girl?” Someone said.

“Me?” I pointed at myself and she ran to me and grabbed my hand.

“Time for make-up” She said and dragged me away.

“Soon-ei” I saw Yuri was just finished with her make up and hair. Her short hair was lightly curled and she had red red red lips. She looked…seductive?

“What’s with that look?” I asked smiling.

“Its for the scene where me and Seungri are…. Yeah” She smiled.

“What?” I said but suddenly my make-up artist sat me down and started to put on my make-up.

“okay, you’re the other girl right?” A woman asked me. I slightly nodded.

“Good. So your first scene is with Taeyang, both of you are in a restaurant and he’s singing to you and dancing around. YADA YADA YADA. Just look hot.” Then she left. I looked up at my make-up artist who smiled and rolled her eyes.

When I was done, I looked at myself and smiled. I didn’t look so seductive, this was good. I got dressed and when I was done, I decided to watch Seungri and Yuri do their taping. When I arrived there, I ended up smiling. Yuri was on my brother’s lap, wearing this red short dress while my brother sang in her ear. I could see Yuri forcing herself not to blush, which ended the director to scream “CUT!”

I smiled and looked around and saw Jiyong not ready. He sat on the couch and was looking at his phone. He looked up at me and smiled. I ended up smiling back but turning around and looking at Taeyang.

“We’re next” He said smiling.

“I have no idea what to do really.” I shook my head.

“Okay, I’ll help you. So at first, were gonna be seated and I’m gonna sing to you, hold your hand, stand up and dance around you. All you have to do is just look at me and smile. That’s pretty much it.” He smiled.

“that’s not so hard.” I said smiling back.

“Okay, your done.” The director said and Yuri quickly stood up and ran pass me, shaking her head. I laughed then looked at Seungri who quickly sat on the couch next to Jiyong.
He closed his eyes but he had smile on.

“Next couple!” The director said. Taeyang grabbed my arm and pulled me.


“done” The director screamed. Finally me and Taeyang were done after 15 retakes. 15!!!! Why? Well I couldn’t focus because Jiyong kept laughing or staring, and sometimes I’d end up laughing at Taeyang.

“Sorry.” I grabbed his arm and he smiled

“no big” He said.

I nodded and looked at Yuri who was wearing a very cute school girl outfit standing next to Daesung who wore a school uniform too.

I was given my next set of clothes and I looked at it. It was a black leather suit. “What’s my next role?” I asked one of the staff.

“You are the bad girl villain while GD is the action star who catches you and you try to shoot him. It’ll be explained later. Get dressed.” She slightly pushed me away.

“You are no help at all” I told her as I walked away. I got dressed and looked at myself at the mirror.

“I look like Scarlett Johansson in Iron man 2” I told myself. “But I am not as hot as her.” I shook my head.

“Yes you are.” I turned around and saw Jiyong leaning against the door. He tossed me something and when I catched it, I saw I was holding a gun.

“What’s this for?” I asked.

“its fake. And you’re a secret villain remember, your going to try to shoot me later but I end up seducing you.” He smiled.

“Like I’ll ever be seduced by you” I pretended to choke. I walked pass him and looked at Yuri who just finished her shoot with Daesung.

“We’re doing one with T.O.P…together” She said as she passed me.

“What?” I said looking at her as she shrugged.

“Okay Soon-ei, so here’s what you’ll do. You’re trying to steal something. You get it and try to make your escape but suddenly GD appears in front of you, sly as ever. You pull out your gun, but before you try and shoot him, he grabs it, your faces end up close to each other, you’re stunned. You try to punch him, he somehow, knocks you on the floor, then your faces are once again inches from each other and it looks like he’s about to kiss you, so you close your eyes but it turns out he just grabbed what you tried to steal then ran off.” The director told me.

“What?!” My jaw flew open “Why couldn’t Yuri and Oppa do this?! Why me and Jiyong?! The whole world knows I hate him!” I used that as an excuse. I really didn’t wanna do this because I think I could really kiss him later or maybe screw this up because of my blushing.

“Lets start” The director smiled and Jiyong winked at me.

“great…” I sighed.


“And cut! That’s was great” The director said.

“Its over!!!” I screamed as I stood up.

“You still have one with T.O.P” A staff said.

“I meant my part with him over.” I skipped away and quickly got changed.


“Girl scouts?” I looked at what me and Yuri were wearing.

“Selling cookies” Yuri nodded and smiled at me.

“yaa” Someone called us, we turned around and there was a flash. I blinked my eyes a few times then saw Taeyang there with a camera.

“Cute girl scouts. “ He smiled and walked away. I rolled my eyes then suddenly the director called us. We when to the set and started the last shooting.

When the day was over, I was absolutely tired. I needed sleep, more sleep and even more sleep. While we were in the car, I couldn’t even control my eyes from drooping anymore. Then everything turned black. 

wrote this at my friends house, she would stop babbling about Iron Man, so yeah. HAHAHAH!

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Mikelai #1
Chapter 35: Lovely and cute story, I enjoy most of it, except the last twist :)
Mikelai #2
Chapter 35: Lovely and cute story, I enjoy most of it, except the last twist :)
exoticshawol125 #3
Chapter 35: this is sooooo good :)
ughbap #4
Chapter 35: nice and awesome!!!!!! aww
Whimsical_Princess #5
Chapter 35: Nice story !!!! :) I liked it
18 streak #6
Chapter 35: nice story :) glad i found it :)
nice fic :D
Chapter 35: yay!!!!! I love the happy ending!!!!
Chapter 3: That girl! yeahh i love her so MUCHHH!! :D
itta_b #10
Chapter 1: I like this girl!!:D