
Finding You

        Taehyung felt like complete and utter . It's been a whole day since Jin said goodbye and the male never moved from his bed. All he did was stare at his phone, waiting for Jin to reply. Jin didn't reply. Taehyung was going crazy.

        School was starting soon and Taehyung didn't know if he could handle all the people there. He was changing, all because Jin left. Jimin called him an hour ago asking if they could hang out. Taehyung didn't respond, he let Jimin repeat 'Hello' numerous times before the slightly older man gave up and the line went dead. He heard his mother calling him, he knew he shouldn't but he ignored it. She would have to understand that he just wasn't feeling well today and that he would apologize when he felt better.

        'Hey,' he sent to Jin the second time that day. It was only 7 in the morning and he already texted Jin twice, when Jin was here, they would sometimes not even text at this time, they would both still be asleep. He couldn't wait for the response when a very annoyed Jimin burst into his room.

        Only seeing V's back, he didn't see how really beat up his friend was. When Jimin threw Taehyung down on the pillows demanding and answer to why he had been ignored, Taehyung let everything come to him. He didn't try to resist, he just took it. Eyeing his phone to see if Jin answered Jimin finally stopped shaking him, having noticed the puffiness of the others face and the broken emptiness of his eyes.

        "What happened?" Jimin stepped back carefully and set Taehyung down on the pillows so that he would be comfortable, pulling the blankets up, treating the other like he was a porcelain doll just waiting to fall on the floor.

        "Jin, gone, no more, love him, stay, phone, wait." Taehyung stared up at the ceiling, probably thinking that he had said something that made perfect sense. The way Taehyung was looking up at the ceiling, with his broken eyes, squinting as if to find something, the small spark of hope fading away withing a few seconds, leaving loss and sorrow.

        Jimin saw Taehyung's phone light up and vibrate. V was up in a second, he grabbed his phone and checked the message. He smiled when he saw 'Jin-nie' appear, instantly feeling better reading Jin's simple 'Hey' Jimin sighed in relief at the lighter atmosphere but he worried about what would happen later when Jin wouldn't be texting him.

        Jimin watched Taehyung's fingers fly across the keyboard. He was wondering what they could be talking about. He was lost in the whole situation. He leaned over to sit next to his friend. He read the message over the boy's shoulder.

        'Jin, I miss you so much, it's only been a day and I can't take it anymore, I haven't left my room since you went, I know I sent you two messages but I really miss you. I can't take this I feel sick and I don't think I can go back to school when I know that you aren't there. Jin I miss you'

        Jimin's eyes softened, that's why Taehyung looked so blank, so empty. He wouldn't let his best friend feel like this, though, determined to help V, Jimin walked out of the house in search for some people.

        'I miss you too, but you need to move around Taehyung. I love you and I don't want you like this while I'm gone, so go outside, take a walk, at least, get out of that room. Please? I promise we will see each other again some day. I promise.'

        'Jin everything reminds me of you. I think I ran out of tears. Please come soon okay?'

        'I'll try my hardest. Now. I want you to stand up.' Taehyung stared at the message blankly. He could lie to Jin and say that he did, but he didn't feel right, even if Jin would never know. He stood up slowly.

        'I stood, can you call me? I would feel better if you called me.'

        After a minute, his phone began to vibrate and she immediately answered. "Jin." he breathed out.

        "Taehyung, I missed your voice," Taehyung smiled.

        "I miss you so much. Now, what do I do? I've been standing for 2 minutes already."

        "Go downstairs and get something to eat, greet your family too. You can keep me on speaker."

        "Okay," V said just to reply, he turned his phone on speaker and opened the door to his room slowly, Jin kept encouraging him, telling him that he would feel better if he did this, he would feel better when he ate and talked to someone. Jin was probably right.

        When V walked into the kitchen his parents immediately hugged him. He didn't hug them back, he stared at his phone, making sure that he wouldn't accidentally press the end button. He was suddenly being dragged to the table. His connected with the wooden seat and he was left with his phone on the table he was staring at.

        "Jin," He said loud enough so his phone would pick it up.

        "Just eat anything they give you, you need food, you haven't eaten have you" Taehyung didn't feel like saying anything, he just wanted to hear Jin's voice. "I'm taking that as a no." Taehyung heard mumbled voices in the background but he couldn't understand what they were saying. "Taehyung, you have to eat, promise me you'll eat. I have to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Promise me that you'll sleep tonight too, you sound tired. Love you."

        Before Taehyung could beg Jin to stay on the phone, Jin had ended the call. No tears shed from Taehyung's eyes, but the corners of his mouth turned downward as he took in a deep breath. He would do what Jin told him to do.

        All his favorite food appeared in front of him as he realized how hungry he was. He thanked his parents quietly as he was able to forget about Jin for a while.

        When Taehyung was forbidden to go into his room, he walked to the couch and just rested there. There was nothing he wanted to do but talk to Jin, and Jin was doing something. Neko came and jumped on his stomach but Taehyung didn't lift a muscle to pet the little creature. It curled up onto his stomach and fell asleep. Taehyung felt sleepy but he wanted to be awake when Jin called again. It was only 2 pm, Jin would still be awake.

        Taehyung brought out his phone, glad that he never deleted any message that Jin sent him. He read every text that they sent to each other, wondering how he never found out. After an hour of staring at messages, a notification popped up that he was getting a phone call. It took him a while to adjust to the new words.

        "Jin." His phone read. He pressed the answer button and put the phone to his ear.

        "Taehyung I have something to tell you." Jin's voice was low as if he was in trouble.

        "What's wrong?" Taehyung sat up quickly, getting a little dizzy from the sudden movement, and causing Neko to fall off his chest.

        "I won't be able to talk to you in a while..."

        "What happened? Why won't we be able to talk?"

        "My brother... he said something to my dad and convinced him-" Taehyung held his breath when he heard rustling on the other end of the line, he didn't dare speak, afraid that if he did, Jin would get in trouble. "I can't talk for much longer, but I'm getting a new phone and number and it's going to be programmed so I can't talk to you anymore. I love you Tae, don't forget that, but I have to go now. I'll see you soon, I promise." Jin hurriedly said before the line went dead.

        Taehyung didn't want to move. He didn't want to believe that the call ended. He put the phone slowly to his ear again and whispered quietly "Okay, be safe, I love you too, promise you that I'll eat and sleep, I love you... Bye" still gripping the phone, he dropped his hand to the side, landing it on the couch. He looked down at his lap and closed his eyes.

        'Jin can't talk to me anymore. I'm never going to hear his voice ever again.' Taehyung didn't cry. He simply looked down at his lap and thought about everything. How Jin was gone and they wouldn't be able to talk anymore, how sleepy he was, how he was going to handle school, and how much he needed someone right now.

        As if an answer to his prayers, a cheery Jimin barged into his home along with 4 other people. He kept his eyes closed and his chin down as he felt them circle around him.

        Jimin squatted down so he could see the sulking man's face. He reached up and scratched the under of Tae's chin, causing the orange-haired man to open his eyes slightly.

        "Hey there V, I brought some friends with me" Jimin stood as Taehyung brought his head up to look at the other 4. When he turned his head to the right he would see Jungkook, to the left was J-hope, while Suga and Namjoon were standing behind him. When his gaze moved back to Jimin, he saw a small smile placed on the short man's lips.

        "Can you tell us clearly what happened to make you like this? We're here for you man." He moved to sit at Taehyung's right, Jungkook sat next to Jimin, J-hope moved to Tae's left before Rapmon and Suga sat next to him.

        "Jin..." He took a deep breath and willed himself to stay calm through the explanation. "He... moved." He stated firmly, not sure if he would be able to say anything else.

        "Where's Hyung?" Taehyung closed his eyes at Jimin's question. He was starting to feel a slight pain in the bridge of his nose.

        "Hyung's real name is Jin." a soft whisper escaped tight lips. He felt arms wrap around him, he was thinking that it was Jimin but he didn't care, he wanted to be left alone, but at the same time, he needs someone. Suddenly he was being carried, shocked eyes opened as he looked up at Rapmon. J-hope opened the door and when they stepped outside Taehyung looked at Jimin worriedly from Namjoon's arms. The shorter man just shook his head while smiling.

        "Don't worry, this will help, trust us." Jungkook and Suga nodded from behind Jimin. Feeling negative, Taehyung couldn't help point out that there were 6 of them and a car only fits 5 people. Jimin wouldn't let Taehyung get out of the situation as he quickly pushed everyone inside the car, with Namjoon as driver and Suga sitting in the passenger seat, Jimin sat between Jungkook and J-hope, pulling V down so that he was laying on all three of their laps, he had to bend his knees but it was comfortable with his head on J-hope's thighs.

        After having no idea where they were going, the car was finally parked and the muscles of Taehyung's back were being stretched. When his eyes moved to look at the area around him, he recognized where they were. Old memories flashed through his mind and he smiled softly at Jimin.

        "I hate when my parents make me eat vegetables!" a 7-year-old Jimin yelled with all his might, grinning down at the view. "Hey V! Try it!" He turned to look at a 6-year-old boy who was just a few months away from being the same age as him.

        "Jimin, our parents told us not to leave so far..." A cautious Taehyung kept looking at the door to the rooftop. "What if we get caught?"

        Rolling his eyes, he grabbed V's arm and brought him to the center of the rooftop. He placed Taehyung in a way so that he was facing a small stage. "Stay there and listen," he commanded before walking up to the stage, pretending there was a crowd standing in front of him he took a deep breath. "Ladies and gentlemen, I am here to tell you about Kim Taehyung!" he grinned and pointed to the only real person in his 'audience'

        "He always goes around saying that he doesn't want to do this or that but I know! He really wants to shout at the top of his lungs right now!" Jimin clapped for himself, causing Tae to let out a small chuckle before running up to Jimin and pushing him down on the stage.

        "What he says is true!" He announced to the fake audience, "Therefore, I shall say the truth about him too! PARK JIMIN IF YOU DON'T EAT VEGETABLES I'M GOING TO END UP TALLER THAN YOU!!!" Taehyung collapsed in a fit of laughter as Jimin tackled him.

        "Boys! What are you doing here?" Their daycare leader scolded them lightly, "You could have gotten hurt! Go inside now!" Pointing to the door, the two boys giggled while running back to the daycare center.

        "I told you I was going to end up taller than you" Sticking his tongue out at Jimin he ran over to the double doors. Closing his eyes, remembering all the good times he had here. He heard Jimin mumble something but he didn't pay attention, he was sure that it was something along the lines of 'This kid' or 'Be grateful brat' 

        The lit hallway warmed Taehyung's heart as he looked through the windows of the classrooms looking at the children playing with blocks some looked up from his masterpiece to stare. Taehyung chuckled and smiled at them, earning grins back. He waved goodbye and continued his journey to the staircase.

        He remembered how long it took for his 6-year-old self to make it up these stairs, he looked back at the smiling group, he made a mental note to thank them later. Reaching the top of the staircase, Taehyung peeped the door open to check for any other visitors. The plain tile upon the cement rooftop occupied no feet, the small stage to the left called him. Immediately responding to the call, he hopped onto the small ledge and watched the 5 others enter.

        "Ladies and gentlemen!" V shouted, grinning at Jimin in the process. "We have gathered here today to discuss Jimin's height!" extending his arms up to the sky Taehyung continued to grin at a slightly angry Jimin who was walking over to the stage.

        "Don't mind this peasant!" Jimin shooed V away "He knows nothing, for I am the greatest! Right Jungkookie?" Jimin looked at the youngest who just laughed and shook his head. "Kookie!" Jimin whined. "Well, I'm only one centimeter smaller than Suga!"

        Suga, being offended, pushed Jimin off the small stage and pointed to all of them, "I HAVE MORE SWAG THAN ALL OF YOU!" he shouted while pointing to himself as he began rapping. Rapmon shook his head while making booing noises. He took the spotlight when he began to rap, insulting Suga lightly and explaining how awesome he is.

        J-hope began to clap, catching attention as he began to dance, moving randomly as Jimin and Jungkook began to sing about what all of them were doing. Soon the whole rooftop filled with crazy guys doing whatever they felt like Taehyung laughed and joined J-hope, dancing all his problems away.

        For now.

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bluebird17 #1
Chapter 12: I'm balling T^T ... thank you so much for this!!!
enefeydee #2
Chapter 12: finALLY!!!!! MYGAJF I CRIED
NumAyehet #3
Chapter 12: Omg.. finally they are together again huhuhuhu
Marksonlove3 #4
This story was everything! Great job author-nim!!!
Chapter 12: Im crying so hard at 3 am omfg tysm for writing this
Exoticfangirl2011 #6
Chapter 12: Aweeeee this is a cute story omf
Hiltond #7
Chapter 12: I cried! I never cry! Oh I'm so happy! This was beautifully written and just what I'm looking for in a fanfic! Ah my heart ♡
Chapter 12: Wonderful story TT so sweet <3
Chapter 12: I'm crying rn. Gosh.. TaeJin is the best ♥ ;-;