
Finding You

        Taehyung woke up and immediately smiled. Today was the day, today was the day he would meet Jin and finally know Hyung's real name, he would see what Jin looked like, he would find out what Jin sounded like, and know how tall Jin was. He would know what his boyfriend's name was, yes boyfriend. He blushed at the memory of that day.

        "Teahyung," Hyung came up behind a sitting Taehyung at the park.

        "You came! Sorry to suddenly call you here, I was just really bored and I wanted to hang out." he rubbed the back of his head and looked up at Hyung. He was wearing a plain navy blue hoodie with jeans on.

        "It's fine," Hyung sat next to him, "I wasn't doing anything anyways." he leaned back to look up at the clouds. "Were you just sitting here this whole time?"

        "Yep, I was going to play with Neko today, but he destroyed his toy, I was on my way to get him a new one when I saw how pretty it was outside." Taehyung leaned back into the same position as Hyung and stretched his arms out to the sky. "By the way, why are you wearing a hood? It's still summer." He pinched the dark blue fabric.

        "Well it's not that hot, plus I like this hood," Hyung replied while setting his hands in the pouch. 

        "Do you wanna come with me to the store to get Neko another toy? You can come to my house afterwards too if you want." Taehyung suggested while sitting up and looking down at the other male.

        Nodding, Hyung stood and helped Tae up. "Are we going to walk there?" He asked.

        Taehyung nodded and started off on their journey, making Hyung regret wearing a hood without a shirt underneath.

        When they walked into the store V was grinning and playing with all the cat toys while Hyung took his time observing each one without touching.

        "Are you sure that the toy is going to be for the cat?" Hyung commented when he saw the younger playing with the little toy mice, making the younger man blush and nod frantically.

        "Just making sure that Neko will like the toy is all." he put the little-stuffed animal away before picking up a laser and curiously pointing it at Hyung. He tossed it in his hands a little, checking the weight and tapped on the metal surface.

        "I don't think a cat can break that. You should get it." agreeing with the choice, he bought it, thankful that there wasn't a really long line, and they headed towards Taehyung's house.

            When they got through the door Taehyung introduced Hyung to his mother. "I'm home Mom! This is my hyung, I saw him on the way."

        "Nice to meet you" She smiled sweetly, "I was just about to head out to get your father and you sisters back from their camping trip! There's food in the fridge and Neko is in your room. Behave and goodbye!" She kissed Taehyung's cheek and walked out the door.

        "Are you hungry?" the host asked. Shaking his head Hyung looked around the small house. The brown leather couches were surprisingly not scratched, considering they had a cat, the wooden chairs were also unscratched and the wooden floor shined. He heard footsteps leaving him and he turned his head to see Taehyung heading upstairs. He quickly followed.

        Taehyung opened the door and Neko quickly appeared swaying it's orange tail and rubbing his head on his leg. Hyung walked up behind him and Neko froze before hesitantly walking over to him, sniffing the air for anything that seemed out of place.

        "It's okay Neko," Taehyung crouched down and patted the feline's head, "Hyung is a good man that won't hurt you."  he picked up the small cat and lifted it to Hyung's face. Carefully taking Neko from his owner, Hyung carried the small guy back inside the room and sat down.

        Taehyung pulled out the laser and turned it on, pointing it at the roof. Neko's head immediately tracked down the red beam and he jumped off Hyung's lap in an instant. While Tae was watching his pet pounce around, Hyung was observing his room.

        He looked at the white walls that had scratches on them, Hyung thought that they were caused by Neko, but the dresser was neat and not scratched. He noticed the small hallway to the bathroom and the closet next to it. The ceiling fan above his head was off and the light from the window right next to him heated his right arm. He liked the simplicity of the fairly large room. Suddenly there was a red light on his knee. He looked up to see Taehyung smirking at him before Neko pounced on him. Carrying the small animal off of him Hyung laughed and set him on the floor.

        Standing up he looked at Taehyung with a glint in his eye. Taehyung knew what was coming and he quickly ran out of the room. Hyung shook his head before chasing the orange haired male down, Neko followed them not long after.

        Taehyung was sitting on the couch laughing while Hyung got lost in the small house. Neko was watching his owner laugh quietly at the foot of the couch. When Hyung followed the sound of V's laugh he quickly ran over to attack the younger. He didn't notice Neko till last second though and he moved his foot in a different direction, losing his balance and falling on top of the other boy instead.

        "Oh, I'm-"  he turned his head and was cut off by a pair of soft lips. With the rest of his body frozen he looked into Taehyung's equally shocked eyes. Hyung pulled away slowly, their faces still inches apart. "sorry..." he trailed off while his gaze settled upon the pink lips that belonged to Taehyung. "Have I ever told you I like the color pink?" 

        his lips a little, seeing that Hyung was staring at them intently, he answered no softly before their lips interlocked again. He looked into Hyung's eyes hesitantly, when he saw how the other was looking at him he blushed and pulled away. The elder of the two repositioned himself so that they were both laying down, V beneath him.

        "I like you Tae~" He smiled down at the blushing 20-year-old.

        "I- I like you too, even though I don't know your real name..." V laughed cheekily before Hyung leaned down to peck his lips.

        Taehyung noticed the huge smile that found its way to his lips and shook his head, this only happened a week ago so it was normal to still blush at the memory right? He checked the time on his phone and his jaw dropped. It was only 7:30 in the morning. He could have sworn it was later. He mentally laughed at himself for being so excited.

        Knowing that he couldn't go back to sleep now, he fixed himself before heading downstairs. He saw his father already down there with a mug of coffee and a newspaper in his hand.

        "Good morning, what are you doing awake so early?" His father peeked from the top of the newspaper.

        "Good morning, I'm just excited because I'm going to meet someone today!" flashing his rectangular smile, V opened the fridge and took out the milk, set it on the table before walking to the pantry, examining the variety of cereal.

        "That's nice, will you bring them home today? No one will be here. We are going to your aunt's house..." Taehyung flinched at the mention of his aunt. They did not have the best relationship. She heard he was gay and immediately tried to kill him. But it was her birthday today. Nodding slowly he grabbed lucky charms, a bowl, and a spoon before sitting down.

        "How long are you going to stay?" He asked while pouring in his milk.

        "Overnight, we are taking Neko too, your aunt's been wanting to meet him."

        "I see." Taehyung nodded and began to eat his cereal. He enjoyed his breakfast in silence, with occasional page turning.

        An hour and 30 minutes later he was in the bathroom fixing his hair, his family had already gone off to his aunt's house. He checked his appearance one more time before heading out. His hands were sweaty and he kept wiping them on his jeans to dry them. He wasn't expecting to be this nervous when meeting Jin but he couldn't help it.

        Arriving at the park exactly at 9:30, he looked around a bit. The park was empty and he was quick to think that Jin wasn't going to show up. He pulled out his phone and scrolled down to Jin's contact name.

        'I'm here, are you close?' A minute later Jin replied.

        'Turn around.' Taehyung looked up and spun around to see Hyung.

        "Oh! Hyung! did you take Jin's phone?" he chuckled, "He said he was going to bring you but you're here before him." 

        Hyung shook his head while grinning. He lifted his hand to scratch the back of his head. Taehyung noticed the accessories on his wrists, then he noticed that he could see his wrists. Hyung was wearing a navy blue polka-dot shirt where the sleeves went down to his elbows, there was a small chain that connected the collar of his shirt.

        "Nope, Jin's here." he held his neck and tilted his head blushing a little.

        "Really where?" Taehyung turned his head, looking for anyone else that was in the park. When he didn't see anyone else he looked at Hyung questioningly. "I don't see him..."

        Chuckling Hyung hugged Taehyung. "Remember when Jin told you that he was going to tell you my real name today? And he said he would bring the person he liked? And that he would wear glasses?" Taehyung nodded. Hyung smiled and took out a small black case, he pulled out glasses before putting them on and said, "My name is Kim Seokjin and I like you."

        Everything clicked in Taehyung's brain. They have known each other since birth, they tell each other everything, they are really close, Jin saw him that day, everything made sense now.

        "I've known what you looked like, sounded like, smelled like, how tall you were, what your hands felt like, where you lived, and everything else that I have been questioning in my head for this long and you never told me, and I never figured it out?" Teahyung's jaw was on the floor.

        Jin covered his mouth with his hand and laughed. "Was I really that good of an actor? You flatter me V" he squished the shocked boys cheeks.

        "Jin... That means... You're leaving tomorrow." V looked up at him sadly when a realization hit. He reached up and held Jin's hand and pulled it away from his cheek.

        "Yeah... I know. But let's not think about that now, that's tomorrow. Let's enjoy today okay? If it makes you feel better, I'll wear these glasses for the rest of the day." Jin attempted to make the younger feel better. He knew it didn't work when Taehyung gave a sad smile and nodded.

        "There's no one home so I'm up for anything," he said quietly. Determined to make the other man enjoy this day Jin took his arm and brought him to the car.

        "Where are we going?" V asked buckling his seatbelt, noticing that the car smelt like Jin. He smiled and took a deep whiff. Jin looked at him weird for a moment before buckling his own seatbelt while laughing and starting the car. The engine roared and Jin the radio to a channel that played upbeat music to keep the mood alive.

        "A place where you'll have a good time. I'm not spending our last day together moping around because I'm leaving. We are going to enjoy this day." Jin stated making V's heart flutter. With that, Jin began to drive.

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bluebird17 #1
Chapter 12: I'm balling T^T ... thank you so much for this!!!
enefeydee #2
Chapter 12: finALLY!!!!! MYGAJF I CRIED
NumAyehet #3
Chapter 12: Omg.. finally they are together again huhuhuhu
Marksonlove3 #4
This story was everything! Great job author-nim!!!
Chapter 12: Im crying so hard at 3 am omfg tysm for writing this
Exoticfangirl2011 #6
Chapter 12: Aweeeee this is a cute story omf
Hiltond #7
Chapter 12: I cried! I never cry! Oh I'm so happy! This was beautifully written and just what I'm looking for in a fanfic! Ah my heart ♡
Chapter 12: Wonderful story TT so sweet <3
Chapter 12: I'm crying rn. Gosh.. TaeJin is the best ♥ ;-;