Did you hear that?

Exo Apocolypse

3/05/2014 Park Ttalgi

After about ten minutes Chen had hacked into my dads computer and his face paled "Umm Xu Mao you might want to come see this" I had just gotten off the phone with mum and she said she hadn't heard off Xian Nu or dad which made me worry even more. Sighing I walked over to Chen "What's up" I asked leaning on the chair behind him "I don't know how to explain it's better if you just watched" he clicked on the video and my father and his worker appeared "Test subject 158 Lee An Su, vile number 118 cancer cure" my father spoke as, the worked inject the girl with something  "Ok now let's just give it a moment then we can take a blood sample as see if it worked" they both sat and watched the girls for a few seconds "Why are you showing me this, this isn't showing me what going on" I told Chen "Sh and keep watching" I looked back at the screen and saw the woman known as An Su acting  bit odd she was mumbling something, when the worker went up to her to take a blood sample she snapped and tried to bite him but he managed to get out of the room in time, "Odd" I mumbled "Yea well it gets even odder and freaky if I'm honest"  I looked back at the screen to see my father not on screen it was just the worker An Su was rocking back and forward in the room shaking her head, and it looked like she was mumbling something and the she was up against the door screaming, blood dripping from her eyes "Meat" she screeched shaming the glass and garbing the worker biting into his neck , and her crawling out the window, going off screen the I heard my father screaming  "Oh my.." I felt dizzy and sick "Xu Mao breath take it easy ok, sit"  Chen told me as he guided me to sit on my bed "What the hell was that..Oh god I just heard my father be killed"  "Ttalgi calm down ok" I took a deep breath "My father has created zombies"  "What!" me and Chen Jumped when we heard the other "Did you just say zombies Mama?" "We don't know ok" Chen spoke for me "So what is so important that we go to this army base" Kris spoke "Because my sister told me to she sounded panicked and by god if anything happens to her " "Nothing will happen to her" Lay said coming to stand next to me and patted my head "So when do we leave?" Luhan asked "Do you have a van" he nodded "Kris do you have the weapons" "Yea but what are we going to need them for"  "Look if there is a zombie apocalypse happening we don't know how fast it is spreading and we don't know if there is a cure so we I'ver get eaten or we fight back" they all looked at one another and nodded "Alright.. Tao is everything packed" "Yup all is good to go" I nodded "Chen grad the laptop where heading out, Luhan, Lay, take us to the van"

Walking down to the school parking lot was quite to quite normally there would be students out running about or play fighting but the place was deserted "I don't like this it's to quite"  Tao spoke clinging to my arm "Let's just get to the van quickly ok trying not to make too much noise" I told him,  but sadly Luhan accidently kicked a can making us all freeze when we heard growling  "Um guys did you hear that?" Xiumin asked. Slowly we all looked back to see a bunch of bloody students coming towards us "Run now, Kris the chuck us the  guns" he nodded and chucked me first the everyone else, "Tao you and me front, Kris Chen you in back, Luhan Lay and Xiumin, take the middle and whatever you do, do not stop running until we get to the van." I told them as we ran "There catching up what do we do?" Lay asked "Shoot them" Lay stopped and looked at me in shock which was bad move one of the zombies jumped for him "Lay" Luhan yell, but it was almost to late until I pulled the gun trigger "Keep moving you can yell at me later ok" Lay nodded as we ran, Me and Tao having to shoot a lot of people down, nothing to kill them, just a few leg shoots to slow them just so we could get the van.  Which we managed to do in one piece "Kris get us out of here" I yelled as we all crammed into the car. Kris didn't think twice before hitting the gas pedal sending us all flying and making me fall on Xiumin "Sorry" I said whilst blushing and getting up. We all took a few moments to breath before speaking "You shot someone" Lay whispered "If I didn't you be dead" "But you killed someone Ttalgi" "Lay they were already dead, and I would much rather them dead then one of my best friends and I know you would do the same for me"  "No, no I wouldn't of killed them" "Let's just calm down and be happy that we are all alive ok" Chen spoke me and lay looked away from each other "Xu Mao Mamma what's going to happen now" I pulled Tao into a hug "I don't know baby but for now get some sleep all of you me and Kris will wake you if anything happens or we get to the base ok" they all nodded and tried to sleep Kris concentrated on the road and I prayed that my sister was ok and that she wasn't all by herself.


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