Meeting the other villagers...What kind of villagers are these?! Chapter 2

Everything is suppose to go to plan...till you came...


I was taking a walk around the village and was alittle happy seeing how calm and nice the place was. There was a few small shops for food and clothing,along with others needs. I started turning around to look more. There was a windmill/giant clock in the middle of the village square. I stop walking as I thought I saw a shadow moving in the windmill,but shrug it off as I felt something hard and smooth against my back. 

" Oh! I'm terrible sorry,milady” A deep voice said as I notice it was the knight from before,who escorted Yoseob and I to our temporary home. “ Are you alright?” He asked showing a quick of concern in his eyes,which happen to make me realize what's happening.

I-It's alright. I'm the one who should apologize. I ran into you.” I told him giving a small smile as the knight nodded and gave a slight bow. “ There's no need to be formal...what is your name,sir?” I asked as the knight gave a grin.

Such a polite princess! Very different from Junhyung's past betroths” He said chuckling,which grew into laughter as he saw the annoyed expression on my face. “ I'm Yoon Doojoon, the head knight of the King's army!” Doojoon said all to proudly. I just gave a nod as he bit his lip. “ princess...would you mind if I showed you around?” He asked looking away,which cause cause me to hold back a giggle.

How cute” I thought before nodding. “ I would like it if you showed me around the village Doojoon” I said smiling. As he was showing me around,I quickly entered a deep thought. “ Aishh..___ what are you doing? You sound like your flirting! No! I am not! I'm being polite. He's being polite. We all just being polite. Plus he's probably doing all this because of the douche of a king” I thought bitter as Doojoon was waving his hand in front of my face. “ W-What? S-Sorry” I said before asking what he was talking about.

Neeee _____! Why are you always daydreaming! Probably about how manly and y I must be huh~” I heard Yoseob said wiggling his eyebrows while having that boyish grin. I just stared at him,trying to figure out how in god's name he appear.

Oi! Yoseoba, don't say such things!” I told him pinching his cheek. Hard.

Aiiiiiiiiiiisssshhh! Okay! Okay! Sheesh,woman! I hate to be near you when you and the King are having kids” He said rubbing his face as I growled and blew my top.

Yang Yoseob! You better take that back! How dare you say such a thing! Why If we every return to the kingdom...I'll...I'll...Ugh! Forget it!” I said really mad as I turn to walk away from both the shock servant and knight . I didn't want to be anywhere near Yoseoba. How..How could he say that so simple and nonchalant!

As I was walking away from the two,I was nearly near the outskirts of the kingdom. It was giving off an eerie quiet feeling as it was only one building that had two shops in one. I look up to see what they were. The first one had an anvil and hammer sign above the door,which by my guess is the black smith, while the second sign was very...amusing. It a picture of a crystal ball and stars. Being the curious person that I am, I went into the second shop first.

My eyes widen as the inside of the shop was very lush with unique items and material. Being in a deep awe of the shop, I didn't notice someone behind me till I felt a hand on my shoulder. Letting out a squeal, I turn to see a prince-like looking person. He had a smile as he was trying to hid his laughter from my reaction.

Come here to see the future Princess?” He said having a hint of mischief in his eyes. “ Or are you here for a spell?”.

I gave a weak smile as I felt slightly uncomfortable under the man's gaze.

Um, how did you know I'm a princess and what do you mean see the future or spell?” I asked as the strange man grab my wrist and pull me to a table with a crystal ball. While I was sitting in the chair the man gave me another smile.

How do I know? Why I knew a princess was coming to this kingdom and might I add a beautiful princess was coming here~” He said kissing my hand. I felt my cheeks turn abit red as he continue. “ Plus, you and your servant are the talk of the town, and it doesn't help your engaged to the King~”.

The man must have notice my annoyed expression of the king as he was chuckling. “ I take it you're not fond of Junhyung?” He asked as I gave a annoyed yes. “ A lot of the new people think he's alittle...cold,but I'm sure if you understand his reasons and such...he's not a bad guy” the man said smiling as he was staring at the crystal ball.

You probably think that because he let you live” I said slightly bratty. I regret what I said as soon as the man eyes glared at me. “ S-Sorry.. I shouldn't have sa-” I stopped as the man shrugged.

It's alright. Yes, my people who have magic abilities or is studying the dark art is mostly killed or shun,but what you said is true. Junhyung let me live,not because I'm worthy tool,but as a friend. You see the people you meet,the knight and the blacksmith and myself are good friends with the king. We all grew up together.” The man said as I was surprised.

Maybe...Maybe he's not all bad” I thought as I look at the man. “ What is your name Wizard?” I asked

Hyunseung...Jang Hyunseung, The Kingdom's Wizard~” Hyunseung said smiling.


Yah! Hyung, have you seen my shirt?” A voice said, both the Wizard and I turn to see a shirtless man. There was a dead silence as my face was bright red. The man was shirtless,was slightly sweating and had a nice body. Minus the fact I never seen a man's body,let alone a man's chest. Judging from his body, I'm guessing that man could probably have the best body out of the men I've met so far.

Mhm? Ah! Are you the princess everyone's talking about? It's nice to meet you! I'm Lee Kikwang~ The Blacksmith!” Kikwang said having a eye-smile as he tilt his head. “ Are you sick Princess? Maybe I should get someone to get you” He said checking if I had a fever. I felt my face grow even redder as I felt lightheaded.

Yah! Kikwang put a shirt on! You're being rude and probably going to make the poor girl faint!” Hyunseung scolded at Kikwang,who remember he was shirtless before running back to his shop with the shirt Hyunseung gave him.

_______! There you are!” Yoseob said finding me standing by the Wizard,bright as a tomato. “Mhm? What's wrong?” He asked as he held my face worried.


Let's just said the princess was expose to something and is probably having dirty thoughts” Hyunseung as Yoseob eyes narrowed as Kikwang return slightly red too.

Yah! What did you do to _______!” He said as he pulled me away from the two. I heard the two called out a good-bye as Yoseob was dragging me back to our houses. “ Tch, you leave and get flash by an idiot. Aish” He growled. Grumbling as we headed home.

W-What's wrong with the people here! Or more like, what's wrong with the male villagers?!” I thought blushing as Yoseob was nagging at. I needed something sweet.

Ne... Yoseoba..when we get back,can we have something sweet and some tea?” I asked softly as Yoseob turn giving me a smile.

Anything for you princess. Anything for you” He said placing a light kiss on my hands. I blushed at the affection.

Yoseoba....” I thought smiling softly as I heard what came out his mouth next.

Anything for along as you stay away from the boys! You're the King's girl!” He said running ahead as I chased after him yelling.

Yoseoba! I'm going to kill you!”




The long await second chapter!!!

; - ; I'm sorry for it being so late! I've been busy and I've been lacking on what to write.

Hopefully you guys like this,and give me feedback please, cause I don't know if this story is a loss cause or not ; - ;.

Also If your reading my K-pop bishounen scenarios and want to request something,please don't be shy. I need some ideas. I'll do a group or an solo person of your choice,just give me who and your plot of what the scenario it should be.

Thank you for reading~ <3

Another thing....ignore the grammar problems, I at grammar and is trying to learn to be better at grammar.



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