So...How did this happen again?..Oh..yeah That's how.

Everything is suppose to go to plan...till you came...

The war between the lands of Korea were turning worse and worse. The people who are attacking the homes was something I didn't want on my mind. I closed my eyes before re-opening them to stare to the unfamiliar ceiling of the house I was in. I heard the door opening,knowing who it was I turn around so I was facing the wall and my back was to the door.

" Really? Look _____, I know your mad at me,but it's the only way we could stay here" A soft caring almost apologizing voice said. I felt someone touch my shoulder,all of a sudden the wave of anger overcame me.  I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"The only way?! We could have gone somewhere else Yoseoba! Oh,but no we couldn't! Now I have to marry some guy who's a complete jerk! All thanks to you!" I shouted at my friend who closed his eyes. I knew I hurt him but I didn't want any of this. What happen next shocked me.

" I'm sorry. I really am _______. It's just your a princess and the rebels will try and kill you. I'm worried about your safety. I care for you _____ and I don't know what I would do if I let something happen to you" He said softly as he gave me a hug,which was making me feel guilty. I hugged him back,realizing his all I have left of a family.

"...I'm sorry" was all I could say,but I knew he for gave me as Yoseob pulled away smiling.

" Oh! Here,I got you some clothes to wear. The other dress with be for date's and such with the King,who happen to say these are welcome gifts"He said cheerful as he handed me a soft pink dress,something that was not of my likeness.

"...Yoseoba..what the hell is that" I said as Yoseob gave his sad child-like face. I quickly took it as I pushed him out so I can changed. I didn't want to upset him anymore then needed.


I was awoken from my daydream as shouts and felt the castle shakes. Before I could get a word out Yoseob came into my room and pulled me to him.

"Princess! We need to get out of here!"He said as I was confused. I remember my parents and demanded to see them,but Yoseob was the stronger one and took me to the woods behind the castle. As we were far from anything I was worried about the others as I felt Yoseob's hand tighten mine,causing my heart to skip.

"What am I thinking..Yoseoba is just here to protect and serve me"I thought as another voice spoke.

" But he's your only friend and cares for you deeply"

I closed my eyes as Yoseob spoke.

"Princess..I see a kingdom!"He said and ran to the castle. Does he not know that its rude to just run in a castle without asking. Aish this boy.

"Who the hell are you?" A voice said as Our eyes lay on a boy,who wasn't older then us,probably by a year or two?

As Yoseob was explaining to the king,who said his name was Junhyung, what happen all we got was a cold-hearted no. That struck a nerve.

"No? That’s all you said! We're in need as a King,you must help people!"I shouted at him as Yoseob was trying to calm me. Junhyung walked up to me and was staring at my face. I must say,for someone so young,how was he a King?

"Fine,I'll let you and your servant stay,unless you marry me"He said smirking as I growled.

"What?! I would ne-"

"She'll be glad too"Yoseob said calmly as I was staring at him crazy.

"Yoseoba! What the heck!"I shouted as the two agreed and told me the wedding was in two months.

Afterward the King's knight showed were Yoseob and I was going to stay. I walked into the house without a glanced at Yoseob and just went to my room.

"This isn't suppose to happen..this wasn't how I dreamt my life to be"I whisper laying in the bed as I heard the knock on the door.

-End Of flashback-

I looked at my self in the mirror as the girl looking back at me was beautiful and seem fine with everything. I couldn't stand this. I wasn't beautiful nor was I alright with any of this. Before I could speak I heard Yoseob telling me he was going to his own house and I should explore this kingdom.

"Sure, why not? Not like I have anything better to do. Maybe I can learn how the people can deal with having such a heartless King" I thought walking out of the house


So there's the first part. Hope its good.

So here's who in this story

Doojoon: Knight

Junhyung: King

Hyunseung: Wizard(to be honest...I can see him be a wizard xD)

Yoseob: Servent(I'm calling him Yoseoba as a nickname for the story)

Kikwang: Blacksmith

Dongwoon: Rebel

You: The leading lady c:

So I hope you guys like this new story :D Feedback is welcome,just be nice and polite about it.

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