The Princess and Her Knight 2

The Princess and Her Knight


"...What were you doing in my room?" 

The boy asked as he sat up stretching his arms up in the air. Micha stared at him wondering if he was really normal or not. His feline-like eyes looked up at her waiting for an answer. She looked away from his stare and answered, "I'm sorry...I was...." Thinking if she told him the truth he would think she's crazy, so she said, "I felt so tired that if I didn't sleep, I would faint and I found your room. I'm sorry for the intrusion." 

She walked over to her things that rested on his desk next to him and bowed again. Then she quickly walked out of the room. Of course she should feel embarrassed, but moreover, she felt relieved. Relieved that the boy didn't try to do anything to or maybe he did and she didn't know. Maybe he took pictures of her when she was asleep and uploaded it onto the internet. Maybe he stripped her down and planned to blackmail her tomorrow. Even so, she was relieved to have been able to walk out of that room alive. 

The next day, when Micha walked out of her room in her hoodie, she found a bunch of love letters at her door. She knew it was best to avoid them since she didn't want to give anyone false hopes. It was like high school all over again, though she had to admit that it was a little better this time. In high school, there would be boys waiting at her locker or even outside her house. Her parents had called the police before, but the police weren't willing to help. They told her parents that the boys just loved her and that there was nothing wrong with that. 

Since it was early in the morning, no one was probably awake yet. Micha found this to be a good plan because then she'd be able to make it to school on time safely.

Sitting in class, she occupied herself by re-reading her notes from the day before. When more students walked in, she heard a few girls chattering about a boy. Of course it was normal for girls to chat about a boy, but she heard them go on saying, "You know Kim Kibum, right??" Another girl answered, "Yes, why? What happened?! Did he talk to you?!!" They laughed and said, "Yeah, ok. That'll be the day. Kibum-ssi only talks to people he thinks is worth talking to. No, but yesterday, he was approached by a big guy and the big guy was talking about how Kibum-ssi was talking to the big guy's girlfriend." The girls giggled at this. Then one said, "Wow, that big guy doesn't know him, does he??" 

"Of course not! If he did, he wouldn't even dare look at Kibum-ssi! But after a single scoff from Kibum-ssi, the big guy ran off! Just like that!"

"Yeah, I heard that Kibum-ssi may look harmless, but he's really good at karate and tae kwon do."

"I heard that when he was in high school, in karate class, he smashed a tower of 15 stone plates into bits!!"

"I heard that because he's the son of the chairman of this school, if anyone pisses him off, he can get them kicked out no matter how smart or rich they are! That's why no one ever goes near his dorm room."

"I'd love to be his friend...or even girlfriend. Then he can protect me or get rid of ppl I don't like."

Micha thought about it and wondered if it was possible for her to be able to talk to or even meet this Kibum guy. It was a silly thought, but she wondered if maybe he can help scare off the crowd of men that keeps chasing after her. 

The more she thought about the Kibum guy, she figured it'd be dangerous for her to meet him. If men were already scared of him just because of one scoff, then she would stand no chance standing in front of him. Maybe he was a gangster, that's why everyone was afraid of him. Also the thought of using him just to get rid of the crowd was selfish, and she didn't want to be those kind of people. Either way, she made up her mind to forget about wanting to meet Kibum. 

She found more notes at her door the very next morning. Ignoring them, she made her way to the main building where her first class would be located.

When she got inside the building, the other students that were there early were staring at her as if knowing what was happening with her and the crazy boys. They watched her walk down the hallway. Instead of going straight to her classroom, she stopped by the library first. Walking in, she looked around for the right section to go to find a book for her psychology class. She turned the corner and walked down the narrow aisle of bookshelves. 

The library was fairly large and it had so much turns that she was afraid she'd eventually get lost and not know the way back to the entrance. 

As Micha walked passed bookshelves and large areas of empty tables, in the far corner table, she saw someone sitting there. Since it was a little dim in the library, she could only see the person's silhouette. They were hunched over most likely writing something down. Without minding it, Micha continued on her way. When she found the aisle she needed to be in, she looked at a few books examining them if they were informational or not. While reading the back of a book, she heard footsteps walk by. Thinking it might've been just someone, she continued. Then she heard rustling noises from the other side. Slowly, she put the book back in its place and began walking out the aisle. It was almost time for cl anyways, so she needed to head out. 

Once she had reached the end, someone stood in front of her. Looking up, she saw a guy grinning at her. She looked back and saw a few other guys coming from the other way, trapping her. Her heart picked up speed as she tried to quickly think of a way to escape. The guy in front of her took a step closer, inhaling her scent in, and said almost in a whisper, "I sent you a note...but it doesn't seem that you got it, considering how it still laid on the floor to your dorm room." Micha backed away saying, "I-I was in a hurry-" 

"Well, since I'm here, I can just tell you what it said", he cut her words off. 

Not too far, they all heard something fall, catching their attention. Micha found this to be a great time to make a run for it. Dashing past the guy who stood in front of her, she headed out towards where she had came from. The footsteps from behind her grew more as if they were animals hunting for their meat. When she came to a dead end, a hand suddenly grasped onto hers and pulled her along. As much as she wanted to pull away and free herself, their grip on her wrist was too strong. The person dragged her into a long narrow aisle and turned the corner to a door that led outside. Quickly, the person opened the door and ran out past a few other small buildings.

After a little while, they came to a stop at a baseball field. The person finally let her hand go and she stumbled onto the dirt. Micha was breathless, wanting air to fill her lungs. When the person turned around, she quickly recognized him. Her eyes widened as she tried to speak. Their light brown hair glowed brilliantly in the sunlight while the spectacles hung low on their face. It was the boy from yesterday.

"Jesus, what is up with you?!" The boy shouted in a hoarse voice. His throat was dried from running.

Micha slowly tried to stand up, but her legs were still shaking. Then she answered, "I'm sorry...I-"

"This seems vaguely familiar..."

The boy turned to her with furrowed eyebrows. Pointing at her, he exclaimed, "Don't tell me you're that...You're that girl last summer who was running from a group of guys!" Her face lit up remembering someone saving her. They had been the only person in her life to ever help her out. Happiness filled her heart as she asked, "Was that really you?!!" He sighed and brushed his hair back answering tiredly, "Yes, that was me." Sitting down on the ground across from her, he asked, "Now, you wanna tell me what this is all about? What are you? An idol?"

Micha couldn't believe it. She was sitting right in front of her savior and he wasn't running from her or anything. Instead, he was wanting to know why this was all happening to her. After explaining, she watched him as he slowly nodded. Then he stood up and said, "Well...good luck!"

"Wait, wha-"

"See ya." 

She scattered around picking herself up off the ground and followed after him. "What do you mean by that??", she asked as she caught up with him.

With both hands in his pockets, he replied, "What? Just because I helped you once or twice doesn't mean I'll help you again. You've got a crazy crowd following you, and I'm not sticking around for that."

She stopped and realized it'd be selfish of her to ask this boy for more help in the future. It was understandable that no one wanted to help. Not even the cops had wanted to help her. Desperately, she shouted out to him, "Wait!" The boy stopped in his tracks and looked back at her. The cool breeze blew his hair into his face as he squinted from the bright sunlight. Adjusting his glasses, he asked impatiently, "What?" 

For a minute there, she had forgotten what she was going to say to him. The impatient look on his face made her panic. This hardly ever happened. No one was ever willing to talk to her besides the guys chasing after her.

He took a step forward and leaned on one leg with his hands back in his pocket, tilting his head to the side. "What do you want? You're obviously trying to stop me from leaving."

Micha looked away feeling embarrassed. She covered feeling the feeling of laughter escape. The feeling of laughing lightly made her heart feel so much at ease that she had forgotten about what had been happening for the past few days. He watched her wondering what was wrong with her and waited for a response.

"You're right...I'm sorry, but...I just wanted to thank you for the times that you've helped me. I'm...very glad to have finally meet you. Thank you. I wish I can repay you somehow...", she finally said. "If you ever need a favor or anything, please don't hesitate to come to me! That is all. I'm sorry for taking up your time!" 

She turned around and quickly hurried along to not waste anymore of his time. His eyes watched as her figure turned the other corner. There was something strange about her and for some reason, he pitied her.

Even though her savior had made it clear that he didn't want anything to do with saving her anymore, she was still happy. He saved her two times now. His name was unknown, but she didn't want to bother him again. She would do something in return to thank him, but she felt that she'd be only a nuisance to him. Instead, she only hoped that he had taken her seriously when she thanked him. Either way, it was fine. A little hope sparked in her heart after meeting her savior and she couldn't help it but feel a little happy.

A few days after that, she had been learning ways to dodge the crazy crowd that chased after her. Until one day, when she was walking out of the building and found herself surrounded again. This time, it felt like the crowd had grown larger. Breathing slowly, Micha tried to think up of a plan. Her eyes searched the area for an escape route. When she saw an open space, she pretended to not notice them and walked towards it. Their footsteps followed close behind. Some were asking to talk to her and some telling her to stop walking away. 

Not knowing where the open space would lead her, she began dashing once she reached it. She didn't know how far she was running or how fast, all she knew was that she had to outrun them. Turning a sharp corner, she ran and ran. Her heart felt like it could explode any minute now and her feet were starting to fail her. Suddenly, an arm came out from a small space between two buildings and grabbed her by the elbow, pulling her into the small narrow space. Micha looked and saw that it was her savior. His light brown hair danced in the wind and this time, he wasn't wearing his glasses. Her heart and legs both felt light. She didn't know if she was still running, but she just knew he was there. 

They ran through the narrow space and on the other side, he led her into a building that seemed familiar to her. Running down a long hallway, they reached the end and she realized it was the same building she had ran into before, where she first met him; his dorm room. He opened the door and quickly threw her in and closed the door behind, locking it. Her legs lost its strength and she fell onto the ground. Both of them were breathless as they stayed in their spots for awhile.

Silence filled the area. Micha slowly stood up, but her savior looked at her and brought his index finger to his lips gesturing for her to stay still. Finally, they heard the crowd running by outside. Wondering to herself why they didn't come into the building, she watched as he walked over to the window.

"Are they gone...?"

"...Not quite."

She looked down at the ground feeling disappointed with herself for not being able to save herself. Then suddenly, she saw something on the ground. It was his notebook, it seems. On the front was a name. Remembering that she did not know his name, she was about to ask but saw something strange about the name on the notebook. 


The boy glanced over at her. Shocked, her eyes widened while looking up at him. He gave her a strange look waiting for her to say something. 

"Kim Kibum? Is that your name??"

He walked over to his desk to straighten it up. Combing his light brown hair back, he walked over to a small refrigerator and grabbed two water bottles. Then he walked one over to her and handed it to her. His sharp eyes stared into hers as he stood closely.

"Yes..Is there a problem with that?"


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Hehe! This is fun. I'm trying to guess that maybe Micha is one heck of a lady to be attracting so many guys. I mean, she must be THAT beautiful. ^^ I'm glad that she and Kibum are friends now...err, somewhat. ^^ That big guy which got scared of Kibum, he must have had a taste of Key's legendary temper. LOL! ^^ Yeah, I would have to agree.. Key's character here is soooo cool. ^^
Hi! I'm reading this too~
OMG. Kibum saved her three times!! That's so cool! And and Kibum's character here is sooooo COOL! ^^
Poor Micha, always being chased by a crazy crowd of boys. TT
Awwwh! That's so cute ;3; waii~ waiiii~
allsmilesful #4
I WANNA READ THIS STORY. THIS SOUNDS AMAZING. (& from what I can tell so are a great writer)
Pearlescent #5
homg, can I like the comments on AFF already? I think they all say what I wanna say ;~;
ah yayyy you finally update it XD<br />
ah somehow from the start what she experienced remind me of how Kyohei's life<br />
before he moved to Sunako's aunt's house :D <br />
lol no worries for me this isn't sound like such suspense XD
How is it that every single story you come out with is so amazing? So original,interesting and all the right amounts of cute and suspense. ;~; I can't wait to read this! Seems really interesting as this particular sort of plot hasn't been used on AFF,at least I haven't seen it. XD
OhmyGosh. Please update soooon! I WANNA READ THIS STORY :D
first; beautiful cover!! And second this sound uber interestingggg <br />
wait for the 1st chap :33
fluffball #10
waah this seems interesting :)<br />
update soon! :D