Fancy Hotels and Awkward Gardens

I Will Trust You
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"Rock, paper, scissors, shoe!" Taehyung and I yelled. We simultaneously stuck out scissors and groaned.   "Rock, paper, scissors, shoe!" We yelled again, and I stuck out paper, while he stuck out rock. I smiled.   "No! Nooooo, please best of three! Best of three!" He whined. I laughed and was about to , but was interrupted by my kid brother, who appeared in casual clothes with a cup of tea.   "Well you two seem to be getting along better," he said. Ah Jinsoo, that was the understatement of the year. "What's going on?" He asked with a twinkle of mischievousness in his eyes as he took a sip of his tea.   "We're getting married. Loser has to tell my parents," Taehyung stated nonchalantly.   Jinsoo choked on his tea and flew into a coughing fit. I laughed and pat him on the back.   "It's more like a mutual agreement, but same thing I guess," I tried to reassure him.   "Um, congratulations?" He squeaked, still in shock. Taehyung and I shrugged.   "Anyway, will you be a witness? To when he loses again," I jabbed, motioning to play once more.  Jinsoo nodded.   "Rock, paper, scissors, sh-" We started, but were cut off by a certain set of annoyed parents. I realized it was already past midnight.   "What's going on out here?!" Mr. Kim called out as he walked into the living room in a robe.   Jinsoo immediately straightened up and pointed in the direction of me and Taehyung, "My sister has agreed to get married to your son. Thank you for supporting us. Your help means a lot to us." He bowed 90 degrees. The other three of us in the room exchanged worried glances.   "What's this? She said yes?" Mrs. Kim appeared out the bedroom in a robe, too. She bore a wide grin and looked expectantly in our direction, eyes dancing in excitement.   I shrugged, "It was more like a mutual agreeme-"   "Yes! I knew you'd come around, Jinhee! This is fantastic. Oh! Now we can plan all the little details out. Indoor wedding? Outdoor? Hmm, we might not have that kind of time. What kind of cake do you like? Oh and dress fittings! How many invitations do we need to-"    "Actually, Mrs. Kim, we were hoping it could be small and... Er. Private?" I interrupted her excited rant.   Mrs. Kim looked crestfallen, "Oh, alright. Why?" She asked, and I thought of what Taehyung told me earlier that night when we were still up in his room.   //Flashback//   "Can I ask you for a favor?" Taehyung requested after we had shaken hands.   "Sure," I nodded, urging him to continue.   "...don't talk to me at school, okay? Don't tell anyone about you and me... our situation. If anyone asks about it, just leave it to me, alright?" He spoke softly, yet coldly.   I knit my brows in confusion and hurt, "Oh, uh... Sure. You don't want me to ruin your reputation, right?" I asked with a flat voice, knowing I was right.   "No, that's not...." He sighed, visibly frustrated, "Look, it's just best for both of us if we pretend we don't know each other. Just trust me, okay?" he ran his hand through his hair again.    "Okay..." I sighed, not sure if I entirely understood the situation. But I held my head up and gave him a small, reassuring smile as if I did.   //End Flashback//   I came back to the present and sighed, "Its just easier that way. Less people, less hassle, right?" I smiled, giving my best convincing argument to Mrs. Kim, who I knew wanted a huge, involved wedding for her son.   She didn't look very convinced but shrugged, "Well if that's what they want, it's their wedding," she grumbled and crossed her arms, clearly disappointed.   I felt bad now, "Um, but, I guess we can go dress fitting..." I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.   Her eyes lit up again as she ran over to hold my hands, "You mean it?" She asked me with true bliss.   I nodded my head and smiled, glancing over at Jinsoo and Taehyung, who just shrugged.   ~   The rest of the week went smoothly. Eunmi and I didn't eat in the cafeteria again. Namjoon continued to call me Kiwi Girl and greeted me during class, but it wasn't anything that attracted attention.  Since I didn't have Taehyung in any of my classes, we completely avoided each other at school like he wanted, but at least our communication at home increased and became tolerable (even though he stayed somewhat cold and reserved).  Mrs. Kim and I drove to four different bridal shops one evening and when I found one I remotely found pretty, I told her it was the one I wanted.  I didn't cry or anything.  I just kind of turned and looked in the mirror and shrugged.  In case you were wondering, it looked like this:     Not that I liked it or anything.   *Ahem*   The Kims told us our small wedding would be held on Sunday in a public garden on the outskirts of town.  At first we were very against this idea, with the fear of people seeing us, but then she told us which town.  Apparently we were getting married in Jeju.  Jeju.   When Friday night rolled around, our suitcases were packed and my heart wouldn't stop beating erratically.   Calm down, Jinhee. We're not even there yet.   The plane was packed- seeing as how a lot of people were taking advantage of the fair weather this weekend.   I sat in between Jinsoo and Taehyung- who demanded a window seat, and tried to take a quick nap to calm my nerves.  The plane ride was only about an hour long, but I only got about fifteen minutes worth of sleep.  Why? Because Jinsoo was scared of planes and Taehyung was apparently so nervous he couldn't keep his mouth shut for more than thirty seconds.  I sighed and held Jinsoo's hand, which he squeezed every two minutes, terrified that he'd vomit any moment.

We arrived at the resort we were staying in around 9 at night, and after a quick dinner we  went up to our rooms. Jinsoo and I were in one room, Taehyung a few doors down, and the Kims stayed across the hall. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

~   I woke up the next morning to the sound of someone throwing up. I opened my eyes wide and ran into the bathroom where I saw Jinsoo leaning over the toilet.   "Oh my God! Jinsoo! Are you okay?" I ran over to him, kneeling beside him and patting his back.   "Ugh," he gasped, "I told you I hate planes." I frowned and got him a glass of water.   "Do you think you'll be able to get to breakfast?" I asked as he grabbed the glass with a shaky hand.   He shook his head vehemently me and I sighed, "Do you want me to stay with you?" I asked, genuinely concerned.   He shook his head again, even more forcefully this time, "No! Go enjoy yourself!" He rasped.   "Are you sure? Is there anything I can do?" I pushed.   "Yeah, go enjoy your wedding weekend," he joked hoarsely, "I mean it!" He said when I eyed him warily. I smiled sadly and ruffled his hair.   "I'll bring you up some food after breakfast, okay? Feel better," he nodded and I proceeded to get ready in the bedroom.   I went down to the café and had a small breakfast by myself, since I didn't see any of the K
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Chapter 30: OMG!!!
So glad i came across this fic. I love it, thanks for writing!
Chapter 13: damn i love this chapter
Chapter 2: cold tae...
HoesGotNothingOnMe #4
Chapter 30: YASSSSS Alright. That definitely was not the best fic ever. I definitely did not read it in one go. I definitely did not embarrass myself by laughing in public. I definitely did not freaking love this. I definitely did not use any sarcasm.
And that's it for my rant. Conclusion: that was the best.
I think I'll leave before I start spasming again on how amazingly written this isssss ok bye :) keke
HoesGotNothingOnMe #5
Chapter 25: "Do you need me to scare off the ARMY over there" Oh my gawd you just made me snort with laughter in a friggin public bus lololol
best1view #6
Chapter 1: I just finished chapter one and I can already tell that I'll probably spend the whole night reading the following chapters ㅎㅎㅎ
It's so sad though that it starts with losing one's parents...ㅠㅠ
kimgaeun96 #7
Chapter 30: Authornim~ This is the y *ahem* fluffy story I've read. I totally can't separated my soul with Taetae's story cause authornim, it's so damn addicting! Tae is so whipped with Jinhee and he doesn't even know it! Thumbs up to you authornim and hwaiting~
Chocoholic_Exo-L #8
Chapter 29: TaeTae is the sweetest! That's legit the funniest reason I've ever heard.
Eunmi-Suga is super sweet too. Namjoon was sweet too.
I liked that Jinhee had some sass and bite in her!
KrystalsarangEXO #9
Chapter 30: I KENNOTTT!! I'm literally grinding from ear to ear the whole stories !!!! LOVE IT JAXBJSBZBAJ
Chapter 1: Only the first chapter but you got me intrigued to read more!