
the stall of all romances
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kim taehyung



Taehyung's foot tapped on the cold marble floor as he sat in the food court, waiting for his certain somebody to come back from the bathroom. His fingers wrung nervously as he bit his swollen, plump lips from a previous make out session. He felt it. It was an object that lay in his pocket, waiting to come out and be placed on his lover's ring finger.

It's been fifteen minutes.

Had he not come out yet? Taehyung looked around, forgetting about the cooling food on the table. His eyes scanned past many young girls who seemingly tried to grab a hold of his attention (whom he did not bother to give his time to).

After all, they weren't his Jungkookie (plus he had no interest in girls) and couples as he searched for his black-headed boyfriend.

"Maybe he's taking a ?" the Jack Frost look-a-like mumbled to himself, slumping back into his seat dejectedly, "he probably is. Must've ate something bad and now his stomach hurts. See? I told him that he shouldn't have eaten those fries that chick had given to him. They were obviously poisoned. Che."

Hurry up, Jungkookie.

Taehyung sat there in his seat, frozen still as he decided to wait a couple more minutes for his other half. Then, a bright visible light bulb had lit up above his head as he beamed at his brilliant idea.

"I'll just surprise him halfway through his ting time." he grinned happily at the plan as if it was the most wonderful thing he had ever thought of. He got up out of his seat and left the table, heading for the men's bathroom. "Oh, ho ho ho," the alien laughed heartily, "he's gonna his pants-oh wait! He's already taking a ... Well, I'll just make him even more, ha ha ha!"

The boy was so engrossed with the idea of scaring the younger male that he had completely forgotten about the ring that lived snug in his pocket.

As he stepped foot in the toilets, he yelled out, "Kookie!"

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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 5: hahahahhahahhahahahahahahhaha! now that's legit embarrassing and funny xD
Chapter 4: This was honestly wonderful, I hope to read more from you in the future! ^ u ^)/
soratan #3
Chapter 4: this is amazingly fluffy omfg, great job author-nim! TaeKook is bae~ <3
yoongles #4
Chapter 4: Ahhh this was honestly so wonderful!!! <3
AkaReikou #5
Chapter 4: omggggg cuteeeeeeeeeee and funnyyyy i need a sequel for thisssss plsssss
Chapter 4: omg, lmao really cute!!
irmayama #7
Damn! ! Taekook is so cute & sweet! ! ^_^

guardian_angel274 #8
Chapter 4: omg, this is so hilarious , and cute at the same time =))))))
yoong23 #9
Update soon authornim please.. <3