One: Chance of Meeting is 0%

Typical Jerk Love Story

-Beep Beep Beep-


Key's P.O.V


5:30am already..  Another day passes like that. I turned of my alarm and got out of bed. Heading towards the bathroom I realized today was my birthday. Great happy 18th birthday Kibum..  Sigh I took a brief shower and got ready. 


Walking towards the kitchen, I made breakfast for my Grandmother who is currently ill.  I cover the food and left a note for my grandma. Leaving the house I had to rush because my bus was almost there. 


As I slowly walk towards the bus stop, it pulls up with very little people.  Huh that's different. 


"Annyeonghaseyo, ahjusshi" I kindly greeted the man


"Oh Kibum, great to see you" I simply nodded and proceeded to the back seat. 


Its a long bus drive to school, takes about 1 hour,  thats why I need to leave the house early. I decided to take a quick nap since the drive would be long. 


The bus suddenly pulls for a stop,  jerking me forward and causing me to be awoken. All I hear is the bus driver cursing at I'm guess the car that cut us off all of the sudden. 


I got off the next stop and walked towards the front gate. I checked my watched it was 6:48am. I still have time to get breakfast. 


Going towards the cafeteria, it was jam packed with people. What is going on today? I ignored the people and grabbed a tray of food and left towards the tables. 

I started to eat until I hear "Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight."  "Oppa beat him up!"  "Bro beat him"  I was wondering why was there a fight in the early morning. 


Minho P.O.V


I woke up and got ready for school,  todays the big day I take down the school's Kingka and I become the new one. 


Hopping in my Black Mercedes Benz,  I quickly drove to school quick, even cutting of a bus. I pull up to the front gate and headed towards the Cafeteria where I see the Big Guy on Campus. Kim Jonghyun. 


I quickly ran up to him and punched him in the face, and smirked to myself. I start throwing punches as I receive them as well. Damn maybe I should of thought this through more. His gang started to hold me down and let Jonghyun beat me down. 


I used all my force and threw off the gang, I dashed towards Jonghyun tackling him down and I got on top of him throwing more punching, until I got knocked out... 


Key's P.O.V


The bell had ringed. I quickly left the Cafeteria and headed to class. I stopped when I saw a figure just lying on the floor helpless. I think that's the guy who was involved in the fight. Should I help him? 


I slowly make my way to him and saw that his face was bleeding. What should I do? I quickly picked him up and carried him to the infirmary. 


"Nurse Jo! Help" I laid him on the bed as the nurse asked what happened. I told her about the fight and then she freaked and told me she couldn't treat him. I was shocked, why in the world couldn't she treat him. 


"Are you just gunna let him bruise up like this! " I yelled at her "Look,  Key all staff were informed not to help Minho. Jonghyun said if we did we'd get fired.. How about this I'll give you the supplies and you apply it on him"  she suggested, i mean do I have any other choice.. 


"alright, you should leave so they dont think you helped Nurse Jo" she nodded and left us closing the door.  


Why am i helping you, I dont even know who you are. Wait you're Choi Minho.. Second most powerful family after the Kims.. I applied the medicine and bandages on him. He looks pretty hurt. 


After I finished I quickly left him there and headed to class. Luckily Nurse Jo gave me a pass for the teacher. 


I quietly entered not surprised that nobody notice me. Everyone was over there fan girling over Jonghyun.  Yes I had class with that Jerk. He bullied me countless of time. 


Minho's P.O.V


I woke up and looked around me, infirmary.. Ahh my body is so sore. Damn i lost the fight huh. 


"Thanks for treating me Nurse Jo" I bowed and she chuckled


"Minho I didn't treat you, Staffs were informed not to treat you, a student brought you here and treated you" a student?  I wondered who.


"Who is this student? " I asked her "Kim Kibum,  or Key he prefers."  Kim Kibum i have never heard of him. 


I walked out with my body aching. I checked the time it was almost lunch time. Had I been unconscious that who time?  I waited outside of my friends class. He is probably gunna lecture me. Taemin is always on my case. 


Taemin exited the class glaring at me. I chuckled and hooked my arm around him. "Don't be mad Minnie" I smiled at him "you're stupid Minho" 


"Hey Taemin do you know a Kim Kibum? Or Key? " he looked at me with a weird face 


" Yes why do you ask? " I told him what happened "come on I'm taking you to go thank him.  I'm letting you know he doesn't talk much" I nodded and walked him. 

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nanaminkey #1
Chapter 1: please update soon!!!
SashaHRH #2
Chapter 1: Wow, that got intense fast! Hoping our Kibum can tame that putz Minho! Kekekeke!!!
Engravedintomyskin #3
Chapter 1: ooh i like your story !!!!