
What Now?

As I trudged across the muddy field that separated the library and the dorm in the dark, I began counting down the days until I get to see Taecyeon.

In about a week, I'll be let off for thanksgiving break and finally be able to hug him, kiss him, do whatever I wanted to him.

The excitement filled my entire body and a smile spread across my face.

Ugh. I'm so excited. I can't even begin to describe to you how amazing this thanksgiving break will be.

There was enough excitement in my body to carry me through another week of classes-- to make me excel in these classes.

"Tiffany," a voice suddenly caught me off guard.

I turned around to see who it was calling my name...

... and nearly died of heart failure.

Oh. My. God.

Before me, Taecyeon stood holding a single carnation.

My heart should definitely not be beating this fast.

I'm not imagining this, am I?

I gasped, hoping that my delusions would fade away as I gave my brain more oxygen.

"Are you okay?" He quickly rushed to hold me.

I shook my head and barely gasped, "Yes." 

Wrapping my arms around him, I plastered myself to his body. Squeezing his big body to mine.

"Are you surprised?"


"What?" He smiled with confusion.

"Shh." I nuzzled my face against his chest. "I can't even. I... I..." I stuttered.

He laughed, "Deep breaths, Tiffany."

My heart raced. The butterflies in my stomach were acting up.

He kissed the top of my head. "Let's go for a walk."

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't form a coherent sentence, so I just followed him.

We walked and walked until we reached the lake that he took me to my sophomore year.

"So this is how you get here." I nodded.

He chuckled, "Yeah."

I stared at his chiseled face. "I feel like I'm dreaming this. In ten seconds I'll come back to reality and I'll just be standing by this lake alone."

The glowing yellow moon hovered above the pine trees, looking as if it were teasing them.

"But how would you have found your way without me?"

I looked away, smiling. "Good point."

He extended his arm around my waist and turned me so that I was facing him.

I giggled and did a strange mix of a flail and a jump of excitement.

"You look like a penguin when you do that," he said as he pulled me back into his chest.

A momentary silence.

"I was going to make a penguin noise, but I didn't know what they sound like... so... that's awkward...." I said looking aside.

He chuckled. "I missed you so much."

"Ugh, I know, but you're here now! That makes everything okay," I whispered, looking into his deep brown eyes.

Before another word he moved his hands to my face, cupping it before leaning in and sweeping his lips over mine.

I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders, placing my hands on the nape of his neck, pulling him down-- pushing his lips closer to mine. He moved his hands down to my waist, pulling me closer to him (if that was even possible).

I tilted my head and welcomed his tongue into my mouth. I on his lower lip intermittently and caressed his tongue with mine.

Between kisses, there were grumbles and pants. God, how I missed his touch. Even through these months, his touch had not lost its magic. And even through these years, the butterflies in my stomach would not stop fluttering.

My face was turning red, and I had no idea why.

When I pulled away to gasp for air, he chuckled.

"Too much too soon?"

I shook my head.

"Was that meant to be a yes too?" He was mocking me for shaking my head earlier when I had meant 'yes'.

I shook my head again as a grin widened across my face.

"Round two?" I more asserted rather than asked, jumping back into his arms, and kissing him more sloppily than I already had been doing so.

I trailed kisses all over his neck and nibbled on his ear.

He shuddered when I gingerly grazed my fingers over his palms.

It took me a while to realize that I was pinning him against a tree.

He laced his fingers between mine as I slowed down the pace. I leaned back to see his face, wiping my mouth, breathing out a puff of vapor.

"There's so much more I want to do to you," I said as I wrapped my arms around him, leaning into his big body. "So much more time I want to spend with you talking, hanging out." I looked down at our hands and squeezed his. There was so much we needed to talk about. I had been thinking for a while about this whole situation. Maybe it was time for a break.

"Trust me, I know."

His deep baritone voice echoed.

But I didn't think he did understand. I loved him so much; I wanted to spend every waking moment with him. But the fact is that I can't, and the more connected we are through this long distance relationship, the worse things will turn out.

"We have so much to talk about," I said, trying not to give away the topic at hand.

He nodded, and smiled, "I know."

Oh God, but you don't.

Something within me was eating me up. I wanted to spill everything, but I knew that now was not the right time. In fifteen minutes I had to go back to the dorm for check-in. Time was ticking.

"But there are only fifteen minutes, and you and I will be together for a week and a half soon. We have time."

He brought my hands onto his chest; I ran my fingers through his hair.

"So for the time being..." He trailed off, his lips before leaning in for more kisses.

His cold fingers twisted locks of my hair around as he worked his way down to my neck, making sure to leave hickies before returning to my lips.

Now I had my back against the tree; his right hand was placed against the tree as the other one lifted my chin.

The smacking of our lips echoed through the cold air.

His scent was now all over me and his touch left an imaginary imprint on my skin.

My mind went blank and everything felt wonderful.


okay, short update before I go off and worry about more school stuff!!!

Thank you for reading! I really really would like to see more comments (if that's not too much to ask) b/c I really do like reading them. They seriously help lift a lot of the stress off of writing this fic..


sooo.... I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! ^____^

much love,

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anniedrei #1
I wanna know the ending :(
Good job!!
Taecmeaway #3
Chapter 28: Hi! New reader to this story! I love it so far! Please update soon! I'm dying to find out what happens to this lovely couple! But no rush.
Chapter 28: OMG! Welcome back! I was so surprised when I saw that this story was updated.
...but I understand what you mean. I've been straying away from writing fanfics too. So it's no problem.

Um...honestly, I don't really remember what happened anymore. I just kinda want Taecyeon and Tiffany to end up together xD
Chapter 26: SORRY. I left a comment for like every chapter. It's making up for slacking off sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much on this story. Sorry, sorry >.<
It's great by the way. I love your writing ^^

Anyways, they've become such a corny couple. Not that it's bad or anything. There's so much drama going on >.<

...but i know her dad isn't going to let this off easily. I can already predict more drama coming and coming. Why? And Dongwoon, what's gonna happen to him? Goodness gracious, this story drives me insane!
Chapter 25: and the father arrives...WHY?!!
He always has to ruin the happiness.
Chapter 24: Sad for Dongwoon T.T
but happy that Taecyeon and Tiffay got back together ^^
Chapter 23: I'm sad again. Dongwoon, he's such a pitiful character T.T
Give him a chance!!
Chapter 22: ^.^
I don't know why but I'm kinda happy Tiffany married Dongwoon. They have a different spark then Taecyeon and her, but they're still cute
Chapter 21: Of course the father just has to appear and ruin the moment >.<

Dongwoon...still feeling super sad for him