Seriously? You hate me that much?

How Did I get stuck in this mess?

Noona, come here!” Dong ho called Suki, she did as told and walked closer to him.

“I think Soohyun hyung hates you” He whispered making Suki smile at how cute he was.

“What if you show him some aegyo, he’ll probably warm up to you” Dongho said.

“Now?” Suki looked at Soohyun who was getting his hair fixed.

“Somewhere today” Dong ho smiled

“Ahhh yeah, good idea” She nodded and smiled.

“Suki, can you contact this number and ask them if they have Dong ho’s phone. He seemed to have left it there.” The Manager gave Suki a piece of paper with a number on it.

“Uhh yes sir” She nodded and grabbed her new phone. She typed in the number and hit call.

“Yabaseyo?” Suki heard a voice on the other line.

“Uhhh hello, this is Suki, the Assistant of Ukiss’ Manager and I just wanted to know, if you have seen Dong ho’s phone anywhere, he seemed to have left it there.” She said.

“Suki? Suki this is you? Mei Suki?” She heard the guy on the other line say her name over and over again.

“Ahh yeah, how did you know my name?” She asked.

“Its me!!! Mi-ro! Remember? Highschool together!” He said.

Suki thought for a while, then suddenly she smiled.
“Mi-ro! My lab partner!!” She said.

“You remember me.” Mi-ro smiled.

“Offcourse I do.” Suki said happily, but suddenly she lost her smile when she saw Soohyun giving her a weird stare.
She cleared “Uhh Mi-ro, about that phone.”

“Ahh yeah, we do have a phone here, and its wallpaper is a dog, is this his?” Mi-ro asked.

“Dong ho, is your wallpaper a dog?” Suki asked him.

“Yaa.” Dong ho nodded.

“Yes, thats his.” Suki told Mi-ro.

“Ohhh we’ll send it to you guys then, don’t worry we have the address.” He said.

“ohhh well thank you, it was nice talking to you again Mi-ro.” Suki said.

“Hey wait, is this your number?” He asked her.

“Yeah, text me anytime.” She smiled.

“I will do that, nice talking to you too Suki. Bye!” He said.

“Bye” Suki ended the call and stood up, she walked towards the manager.

“Oppa, they said they’ll just send it to us.” She said.

“Ohh that’s great, thank you Suki.” He said without even looking at her. Suki smiled at herself and turned around finding Xander taking a picture of himself.

“Want me to do that for you?” She asked him.

“Ohh no, its okay.” He smiled at her.

“So, what song are you guys gonna perform?” She asked him.

“Mworago.” Xander said.

“I said what song are you gonna perform?” Suki repeated.

Xander laughed “No no, the title of the song we’re gonna perform is Mworago.”

“Ohhhh” Suki blushed “Mworago…”

“You need to know more about us.” Xander smiled.

“I really do, I’ll do an all nighter search about you guys later night” Suki said.

“Just contact me if you need anymore information, I do like having a telephone buddy.” Xander said.

“I’ll do that.” Suki nodded.

“Suki!” Kevin suddenly jumped on the couch she was seated on.

“Kevin.” Suki smiled at him.

“How do I look?” Kevin asked since he just finished hair and make-up.

“Very y.” Suki said which made Kevin smile widely.

“Everyone ready?” Manager asked.

“Yeah.” Ukiss said in unison.

“Then lets go.” The manager called them, the boys suddenly stood up.

“Wa-wait, Ukiss!” Suki grabbed her phone and the camera. “Can I take a picture of all of you?” She asked.

“Offcourse you can.” Eli said and the boys gathered together.

“Okay, 1..2..” Suki suddenly saw Soohyun just walk away, leaving the 6 boys. She sighed but shook it off. “3 smile!!” They all smiled and Suki snapped the picture.

“Goodluck everyone. Hwaiting!” Suki cheered and they all answered “Hwaiting!” 

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Chapter 35: I love this book C: good job
Delphine #2
Chapter 35: It's so adorably fluffy!! I have currently melted into a giant puddle of goo. Perfect Story
Chapter 35: Love this story!!! So cute! <3
I just read this fic. hehehe. this is such a cute and addictive and story :3
Kyaaa what a cute story ^.^ <3
tifftiff233 #7
OMO!! I love this so much!! It's so cute and so awww!!!!
I loved your Kevin story, so I decided to read this too. I totally don't regret it.<br />
I love this story too. Great, loveable characters and your Soohyun character is very cool and y. :)
vidong #9
.hahaha ! i love the ending :) funny dongho~ xD <br />
.i want to be suki, i want to be u-kiss's assistant manager! haha :)
iamanonymous #10
AMAZING!!! Soohyun is my favorite too. This fic made me smile so much :D