Part 2

Winter Memories

The snow poured down just like it was a year ago when she came to this home. Yet this time, her car was working well and the lights inside belonged to a girl who was expecting her arrival. The girl reached into the back of her car to pull out a bag and a box before her feet crunched in the snow towards the door.

Without even a knock, the door opened, “Taeyeon...”

Taeyeon smiled brightly at the girl who looked brighter than ever, “Jessica...”

Jessica moved aside and helped Taeyeon with the box she was holding, “You still remembered how to get here?”

Taeyeon went to put her bag in a room quickly before returning, “Of course. You are the only house out here.” The younger girl laughed as she placed the box on the table, “It is homemade pie. I thought we could have some later?”

Out of curiosity, Jessica opened the box a bit to see the pastry, “Mmm looks good.” When Jessica closed the box, she looked up to see Taeyeon had her coat off and was ready to make some tea.

“I am a bit cold...did you want some too?” Jessica nodded happily at Taeyeon’s request before taking a seat at the table.

“It has been a year....”

Taeyeon giggled, “Yes but you message me almost every day.”

A sharp glare was sent Taeyeon’s way, “Not that...just a year since we met and so much has happened.”

“Humm yea...are you moving closer to me now?”

Jessica was watching Taeyeon finish making the tea by adding the tea bags into their mugs, “I want to.”

Sitting in a char adjacent to Jessica, Taeyeon settled in and took a sip of her tea, “Ah...this is refreshing.”

“Things still bad with your family?”

“Of course. Things like that don’t get fixed in a year. It is better that I can spend Christmas with you and be welcomed than have a door slam into my face again.” Taeyeon said as she sipped her tea.

I nodded along, “How about the painting?”

With the mention of her job, Taeyeon’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, “I have a showing after New Years. You should come and see if you are going to move into the city by me.”

Jessica laughed at the hopeful look in Taeyeon’s eyes, “As long as I get to see you on New Year’s too?”

Taeyeon laughed, “If you are in town...then that is a must.”

The two women quietly sipped their tea as Taeyeon warmed up in the cozy home that gave her so many great memories last Christmas. Taking in her surroundings, Taeyeon noticed one thing missing, “Jessica you didn’t get a tree?”

Jessica giggled, “There is no fun in getting it alone. I was waiting for you to come again.”

Resting on her elbows, Taeyeon looked into Jessica’s eyes, “Are you trying to recreate our first Christmas together? Getting a tree, pie, and decorations?”

Jessica challenged Taeyeon’s stare, “Is there something more we should do on Christmas? What you stated is a given. We must get a tree, pie and put up decorations.”

Standing up, Taeyeon grabbed her coat, “I have an idea. We can get the tree, but there is somewhere I want to go after.”

Feeling somewhat excited about a Taeyeon’s surprised, Jessica ran over to find her coat. Throwing on a scarf and hat, Jessica was ready to leave with Taeyeon, “Where are we going?”

“You will see, but first we should get a tree!” Taeyeon said as she charged outside towards Jessica’s car.

The other girl tried to keep up with the shorter girl as the two left to get a Christmas tree together.

Rubbing her cold hands in the car, Taeyeon played with the heater, “Is your car broken this year? The car is freezing!”

Jessica laughed at the girl whose nose was already red, “Just takes a while, turn on some festive music and dance to warm up?”

Taeyeon smiled as she turned up the radio to some upbeat Christmas tune before the strange dance moves came out. Jessica tried not to look over and focus on the road but Taeyeon’s dancing was becoming a huge distraction. Luckily, the tree market wasn’t too far and the girls happened to arrive without the car crashing due to Taeyeon’s distractive behavior.

“Merry merry Christmas!” Taeyeon yelled out as she greeted the seller.

“Hello girls, what tree would you like?”

Jessica rubbed her chin as she looked around but gasped at the tree Taeyeon was examining, “Taeyeon! That won’t fit in the house!”

Taeyeon fluffed the branches, “If we lay it sideways it could.”

Jessica laughed as she pulled Taeyeon away from the bigger trees and went to the section with the smaller pines. After a game of rock-paper-scissors, Jessica won in the battle of which tree they were to buy, “Taeyeon stop pouting and just agree that this tree is the perfect size and doesn’t look like it is ready to die.”

“But the tree I wanted was cheaper! It is only going to last the one day.”

“Doesn’t matter because I win,” Jessica said as she stuck out her tongue in victory.

After the tree was bought and attached to the car, Taeyeon guided Jessica to a nearby ice rink, “Isn’t it beautiful!”

Jessica smiled at the whimsical surprise Taeyeon had for her, “I am not sure if I can still skate...”

Taeyeon ran back over to Jessica and took her hand, “doesn’t matter. We can learn together.”

“Wait! You don’t know how to skate?”

With innocent eyes, Taeyeon looked back at Jessica, “Does it matter? It is Christmas.”

Jessica couldn’t tell if she was shaking her head from disbelief or the girl’s purity, “Fine but don’t take me down with you if you fall.”

Taeyeon pulled out her money to pay for the skate rentals, “I have no promises Jessica. There is an instinct to take down someone with you if you fall.”

Jessica slapped Taeyeon playfully on the arm as she took her skates. Taeyeon was giggling as she took a seat next to Jessica to exchange their boots for the ice skates.

Both girls entered the ice rink hesitantly as they both hug the railing to keep their balance although Jessica was able to move along the railing faster than Taeyeon, “Jessica! Wait up!”

Looking back, Jessica saw poor Taeyeon trailing behind her, “Come on slow poke!”

“How are you so far ahead!” The shorter girl whined.

Jessica stopped and waited for Taeyeon to come next to her, “How did you not learn how to skate? Didn’t your family...”

“No. We didn’t do family things like this. Never had the chance to do things like this.” Taeyeon said as she loosely grabbed onto Jessica who wasn’t holding onto the railing anymore since she got the hang of skating again.

“I used know with my sister was the best. She could have been a skating star the way she moved on the ice.” Jessica quickly wiped away a tear before Taeyeon could see, “Good times.”

Taeyeon looked up sadly at the girl, “Did you want to leave?”

Jessica smiled as she held out her hand for Taeyeon to take, “No, today, we can make new memories. First one is to get you to skate properly.”

Taeyeon grinned as she took Jessica’s hand so they could resume skating. However, Taeyeon was really not good on ice and for the majority of the time, the girl had to use the railing to go around. Every once in a while, Taeyeon would let Jessica loose and have her go around a few times until she whined that she didn’t want to be left out. Then the two would start over again with trying to get Taeyeon to skate which was accomplished as the sky darkened, “You got it!”

Taeyeon smiled as she let go of Jessica’s hand and started to glide, “I got it!”

Jessica was close as Taeyeon nearly stumbled and grabbed back on her arms, “I think you almost have it. How about we go and warm up? We have been out here a long time.”

Taeyeon nodded as her legs were hurting from her attempts in skating today, “I want hot chocolate!”

Jessica laughed, “Fine, but I get pie!”



Driving off to Jessica’s favorite diner, the two ordered pie and hot chocolate, “Oh my hands are so red!”

Jessica looked over to the girl’s hands, “You should have worn warmer gloves.” Reaching over, Jessica took Taeyeon’s hands in an attempt to warm them up.

Taeyeon laughed as the other pair of cold fingers made contact, “Jessica, your hands are colder than mine.”

Jessica looked down and blushed, “It is because you were warming them with your mug.”

Taeyeon held Jessica’s hands tighter, “Then I will have to warm up your hands first.”

When the pie arrived, Jessica quickly let go of Taeyeon’s hands, “Let’s eat.”

Taeyeon nodded as she dug into the pastry, “Ahh it is still so good! I am glad I don’t live so close, I would get fat coming here every day.”

“You are so tiny, I doubt you would get fat.”

Taeyeon patted her belly, “I could...I just need more pie!”

The two girls laughed at the thought of a chubby Taeyeon and argued the exact amount that would make Taeyeon obese.

Because Taeyeon liked the pie so much, she ordered a second but found herself incredibly full, “I think I need a nap.”

Jessica reached to pat Taeyeon’s hand, “We even have more pie at home...and you can’t fall asleep yet because we still have to put the tree up and do decorations.”

Looking at her watch, Taeyeon lazily stood up, “We should get going then.”

Taking their coats, the two girls put them on and head out so they could finish preparing for Christmas the next day.


By the time the two arrived at the house, Taeyeon was already on a full blown sugar high from the pies. Instead of untying the tree from the car, Taeyeon was already trying to make a snowman with the fresh snow that happened the night before, “Jessica come on! We have time for just one!”

Jessica sighed as she joined the girl in helping her roll some snow. With their collective efforts and a small snow fight later, the two looked at the freshly made snowman with rock eyes and buttons, “Not half bad.”
Jessica gazed down at her gloves and pants wet from the snow, “I think we should move the tree inside and dry good being sick the day of Christmas.”

Taeyeon noticed the chill running through her body so she hopped over to Jessica and help her carry in the tree. Once inside, the girls were wet and covered in pine needles so they went to take a warm shower before Jessica prepared the decorations and Taeyeon prepared some tea.

Taeyeon was preparing a fire as Jessica took on the task of detangling the lights, “How do these get so messed up if they just sit in the closet all year round?”

Taeyeon stopped stabbing the fire to look at Jessica, “It must be the elves.”

Jessica laughed at the strange remark, “Almost done.”

Seeing Jessica getting the last knot out, Taeyeon made her way over so they could wrap the lights around the tree, “This is nice.”

Jessica smiled at Taeyeon who was now sorting through the various ornaments, “Yea. Like our first Christmas...who would have thought...”

Taeyeon looked up and handed Jessica a few ornaments, “Life is funny that way. Bringing two lonely people together to share a special day.”

“I am glad it was you.”

Taeyeon laughed, “thanks but you should thank my car that decide to be temperamental that day.”

Jessica looked out the window at Taeyeon’s car, “I would but you got a new car.”

Taeyeon shrugged, “well...there are no other girls I need to meet with the car breaking down again. I now only need to make sure I get to my destination.”

Jessica felt her cheeks heating up, “Mmm yea...I think we are ready for the star.”

Taeyeon reached into the box and pulled out the final decoration, “Did you want to do the honor?”

Jessica smiled, “How about together?”

“I think that is fitting...” Holding one side of the star each, the girls reach up and placed it on the top of the tree. Stepping back from the tree, the girls marveled at their handy work in finishing the decoration, “I think this calls for celebration. Milk and cookies?”

Jessica laughed as she walked towards the kitchen, “Sure. Fitting before bed anyway.”

Taeyeon followed Jessica into the kitchen as they both sat at the table with the warm milk and cookies, “You know, I found myself looking forward to Christmas this year. I never used to as a child...I guess I am starting to find the joy kids had in anticipation of the holiday although I am an adult.”

Jessica grinned as she took a bite of her cookie, “I was looking forward to this day too.”

Letting out a huge yawn, Taeyeon placed her head on the table, “If I sleep here, I might get to see Santa.”

Jessica reached over to rub Taeyeon’s head, “Kids should go to bed.”

Taeyeon giggled before lifting her head up, “Merry Christmas Jessica.”

Jessica also got up from the table, “Merry Christmas Taeyeon. See you in the morning.” That night both girls went to bed in anticipation for the gifts Santa would bring them in the morning.


Taeyeon yawned as she got up and headed out in her onesie. Looking around the house huddled in her blanket, Taeyeon relit the fire before she dropped the blanket and to put on her jacket and boots. Going back out into her car, Taeyeon opened her glove compartment to get an envelope before locking it up and returning to the house that was starting to warm up. Once she removed her jacket and boots, Taeyeon went back under her blanket so she could warm up some water and prepare breakfast.

With the smell of food in the air, Jessica emerged from her bedroom, “Morning.”

Taeyeon was grinning as she placed the food at the table, “Morning Jessica. Let’s eat.”

Jessica smiled at the food in front of her, “You are making the breakfast this year?”

Taeyeon joined Jessica at the table, “Yep. Eat up, you will need your energy.”

Jessica laughed, “That sounds familiar.”

“Someone wise told me that.”

The two girls enjoyed their quiet breakfast together until all the food was gone and Taeyeon impatiently opened the pie to have a slice.

Deciding it was time for presents, the two girls went to the tree where several gifts were, “Woah so many gifts!”

Jessica laughed, “Most of these are from me to you.”

Taeyeon shrugged, “The envelope is yours.”

Jessica gave Taeyeon a daring glare, “You only got me an envelope?”

“Well...think of this as a gift we are going to give each other.”

Jessica raised her brow, “Can I open it?”

Taeyeon started smiling bashfully, “S-sure.”

Taking the envelope, Jessica carefully opened it to find a white piece of paper. Unfolding the paper, Jessica saw it was sheet music, “All I Want For Christmas Is You...” Shocked, Jessica looked up at Taeyeon who cleared to sing.

“I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know, make my wish come true, all I want for Christmas is you...” Taeyeon reached the last note and reached out her hand to take Jessica’s.

Jessica was nearly in tears as she looked at Taeyeon’s hopeful eyes before singing, “I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know...Taeyeon, all I want for Christmas is you.”

Grinning happily the couple sealed their second Christmas together with a kiss; the greatest gift they could have given each other this Christmas.






Author's Note

Merry Christmas Readers!!!! I told you there was a part 2, and I gave it to you exactly a year later!

Enjoy the holidays and of course the beautiful voices of Taeyeon (0:18) and Jessica (1:06)  singing their lines below ^^



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Chapter 2: Woah this is good, I love it. Thanks author ❤️💜
Chapter 2: I just finished reading this. Oh wow, their unexpected meeting on Christmas could lead two lonely women to spend their next Christmases together for the rest of their lives, and that's beautiful. Thank you for this! <3
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh ! I love this ❤️
Chapter 2: I really love all your stories authornim. Makes my heart warm. Thank you so much for this story. ❤❤❤
Chapter 2: Gosh this story is ♡♡ I love how you even thought of having a music sheet inside an envelope. Thank you author for the ff! I really enjoyed it! :DD
Yoonaya05 #6
Chapter 2: I just read this story and omg this is so touching, I'm so touched! I can't explain what I felt when I read this, thanks for this amazing story author-nim :)))
Chapter 2: please update soon
ben-o9 #8
Chapter 2: This should be a annual update! Full of fluff! ^^ thanks author!