Funeral Plans (not)

Our Story

"Kayla,  Onew time to get up.  We are going to go to the mall."  I said as Taemin and I rampaged through the door to wake them up.  Onew had his arm around Kayla and his head was on hers. 

"Awwww.  Come on let them sleep.  Their so cute like that"  Taemin said nudging my arm. 

"Fine 10 more minutes."  I said walking out the door.  They are such a cute couple. Navagaye and Jonghyun were done kissing and now they were eating.  We sat down with them.

"No one did stuff last night right?" I asked.  I thought i heard something while I was up last night. 

"Well,  Jonghyun and I did it.  I think.  Not that I remember"   Navagaye said.  No.  They couldnt have.  Thats like impossible. 

"We didnt do what you think we did.  Navagaye and I are not on the same page.  All we did was make-out.  Thats it."  Jonghyun said.  Thank god. 

"What?  Thats not what you made it sound like.  You said dont worry we were safe."  She said.  Taemin looked so confused but in a really serious way.

"I said that because I was letting you know that i didnt have AIDs or anything."  He said.  Hahah thats funny. 

Kayla and Onew got up really energetic and we all left for the Biggest mall in Seoul. The boys went with us in all of the stores we wanted to go to.  We went into Victoria Secret and the boys still came.

"Hey Kayla maybe you should get this"  I said holding a thong being sarcastic.  She hates it when im sarcastic.  I heard all of the boys laugh behind me. I looked at Onew and he looked like he was blushing.  Awww. 

"Shut up"  She said.  Laughing and throwing the thong back at me. 

We went to lunch and had a great time at the mall. 

"So I know it is obvious now but, Onew and I are going out now"  Kayla said.  Its funny because now everyone is dating except key:(.   We went into one more store and thats when key tripped over a maniqquen.  But didnt fall all the way to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Said the girl that caught Key.

"Yeah im fine" Key said brusshing off his clothes.  Then looked at her and couldnt stop looking.  I realised it was time to go. 

I waved my hand infront of Keys face telling him we need to go.

"Who was that angel standing infront of me?"  Key asked  

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K-pop_lover123 #1
Love this story!!!!!:):):)
RaChan #2
that was really really good~ but how could you be such a mean writer and leave it like that~ :O <br />
anywhore, that was great!~
O.M.G! I know what you mean now when you said the story was going to be a cliff hanger! Dongsang you have got to make another chapter! The suspense is killing me! I really want to know what happened at the end and what it's supposed to mean! :)
Woah I love the chapter!!! It was amazing and Onew's cousin seems so ty!!! But never mind that Great chapter and I cant't wait for the next one to come!! xD
Like!!! LOL love your update shineelvr <3 Well i would try to update soon, so lazy -.-
Have a good one. Please check out my fanfic, The Beautiful Scar-it stars you and Jaejoong~<br />
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Love your display picture ^^<br />
<br />
Awww, Taemin is so cute ^^ KEEKEKEK :) <br />
I wish I had a boyfriend though, BUT THAT GIRL PISSES ME OFF :( <br />
LOLOLO . I would totally love Taemin ^^
Chapter 1:<br />
HERE's the correction!<br />
<br />
"I don't care." She said as she started to move closer and closer together until their noses were touching. Then she started to kiss him and he kissed back as I was still standing there frozen, really confused about why this was happening. <br />
<br />
:) GASP! That horrible girl!
Okay just make sure to not forget the apostrophys :) <br />
Like for example:<br />
I'm <br />
I'll <br />
Don't<br />
Won't<br />
It's<br />
You're <br />
<br />
AND SO ON SO FORTH~ I think you're really good at grammar and I don't see any spelling errors so far :) You just sometimes forget to make ill into I'll ^.^ Which I won't lie...I do it myself lol xD<br />
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So yeah I don't know why you asked me to do this cause you really don't need it lol
Chapter 1: (like almost half way through)<br />
<br />
"Hoojae"I turned and looked at him curiously "You don't have to bring money because as part of your anniversary present im going to buy your ticket." He said innocently with his beautiful smile on his face<br />
<br />
<br />
Put a space between the " and I at the beginning~And change "im" to I'm :)