Room No. 301

Today, 2072

February, 2000


Today, I felt so different. I think it's because of I'm moving tomorrow morning. Goodbye Haidian~ Tomorrow I'll see you from Google Map. *sigh*

Seriously, I am sooooooooo frustated right now. Doing some stuff that I should be doing tomorrow aren't really helping. Writing this diary is one of the things in the list.


Actually, this diary cant wait to be written. 

Today, there's something massive happening. When I'd finished with my packing and cleaning up the mess I've created in my room, I went to a guest room. Well, the thing is, my house is quite big somehow. No offense, but I think its one of the biggest building around the district. It has about 20 guest rooms and a big hall also a enormous dining hall. Don't take this too serious, my mom used to run a business in this old large house. I can say it was like a hotel but not quite a hotel? *pout* 

So , back to what I was going to tell you. 

Like what I said about my mom's business (which she has closed around December last year), there were people staying at the same house like me. But I couldn't care less because I was used to this noise and people and chatters everywhere. Except for the fact that I'm quiet, I'm just like another boy in the city, happily living my life with my dearest family.

Here goes the story, 

In the guest room, I was tripped and I saw something laying below the bed. I was like "What is that?" or it was actually more like "ew.. What is that?". I dont a big deal with what I felt when I figured out something was there. What really makes a great deal is the figure itself which turned out to be a old diary or a journal of someone who used to stay here. ( I cant really differ a diary and a journal so just bear with it) *shrug*

You cant believe what was there









Literally nothing. 

It looked like it had been written before but nothing was there.

It wasn't so long until I went back to my room and acted like nothing was going on.

I was right that moment because ABSOLUTELY nothing was going on. I was sitting at the edge of the bed and everything turned out to be fine. No earthquake, no fire and nothing like tornados everywhere. My mother told me that I was watching too much of TV, I dont think so. I watched it for only 5 hours or so in a day. Nothing much.

The point is, I WAS really fine



before the book turned out to be something like a novel or something rather than a diary.

I was shocked, like really shocked. 

Who the hell would really tell that the back cover of the book actually have writings on it? It was a skin cover, I guess it was leather or goat skin or something else I can't really tell. 

Lovely, I thought.

Then something changed my mind, I realized that I wasnt the only person in the room and I could feel it with my sixth sense or whatever they call it.

Yeah its literally all. Besides, there is somebody beside me now, so I think I have to go.













This is not really author's note since I'm not really good at it but here I am typing this  

and here we go

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I know it has many mistakes and many grammatical errors which arent planned.

I'm sending  you my deepest sorry. 

Thank you and enjoy reading~


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