Biggest Star

A Speck Of Dust

Mark and Yugyeom played their toy cars in the living room.Yugyeom was making sound effects with his pretty little lips.


The eight-year old Mark smiled as he played along.He felt happy for having his bestfriend beside him.

Mark had only one friend.Mark was so grateful for Yugyeom’s presence and he knows that his friend

was grateful for him too.

Ms.Tuan went to the living room and served them molasses chocolate chip cookies and two glasses of


‘ Yummy! Marky,your mom makes delicious cookies! ‘

Yugyeom kissed Mark’s cheek all of a sudden and left cookie crumbs on his cheek.Mark blushed and

gobbled up his cookie heartfully.


After 4 years,Mr.Tuan was offered to work in Los Angeles and he accepted it.Mark was devastated when

his father talked about moving and he could not believe his ears.

Mark had a lot of thoughts running through his head.How can he leave Yugyeom when he was the only

one he had? How can he move to Los Angeles on Yugyeom’s birthday? Yes,on the 17th November.

Yugyeom would be totally mad if he knew Mark would leave him behind on his birthday.


Mark gathered his courage and dialed Yugyeom’s phone.

‘ Hey,Mark! I was thinking about going skateboarding tomorrow.Are you in? ‘

‘ Oh,hey.Mmm…sure.’

‘ So,what’s up? ‘

‘ I want to tell you something.It’s very important.I hope you won’t get mad. ‘

‘ Sure.Go on.’

‘ I’m moving to Los Angeles on the 17th November.I’m so sorry Yugyeom.I can explain.’

‘ Hey,it’s okay.Make sure to keep in touch and never lose contact okay?’

‘ No problem,Yugs.I promise.’


Mark went skateboarding with Yugyeom near the neighbourhood.Yugyeom introduced Mark to his

cousin who just got back from Mokpo.Youngjae was a bubbly person.He had hair as bright as the smile

on his face.The three of them skated around the neighbourhood and then stopped by a food stall.

‘ Mark ,Yugyeom.Choose anything.I’ll pay.So eat till you can’t eat no more.’

‘ So,we’ll have some blood sausages,mung bean pancakes,fishcakes,three sticks of tornado potatoes

 and three cans of cola.’

Mark stood quietly as Yugyeom and Youngjae were busy buying snacks.Not snacks.More like

a full course meal.

The boys sat on the pavements and as they were enjoying their meal.

Yugyeom handed out a piece of paper to Mark.

‘ Read it at home.I don’t want to see you cry.I bet you’ll look very ugly.’

As Mark was lying on his bed,he kept on smiling.He smiled at the thought of Yugyeom and Youngjae.

He did had a huge load of fun hanging out with the both of them.Then,Mark remembered the paper

Yugyeom gave him.He ran downstairs and searched for his jeans in the laundry basket.Luckily,his

mom haven’t washed anything yet.He ran back upstairs, his side lamp and lay down.


Dear Mark,

Thanks for being my bestfriend.I want you to know that I am always happy when you’re around.

You promised me you’ll keep in touch so keep your word my man.I’ll make sure to not lose


And Mark..

You are the biggest star in my galaxy.





Mark’s life in Los Angeles was no better than his life in Korea.He didn’t fit in and the kids made fun of

him.But every week,Yugyeom would send him postcards and letters.Even Youngjae would write

short messages for Mark.And of course,Mark replied to every single letter.


They exchanged letters for the whole year.But when they turned 15,Yugyeom was the only one who

kept on sending letters and Mark never replied him back because Mark had piles of work to do.

He has been very busy with his assignments and projects.He kept Yugyeom’s unread letters in his



Yugyeom waited for Mark’s letters but they never came.Yugyeom thought Mark made new friends.

Well,that’s great but he shouldn’t forget his bestfriend way back in Korea.Yugyeom thought Mark

started to hate him for constantly sending letters.Yugyeom missed him and he knows that Mark

might miss him too.


Mark missed Yugyeom too but the amount of schoolwork he had.There’s no way he could escape.

Mark tried to read his letters but there were no free time.Mark felt guilty for not contacting



One day,Mark tried to call him.But no one answered.

Mark finally had the chance to sit down and read.

He read the letters.

He laughed at the thought of Yugyeom got elected as the school prefect.

He felt worried when Yugyeom wrote a letter saying that he broke his left arm.

He was glad when Yugyeom quit the rugby team because he didn’t want him to hurt himself.

He cried when Yugyeom’s father died in a car accident.

He was worried again when Yugyeom said he started to smoke.

He was shocked when Yugyeom said drugs tasted good.


Every single letter that Yugyeom wrote made Mark felt guilty for not being there to comfort him.

Mark couldn’t sleep that night because all he could think of was Yugyeom.

Is he okay?

How’s he doing?

Is he still the school prefect?

Why would he smoke?

Why the heck would he take drugs?

All of these questions regarding Yugyeom came rushing and wooshing in his mind.

Mark knows Yugyeom is not okay.

Yugyeom is now a troubled child.

Yes,at the age of 15.

Nothing couldn’t get any worser could they?




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tealdrops #1
Chapter 2: um... okay... that was... rather extreme... mysterious in a way...
i didn't expect that, but it was great. a bit scary.

great job btw
MinMin_SL #2
Chapter 2: i was NOT expecting that....
Chapter 2: i... dont know what to say
omg... i'm... wow