Chapter 3

Move On Or Have I?

Chapter 3

It was a terrifying birth experience for Jiyong.

Bom was in her studio discussing about the upcoming collection with the rest of her staff who were also her close friends, when suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her tummy. She was overwhelmed with pain, but still, she kept quiet for a while until she began to feel water running down her legs. Minzy was the first to notice her Unnie’s uneasiness.

“Unnie, are you ok?” she asked as Bom’s face has gone pale.

“My water bag broke.” Bom replied softly and in fear.

Everyone began staring down her legs and indeed, liquid was streaming down them.

“Quick, call the ambulance.” Chearin yelled.

“Too late, I think we need to send her to hospital. No time to wait for the ambulance.” Dara said while finding her car eyes.

“How are we going to carry her to the car?” Minzy asked.

The girls looked at each other, hoping someone has the answer.

“I will see if someone outside is able to help.” Minzy immediately rushed out of the studio, hoping that some strong man will appear in front of her.

Jiyong was parking his car when he saw Minzy panicky looking for help. He was sent over by his mother to bring the tonic for Bom as she was busy that day.

“Minzy, what happened?” He rushed up to her, praying that all is fine with Bom.

“Unnie, she is giving birth soon. Help.” She replied while dragging him into the studio.

He was alarmed when he saw Bom lying on the floor in pain. Her face was pale and cringing but she was trying her best to control her breathing whenever her contraction comes on.

“Dun worry, Bom. I am here. Hang on ok. We will be at the hospital in no time.” He assured her while carrying her to Dara’s car.

“I will drive your car and you will drive mine to the hospital. Chearin will follow me.” Jiyong gave instructions to the girls while Minzy was tasked to go back to Bom’s apartment to collect the delivery bag that she has prepared in advance.  

“Bom, you will be alright.” He kept on repeating while making the way to the hospital.

It was a laborious 5 hours before the baby girl was born.

Shrieks of joy and laughter were heard along the corridor as the girls and the respective families gathered at the hospital, awaiting the arrival of the baby.

The baby girl was named Kwon Jiyun as agreed by Bom that JIyong will be listed as the father on her birth certificate. Since her birth, Jiyong has been playing an active role in her life. He has been over at their apartment every day, looking after her as well as the mother even though he has hired 2 full time nannies to look after the baby so that Bom will have enough rest.

The constant attention on the mother and daughter resulted in Jiyong neglecting his girlfriend and one day she stormed to Bom’s apartment to confront her.

Bom was patting the 4 month old baby girl to sleep when the constant ringing of the doorbell disturbed and waken her daughter.

“Damn it.” She cursed softly.

Her housekeeper appeared at her room later, informing her about her visitor.

“Who is that, Ahjumma? Jiyun is awake.” She pouted at her.

“She said her name is Kiko, Mdm.” The Ahjumma replied.

Knowing that trouble is on hand, she instructed the nanny to look after Jiyun as she left the room with a sigh, steeling herself to deal with the trouble-maker.

“Hi, Kiko.” She greeted her, trying her best to be cordial.

“Stop all the acting.” Kiko yelled as Bom was about to sit down.

“You seem perfectly fine to me. Why do you need Jiyong to take care of you every other day?” She yanked Bom hard onto her feet.

“Ouch. What do you want?” Bom yelped in pain.

“You evil one. Do you think you can keep Jiyong by your side by having his baby? He chooses to be with me when you are pregnant. Does that not tell you that he love me and not you.” She stared angrily at Bom.

“So stop all your pathetic acting to get him back cos it will be useless.” She continued as she pushed Bom back onto the couch.

“Will you stop it?” Bom shouted back, refused to be bullied any more.

“I have never asked for him to be here. If you continue to make a scene, I will request that you leave my house now or else I will get the security up right this moment.” Bom demanded.

“And I do not want you in my house again.”

“I will not stop hounding you and your daughter till you give up on Jiyong.” Kiko said unrelenting on the issue.

“Dun you dare touch my baby.” Bom said sternly, her mother instinct on the high with the mention of any possible harm to her daughter.

Just as the two women were staring menacingly at each other, Jiyong opened the door and was alarmed with the situation in front of him.

“What’s happening? And Kiko, why are you here?” He asked as he went up to them, tugging Kiko by her wrist.

“Please get out of my house right this moment. Both of you.” Bom urged before turning away from them and walked out to the balcony.

She gripped tight onto the chair till her knuckles were white to control her anger. Biting her lower lips hard, she stared straight ahead to prevent tears from streaming down.

“No way am I going to break down in front of them.” Bom reminded herself repeatedly.

She was stationary in that position for a while till she heard the balcony door being opened. A warm pair of hands rest lightly on her shoulder. Well-acquainted with his cologne scent, Bom refused to turn around and tried to move away. He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, turning her around and trapped her in his embrace.

“I am sorry.” He whispered softly as he tucked her head under his chin.

“Let me go, Jiyong. I dun want any misunderstanding again.” She mumbled, pushing herself off him.

“Dun move, Bom. I dun want to see you being so hard on yourself.’ He refused to release his arms.

“Go away, Ji. What do you want from me?” She yelled as she sobbed uncontrollably. “Are you happy now to see me like that?” Bom slapped his chest, pushing him away.

“Sorry. Sorry. I am sorry, Bommie Love.” Jiyong apologized.

Bom finally composed herself as Jiyong comforted her repeatedly.

“Are you feeling better already?” He asked, cupping her face within his palms while wiping her tears with his thumb gently.

“Come, let’s go in and I will get you some water.” He led her into the living room.

“You look just like Jiyun now with your swollen eyes and soft lips.” Jiyong while his fingers reached out and touched her lips unknowingly.

Both were taken aback with Jiyong’s sudden action and Bom was the first to break away from their eye contact.

“I’m going to wash up first.” She muttered quickly to get out of the awkward situation.

“What the hell happened?” Jiyong questioned as he was left alone in the living room.

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jinjineuntae #1
this is a nice story tho!
jiyongbomtop #2
Chapter 6: This was compleleted? Hope you will make epilogue.. We will wait your another gbom story
Chapter 6: wow finally a happy ending for gbom!!! <3 thank u so much for finishing this story authornim, and pls write more gbom :)
panpan6979 #4
Thank you to all the people who subscribe and read this story. I know the ending is a little abrupt. Bear with me as I was losing the drive to continue the story. Am starting on a new story. Be patient and hope to share with all of you soon. Happy weekend :)
Chapter 6: Happy ending..finally after a jealousy moment kkk..please write more gbom!
shella13 #6
Chapter 6: Ahh so this is the end? Glad that they're back together but plsss make one more chapter or maybe epilogue
And hope you will make another gbom story authornim ><
lexiekau #7
Chapter 5: OMGGGG jiyong totally deserves the hate he's getting. awesome story! cant wait for updates <3
shella13 #8
Chapter 5: Woahh jelaous jiyong, that's what you get for cheating of bom.
Arghh i hate jiyong, but i want them together :')
JiIrmaHJygK #9
Chapter 5: Wuahaha i want jiyong more. Jealouse, thanks. For update
Chapter 5: jaejoong is finally here to make jiyong jealous! anyway im curious to hear bom's answer. please update soon authornim