Lied To

Caramel Chocolate Kiss


Okaaaaaaaay..... So sorry for the wait haha... but guess what? It's drama time~




“H-Hyung?” Jongdae asked kneeling down panicked, Joonmyun was having some sort of attack or something.


He was sobbing on the floor in Yixing’s house, mumbling incoherent words, and sometimes shouting things that made no sense. But, there was one thing that made sense to Jongdae and he had no ing idea what the hell was going on.


“What the hell is going on?” Jongdae flinched hearing the voice and turned to see Kris standing behind him. “Why is he crying?”


“I-I think he had some sort of a panic attack or something, he just dropped to his knees all of a sudden saying and mumbling things.” Jongdae explained best he understood of the situation.


Kris dropped to his knees and grabbed Joonmyun’s shoulders shaking him “Hey! Hey, Joonmyun!” he called, but Joonmyun wasn’t having it. “Damnit, Kim Joonmyun!”


“What do we do?” Jongdae was scared for his best friend, this has never happened to him before.


“Jongdae? What’s wrong?” another voice then asked and Xiumin walked inside.


“I have no idea.” Jongdae answered.


“Joonmyun?” Xiumin shook Joonmyun’s shoulders.


A phone started ringing then and Kris backed away from the scene in front of him to answer it “Hello? Xing, what’s wrong?”


“What?!” he shouted startling everyone “What the hell do you mean he’s missing?!” something clicked in Joonmyun then and his sobs stopped.


“Okay, okay, I’ll be there in a minute, wait for me.”  And he hung up turning to Xiumin “Jae’s missing.”




“I don’t know, but Xing is freaking out and Reina is scared less, we need to go.”


“I’m going too.” Joonmyun then spoke up.


Kris really wanted to yell at him to mind his own ing business, but he knew better than anyone he didn’t have that right “Then hurry the up and stop feeling sorry for yourself.” He said and ran out the door to his car with the other three right behind him.


Joonmyun took the car he’d rented for the time being while Xiumin and Jongdae went with Kris, Joonmyun told them he’d start looking in the places he knew Jae Won liked while the rest went to Yixing and Reina.


“Damnint, Jae, where did you run off to?” Joonmyun grumbled to himself as he started the car and pulled back and out of the driveway.


He didn’t know Jae Won like Yixing did, but Jae Won loved to talk and Joonmyun had picked up on quite a few things in the short while he was there. Jae loved the river, he’d told Joonmyun countless times that he loved the river and everything to do with water. He said if he could have any super power, it would be to be able to control water.


Joonmyun parked the car off to the side of the gravel road and ran up to the river shores, he looked all around “Jae! Where are you?! Jae Won!” he’d shouted countless times.


There was no response no matter how many times he shouted.


“!” Joonmyun cursed before running back to the car.


Maybe down by the bridge? He liked going there to play sometimes after school with Reina, right?


He wasted no time driving down from the trails and through the small village to the bridge.


Once he was out again he started shouting Jae’s name again and again until his lungs hurt. “Jae!” he shouted running across the bridge to the opposite side and looking around more “Zhang Jae Won!”


No response.



Joonmyun was running back to his car when his phone started ringing. He cursed, what the hell was it now?




“Suho?” it was YoungJae.


Joonmyun sighed as he got back in the car “Hey, I’m sorry, but now’s really not a good time babe, I’ll call you back later, okay?”


Joonmyun heard YoungJae sigh heavily “Alright, but call me as soon as you can.”


Joonmyun didn’t hesitate and hung up tossing his phone to the passenger seat before starting the car and driving to the next place he thought he’d be able to find Jae.


Joonmyun drove down the main road of Feng Kang, looking around both sides of the car for a little boy who looked just like himself. Nothing but worry was racing through him, what if something happened? What if he didn’t find him in time? All these questions racing through his head, Joonmyun felt a small swell of something a little like pride when Jae called him Daddy and right now, he wasn’t going to let his little boy down.


In the midst of his erratic searching. Something very familiar caught his eye.


He stopped the car and pulled it off to the side of the road getting out. Not even twenty feet in front of him stood his parents and boyfriend all huddled around something. Joonmyun could hear loud crying and they were trying to sooth it, but it didn’t stop.


Joonmyun just stood and watched for a moment, his mom, Jia then stepped aside just enough for Joonmyun to be able to see that Jae Won was the crying child.


“Jae!” Joonmyun shouted without even thinking about it.


Jae Won upon hearing his name being shouted looked over and he cried harder but got up and ran straight to his daddy who didn’t hesitate to engulf him in his arms holding him tight and rocking him from side to side calming him down.


“Daddy!” Jae Won cried over and over again holding onto Joonmyun with all his might.


The sight brought tears to Joonmyun’s eyes, seeing Jae like this broke his heart and he couldn’t help but cry himself “It’s okay, daddy’s here, daddy’s got you. You’ll be just fine.”


Jae Won slowly calmed down but it took a long while and during the midst of everything, the Kim couple as well as YoungJae just stood by and watched the scene.


“Who’s the kid?” Mr. Kim, or Jae asked softly looking at Young Jae.


“His landlord’s son.” Young Jae frowned.


Young Jae never knew Joonmyun as such a child lover, he’d sometimes visit or say hi to the kids staying in the hospital or in the lobby, he didn’t really initiate it if they didn’t. But seeing him like this with Jae Won, Young Jae couldn’t help but feel like he’d only see Joonmyun like this if it was Jae Won and maybe even his sister…. But what about their kids?


“Joonmyun?” Jai asked softly.


Joonmyun had other things to worry about “Baby, are you okay?” he asked Jae Won softly as he continued to hold him.


Jae Won sniffled and nodded his head a little snuggling into Joonmyun’s neck still holding him like his life depended on it.


“Let’s go get mommy okay?”




Joonmyun went back to his car and to the passenger side grabbing his phone, he was extremely thankful he’d gotten Yixing’s phone number a couple days ago.


It rang once and the other line picked up “Hello? Joonmyun? Did you find him?”


“I have him, he’s okay. Just a little shaken up, I’m heading back to the house now, we’ll meet you there.”


“….Thank you. So much.”


“Of course.”  Joonmyun mumbled and hung up and then turned to Jae Won and kissed his forehead “Let’s get you home.” He said softly and put Jae Won in the car and shut the door before going over to the drivers side and getting in driving away leaving his parents and boyfriend behind.


As soon as he drove up to the house he took Jae Won inside, Yixing and the others had yet to return so Joonmyun put Jae Won down on the couch and sat with him, but Jae Won immediately climbed on top of Joonmyun snuggling into him.


“I love you daddy.” Jae Won whispered.


“I love you too bud.” Joonmyun kissed his head again.



Not even two minutes later, a car pulled up and the engine cut and doors were heard slamming shut and then Yixing came running into the house.


“Mommy!” Jae Won shouted running up to Yixing who cried as soon as Jae Won was in his arms.


Reina who was still crying came running up her mommy and brother hugging them both. Kris, Xiumin, and Jongdae walked in next and Kris went right up to them and Reina went straight to him and hugged him too.


It was a happy moment in a way. Jae was back after who knows how he even got lost and Yixing didn’t have to worry about his son anymore. Though he doesn’t want to admit it, he’s beyond grateful to Joonmyun for finding him as well as something else even more amazing than that.


If only Joonmyun actually knew….



Joonmyun’s phone then started ringing and he sighed heavily before answering it “Yes?”


“Kim Joonmyun! How dare you leave us here!”


Yixing froze hearing that voice. ‘It can’t be…’


“Well I was doing something way more important at the time, I’m sorry, alright?”


“You’re sorry?! Where the hell are you! We tried to follow you back but we can’t find your car!”


Right as Joonmyun was about to respond, he heard a car roll up outside and the engine cut. “Oh, your father found the house where your car is.”


Joonmyun just hung up. Why the hell were his parents here?


“Yah! Kim Joonmyun!” an angry female voice shouted and Kris immediately looked at Yixing who was petrified.


Joonmyun groaned and walked outside “What the hell are you guys doing here?!”


“Is that any way to talk to your parents young man?” a deeper voice asked.


“It is if you’re uninvited.”




“Mommy, what’s going on?” Reina asked softly holding onto Yixing.


“It’s complicated baby.” Yixing whispered.


Reina frowned, something was wrong with her mommy and it was the uncle’s fault again. She got up out of Yixing’s arms and went outside and Joonmyun turned to look at her and she pointed a finger “Stop making mommy upset, mommy doesn’t want you here. Mommy doesn’t like you! Stop making mommy cry! I hate seeing my mommy cry because of you!”




“Zhang Reina. That’s enough.” Reina frowned deeply and all heads turned to the voice.


“…Yixing….” Jai said softly. “It can’t be…”


Yixing avoided the looks of the Kim couple. Kris standing right behind him. “Riri! Be nice to him!” Jae Won then came running outside and hugged Joonmyun’s leg possessively against his sister.


Reina looked away and ran up to Kris who just held her “Xing… what are you gonna do?” he asked softly.


“Make them all leave.” Yixing responded.


“Mom, dad, Youngjae, even though you weren’t exactly invited and a heads up would have been very nice,” Joonmyun said obviously not enthused by the situation “This is Zhang, Yixing, my landlord and his twins, Zhang Jae Won,” he ruffled Jae Won’s hair earning a giggle from the little boy “And Reina.” Reina just glared at him.


Jae and Jai were speechless to say the least, it was Yixing. The one they thought, well, they didn’t honestly know what happened to him. He disappeared. They never found a trace of him.


“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Youngjae bowed politely “Suho has told us much about you.”


‘Suho?’ Yixing asked himself.


Jai thought she’d had a hold of herself. She really did. But after seeing her little boy again after so long. Nothing could be helped and she broke into tears and ran up to Yixing hugging him. “I’m so sorry…” she cried.


“I’m so, so sorry.”


“Mom?” Joonmyun asked confused.


“Jai. Don’t.” Jae warned.


Jai turned angry “How can I not!? He’s my little boy! We lied to him! We lost our son for s sake!! How can I not hug my own child after he’s been missing for almost eight years?! Tell me Jae! How can I?!” She screeched.


Yixing looked down at her “I’m not your son. And none of you are welcome here. Leave and don’t ever come back.” He said and walked up grabbing Jae Won and picking him up and turning away.


“Mommy don’t!” Jae Won screamed. He knew what was going on.


Yixing and Kris took the kids back inside and slammed the door shut, locking it and closing the blinds.


Joonmyun turned to his parents. His parents seeing something they haven’t seen in years. “You have five ing minutes to tell me everything or I will not hold back. You lied to me and I won’t stand to be lied to again.”


“Babe…?” Youngjae asked softly, petrified of the man he was seeing.


Joonmyun moved his dark gaze to Youngjae, something was definitely different.




Drama anyone? :)

See you guys soon~ <3

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Udating soon~!!!!


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Chapter 14: Love the story
Chapter 14: i always have a thing for mpreg where 'the girl is separated from the boy while expecting and the boy have no idea about the growing fetus till years later', combine it with sulay (my favorite couple along with chenmin and taoris) which yixing is 'the girl'... my life is complete!!

now off to taoris fic to cure kris feeling
Jasgotlucky #3
Chapter 14: I feel legitimately sad for Kris. He loved Yixing without asking in return only to be rejected for last time. Mah man Kris you deserve the world. (Why am I even so affected in the first place? Haha)
Chapter 1: Chapter 1 and I'm already loving it ^_^ And not just because I love Lay. This story is amazing. Good job authornim:)
kenxdesooin #5
Chapter 14: I loved it.........I want a friend like Kris......... at last happy ending............ plz don't get angry but few lines were kind of confusing but I like it...... looking forward for more of your stories
Chapter 14: I love this soooooooo much!!!!
chkhtsuju #7
Chapter 14: You did a great job on this !
liz_lighter #8
Chapter 14: soooo cute loved it :) !!!