Wondering Why

Caramel Chocolate Kiss

“Oh goody! You’re both here, this is perfect!” Mr. Lau smiled happily as he approached Yixing’s house with some of the villagers following right behind him.


Joonmyun and Jongdae smiled hesitantly at Mr. Lau and his little crowd as they approached the two men.


“How are you enjoying your stay so far? Aren’t the twins just so cute?” Mr. Lau laughed pulling the two into unexpected hugs.


Joonmyun chuckled “They are definitely adorable, we’re also enjoying our stay so far, though we haven’t been able to accomplish our goal just yet.”


“That’s what we’re going to be doing today! I came to ask Yixing if he would show you two around, look at possible places for the clinic.”


Yixing chose that exact moment to walk outside, he frowned upon doing so. He really didn’t want to have to be around Joonmyun if he didn’t have to be.


“Ah! Yixing!” Mr. Lau smiled happily running up to him and hugging him as well. “I was just going to look for you, tell me, you’re not busy today, right?”


“Actually, I have some errands to run and I promised the twins I’d take them hiking today once they got home from school, so I’m afraid I’m a little busy today.”


Mr. Lau stayed quiet for a second, he was clearly deep in thought and Yixing wanted to cry, he knew that Mr. Lau was trying to think of some way to get Yixing to bring the boys with him, and of course, he found a way “Well, why don’t you bring your guest along?! I bet the twins would love that!”


Kris who was standing in the doorway just chuckled “Uncle, you’re idea’s continue to become crazier and crazier as you get older.” He said.


Mr. Lau frowned “Respect your uncle you little brat.” He said and then cracked a smile making Kris laugh again.


Yixing glanced over to see Joonmyun staring back at him, his expression was rather unreadable to Yixing, but his eyes portrayed hurt.


“Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!” two little voices could be heard and Yixing instantly smiled hearing his kids voices.


“I’ll take this.” Kris smiled at Yixing as he took the basket Yixing was holding right as the two trouble makers came into view, Reina smiled happily as she ran right up to Yixing as he kneeled down to catch her in a hug.


Jae Won on the other hand, went straight to Joonmyun “Uncle mister!” he said happily making Joonmyun laughed as he picked him up.


“Mommy, I made a picture for you today.” Reina said softly to Yixing who smiled and kissed her cheek.


“Did you now? Well, can mommy see it?” Yixing asked.


Reina smiled and nodded and then turned to Kris and reached out to him, he put the basket down and grabbed her “I made a drawing for you too big brother.” She smiled giving him a hug.


“I bet it’s the best picture you’ve drawn yet, I can’t wait to see it.” Kris smiled.


“Mommy! We’re still going hiking today right?! You promised!” Jae Won asked as Joonmyun still held him.


Yixing smiled a nodded “Of course, why don’t you go inside and get changed, okay?” Jae Won smiled and nodded.


“But mommy, can uncle mister come too? I want him to come too!” Yixing’s smile faltered a little before he sighed a little.


“Sure baby, just go get changed okay, help your sister too.”


The twins went inside leaving the adults outside, Kris stood next to Yixing, a protective hand placed on his lower back. Joonmyun frowned a little and turned away from the scene.


“I like Jae Won’s idea, why not bring him along? It’s beautiful right now, perfect idea!” Mr. Lau smiled happily.


Yixing just nodded. He didn’t like the idea, but he wasn’t going to have Jae Won get mad at him again, it was just a hike, better it up.


“Do you want me to come along?” Kris asked softly, making sure only Yixing heard him.


Yixing sighed a little “I’d like to avoid this situation all together if I could.” He mumbled.


“Let me help you, trust me with this. I know you don’t want him to know, he won’t, just let me help you, okay?”


“Okay, thank you.” Kris smiled and brought his arm up wrapping it around Yixing’s shoulders, pulling him closer in a hug. A hug Yixing really needed.


After twenty minutes of constant questions for Joonmyun and Jongdae, Mr. Lau and his followers finally disappeared and the remaining adults went back inside, while Jongdae headed back to Xiumin's.


“You help them finish up, I’ll start packing some food and drinks.” Yixing said as he headed back into the kitchen while Kris went to help the twins and Joonmyun also went back into the kitchen and sat down at the table.


“So we’re going on a hike?” he asked.




“Where to exactly?”


“The river about two miles from here, the twins love playing there.” Yixing answered as he was making some simple sandwiches.


Joonmyun nodded “Is Kris coming along?”




“Oh.” Joonmyun mumbled a little disappointed.


He stopped asking questions and just watched Yixing as he worked away, oblivious to the two pairs of eyes watching in disapproval.




“Come on uncle mister, you’re too slow!!!!” Jae Won laughed as he ran ahead of Joonmyun who was jogging behind him.


Reina frowned at her brother, why did he like Joonmyun so much? She didn’t like him at all, she liked Kris being with her mommy, not that man. “What’s got you frowning princess?” Kris squatted down next to her, she’d stopped walking.


She frowned and looked at Kris “I don’t like him, he makes mommy act weird, he keeps asking mommy questions about daddy and I don’t like it.”


“Why don’t you like him asking about your daddy?” Kris asked.


“Because….. I want you to be my daddy, mommy is really happy with you and I want you as my daddy, not him.” She said.


Kris gave her a small smile “Well, I want to be your daddy too, but it’s up to mommy, mommy is the one who gets to pick who your daddy will be.”


“I want you to be my daddy.”


“I know princess.” Kris hugged her a little and then picked her up “But tell you what, even if you can’t call me daddy, I’ll act like your daddy, okay?” Kris asked with a smile.


Reina finally smiled, her dimple showing as she nodded happily, Kris chuckled at her cuteness and brought her up so she was sitting on his shoulder “I’m so tall now!” she giggled making Kris laugh.


“You’re taller than I am!” he laughed.


Yixing stopped hearing his daughter and turned to see Reina and Kris laughing in their own little world, he smiled at the sight.


Sometimes he really wondered why it wasn’t Kris.




“Jae is freakishly energetic.” Joonmyun said as he sat with Yixing watching the twins play with Kris on the shoreline of the river.


“He was worse when he was a baby and toddler, he used to always just blabber away, I didn’t have a damn clue what he was saying, but he would just talk his little mouth off, and once he learned out to crawl I could never keep him in one room, and it just got worse when he learned to walk and run, he never stops moving.” Yixing chuckled.


“He’s a good kid though, he’s really smart too.”


Yixing laughed a little “Definitely didn’t get that from his dad.”


Joonmyun looked over at Yixing, it looked like he didn’t even realize what he just said. Yixing was so hard for him to understand, he never made sense. He got mad when Joonmyun would ask about their dad, but it didn’t faze him to bring him up at all. whoever their father was would definitely be proud though, while he didn’t understand Yixing, he understood his struggle to raise them, and he did a fine ing job of it. He sighed and momentarily closed his eyes before looking back at Yixing and then it happened again.


“Aish, you’re so cheesy.” A soft voice chuckled in his head. A vision of the same blonde haired guy with the blurred out face. His voice was so soft, but it was teasing. He knew that voice, he swore he did.


Joonmyun looked back at Yixing to see him laughing as he watched the twins who were currently double teaming Kris in a water splashing contest.


‘What the hell is going on with my head?’ Joonmyun asked himself as he ran a hand through his hair.


Joonmyun tightly closed his eyes and tried to think back.




He stirred as he slowly opened his eyes, a bright white overtaking his blurry vision making him cringe.


“Joonmyun?!” a woman at least in her forties shouted worried followed by an older man.


“Who the hell are you?” Joonmyun frowned as he sat up.


The older man sighed “It’s still him,” he said to the woman before turning back to him “We’re you’re parents, I’m Kim Jae Yoon, you’re father, and this is Kim Jai Hwa you’re mother.” He said.


Joonmyun looked between the two of them, they weren’t familiar to him whatsoever, were they really his parents?


The woman then broke into sobs “I-I’m so gl-glad you we-weren’t hurt.” She cried into the man’s chest as he held her.


Joonmyun just watched confused, what was she talking about?


Joonmyun later found out that after running out of his house, he was hit by a speeding SUV and he was very lucky to be alive. It was a miracle really. Joonmyun’s amnesia on the other hand, the doctor didn’t know if he would ever recover his old memories.


It was weeks before Joonmyun was allowed to go home and months before he went back to school. His accident caused many problems for him. It was hard for him to focus for long periods of time, it tested his patience.


He stayed home almost all the time, once he was allowed to, he got back to his studies, trying to catch up what he missed and then some so he could graduate. Studying was really hard for him at first, he didn’t have the slightest idea how to even go about studying, what was he supposed to do? Joonmyun resorted to the internet for tips and within a month he was a studious pro. He never once failed an assignment.


School was a new experience for him. People knew and remembered who he was, not that he had the slightest idea who they were. People didn’t approach him, he didn’t particularly mind though. He finished school with the help of his parents who had gotten remarried the summer before his senior year, he was happy for them.


One thing that always bothered  Joonmyun was his room, when he first moved back, it was like there was someone else living there. His parents simply dismissed it as a relative was staying there for a while, but Joonmyun couldn’t quite believe them. Even after the extra bed, and dresser and whatnot had been moved out and gotten rid of, there was still that feeling, like someone was supposed to be there with him. He just couldn’t remember though.


Jongdae was Joonmyun’s first real friend, the two met in their first class on their first day of college and just clicked. Jongdae was the kind of blunt friend you kept around to pull your head out of your when you were just clustered, he’s probably Joonmyun’s most valuable friend even to this day.


College wasn’t easy, but his parents encouraged him all the way and he did it. He graduated. His graduation dinner though was a little awkward.


“Mom, dad, my room…. It feels like someone else is supposed to be there… why?” he asked softly as he ate.


His parents stopped abruptly and Jai stuttered a little “Wh-What do you mean honey?”


“Do I… Do I have any siblings or a close cousin or something?”


“No, no you don’t.” Jae said “Why are you asking this all of a sudden?”


Joonmyun just sighed “I don’t know… I just feel like whenever I’m in my room that someone’s supposed to be there too, I wonder if it’s just got something to do with my amnesia, but that feeling is always there.”


His parents didn’t answer any further.



“Why the can’t I remember?” Joonmyun cursed under his breath.


“What?” Yixing looked over at him confused.


He just sighed “Nothing, I’m going for a little walk, I’ll be back.” He said standing up.


“Alright, well… be careful.” Yixing said and Joonmyun just nodded before walking off.


Not even a minute after Joonmyun had walked off, Reina came over and sat on Yixing’s lap “I want him to leave.” She grumbled.


Yixing sighed “I know baby, mommy isn’t too fond of him either.” He said wrapping his arms around her little body.


“I want Kris to be my daddy, mommy. But he said only you get to pick who my daddy is, how come Kris can’t be my daddy?”


Yixing looked down at her surprised, since when was she this outspoken? He sighed and hugged her again “Sometimes mommy wonders the same thing.”


“Can Kris be my daddy then?”


Yixing didn’t answer.




“I was beginning to think you’d forgotten about me.” Young Jae laughed.


Joonmyun smiled a little and shook his head “Things have been slipping my mind since I got here, I promise I’m not doing it on purpose.” He said looking back at Young Jae.


I know baby, I was just messing with you.” He smiled “So how are things there? What’s it like being in such a small town?


Joonmyun chuckled “It’s actually really nice here, you would love it. I went on a hike with the people I’m living with and it was a lot of fun, it was like a long nature walk and it absolutely beautiful, you have to come out to see it sometime.”


Young Jae laughed “I’ll have to, are things going better for you and your landlord?


Not even, both him and his daughter hate me I swear, if it weren’t for little JaeJae, I don’t there’d be anyone here who actually likes me.” Joonmyun frowned.


You’re such a baby.”


I am a baby when I want to be, yes.” Joonmyun agreed making Young Jae laugh.


So this little JaeJae, he’s your landlords son, right?”


Yeah, he’s got to be the cutest kid I’ve ever seen, I really like him and I know he likes me to which is a relief, he’s a complete little ball of energy, he never stops moving, he’s always moving!”


Sounds like someone else I know.” Young Jae smiled with a wink.


I am not that bad.”


Oh yes you are when you’re excited about something you don’t shut up or sit still, the entire day before you left for Feng Kang you were so excited I couldn’t get you to sit still!”


Joonmyun laughed “Alright fine, I see your point.


“Daddy!” Young Jae’s eyes widened as did Joonmyun’s as he turned to see Jae Won happily running out of the bathroom in just his pajama pants, he ran right up to Joonmyun, who thankfully was quick enough to move his laptop before the little ball of energy tackled him.


“Oh lord child.” Joonmyun laughed.


“Daddy, I’m all clean!” Jae Won smiled happily hugging Joonmyun, who wasn’t really sure what to do, Jae Won was calling him daddy.


“Zhang Jae Won.” Yixing’s voice was stern and left no room for argument.


Jae Won frowned “Yes mommy?”


“Get over here this instant and don’t call Mr. Kim daddy, that’s rude.”


“But I want him to be my daddy! You said daddy’s coming home soon but you lied! Daddy isn’t coming home at all, he doesn’t love us like you said he did!”


Right as Yixing was about to respond, Joonmyun turned Jae Won so he was facing him, the little boy sitting on his lap “Your daddy loves you just as much if not even more than your mommy does JaeJae, you shouldn’t say that about your daddy.” He said and Jae Won frowned.


“B-But daddy isn’t coming home! I want my daddy!” Jae Won was about ready to cry.


Joonmyun frowned and hugged the little boy who happily accepted the warm hug and he cried into Joonmyun’s chest. Yixing sighed and raked both hands through his hair, this was not working for him.


“Mommy, I want to sleep with you again tonight.” Reina said reaching up and grabbing Yixing’s hand.


Yixing squatted down and ruffled her damp hair “Such a mommy’s girl, huh?”


Reina nodded “Mommy’s the best, I don’t need anything else if I have mommy.” She said and hugged Yixing.


“Mommy loves you very much, you know that princess?”


“I love mommy more.” Reina tightened the hug and Yixing picked her up and she snuggled right into his embrace.


‘They both have their favorite parent.’ Yixing said to himself casting a glance at Joonmyun who was still holding a crying Jae Won.


“Ready for bed baby girl?”


Reina just nodded and Yixing walked from the bathroom hall to his own room where he gently laid his daughter who was still pretty awake on the bed and tucked her in, kissing her forehead “Sweet dreams my beautiful girl.” He smiled.


“Goodnight mommy, I love you.” She smiled.


“I love you most.” Yixing walked out of his room and Joonmyun and Jae Won weren’t on the couch like they were, curious, he walked to his son’s room to see the two laying on the floor and Joonmyun was softly reading Jae Won a bedtime story.


Yixing moved away before he was seen by the two. This wasn’t supposed to be happening, Joonmyun wasn’t supposed to be here, he wasn’t supposed to be around the twins, hell he wasn’t even supposed to be in Taiwan.


Yixing went and sat down on the couch with his head in his hands and a couple minutes later, he heard a door softly shut and Joonmyun sat down on the couch where he was earlier.


“You okay?”




Joonmyun frowned “What’s wrong?”


Yixing sighed, as if he could honestly answer that. “It’s just a personal problem.” He said instead.


“I get that you don’t trust me or even like me, but I’m good at listening and I’d just like to help.”


Yixing sighed again “I never directly said I didn’t like you Joonmyun, this is just how I am.”


“I don’t believe that, I honestly feel like there’s an actual reason as to why you don’t like me, did I do something wrong with the twins? Well, I mean Jae Won?” Joonmyun corrected himself.


‘It wasn’t you, it was me that made the wrong decision.’ He said to himself “I’ve just got a lot of things on my mind right now is all.”


“I don’t believe that answer either, have I done something to upset you?”


“What does it matter, it’s not like you’ll ever see me again after you leave in four days.”


It was Joonmyun’s turn to sigh “You know, I’m not some sort of bad guy out to get everything you own, I just want to be at least on friendly terms, and I’d kind of like to hope that I’ll get to come back to see the twins sometime.”


“Why do you really care about my kids so much Joonmyun? Honestly, it’s not like they’re anything to you.”


“That is not true. Even though Reina doesn’t really like me, she’s the prefect little girl, she’s absolutely adorable and you’re damn lucky to have such a little girl, and Jae Won, no matter how energetic that boy is, he knows what’s important to him and how to protect it. You’re kids are the greatest and I’ve been around a lot of kids, I want them to at least like me a little since we’re stuck living together. And I care because they’re your kids, while I don’t know who you are to me, you’re familiar to me and I just can’t shake the feeling that we’ve met before.”


“We haven’t met before and while I appreciate your concern over our lives, but you don’t need to involve yourself.” Yixing said looking at him.


“Why are you being like this? You aren’t like this around Jongdae even, why me? Why are you targeting me?” Joonmyun asked exasperated.


There were many answers running through Yixing’s mind at that moment, there were so many answers he could mindlessly spew, but he wasn’t an idiot and sure as hell wouldn’t take that risk. Instead he just sighed and stood up going to his room leaving room for no further conversation.


Yixing shut his bedroom door and closed his eyes “Mommy…? Are you okay?” Yixing looked up to see Reina looking back at him.


Yixing walked over and laid down next to her and wrapped his arms around her “No… mommy’s not okay…” he mumbled as he felt his tears.


Reina frowned “Don’t cry mommy, please don’t cry…” she mumbled as she hugged Yixing with all her might “Mommy’s prettier when he smiles.”


Yixing cried softly as he hugged his little girl who also shared his tears until the two fell asleep.



Long chapter, hope it was alright :)

See you next chapter ^.^


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Chapter 14: Love the story
Chapter 14: i always have a thing for mpreg where 'the girl is separated from the boy while expecting and the boy have no idea about the growing fetus till years later', combine it with sulay (my favorite couple along with chenmin and taoris) which yixing is 'the girl'... my life is complete!!

now off to taoris fic to cure kris feeling
Jasgotlucky #3
Chapter 14: I feel legitimately sad for Kris. He loved Yixing without asking in return only to be rejected for last time. Mah man Kris you deserve the world. (Why am I even so affected in the first place? Haha)
Chapter 1: Chapter 1 and I'm already loving it ^_^ And not just because I love Lay. This story is amazing. Good job authornim:)
kenxdesooin #5
Chapter 14: I loved it.........I want a friend like Kris......... at last happy ending............ plz don't get angry but few lines were kind of confusing but I like it...... looking forward for more of your stories
Chapter 14: I love this soooooooo much!!!!
chkhtsuju #7
Chapter 14: You did a great job on this !
liz_lighter #8
Chapter 14: soooo cute loved it :) !!!