The Uncertainty of Liking

Creating Worlds [ONE SHOT SHOP | CLOSED]
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Requested by: H4ppyV1rus

Characters: Kim Joonmyun/Suho [EXO] & Park Sohyun [OC]

Premise: Kim Joonmyun can read girls' minds just by looking deep into their eyes.  As a result, he know what they look for in guys--intelligence, looks, and kindness--but the fact that he has to stare deeply into girls' eyes does not land him any dates.  Park Sohyun's mind in unreadable and he finds himself intrigued.  They share a music class together and to him, it's a taste of normalcy to talk with her.

Author: Admin K, DivinestSense


The Uncertainty of Liking


“Thanks again for the notes.”

“You’re welcome.  I hope you feel better.”

Waving goodbye to the beautiful cellist, Joonmyun watched her as she rounded a corner, most likely on her way out of the building.  Standing by himself in the empty hallway, he ran a hand down his face.  He so badly wanted to ask if he could accompany her on her walk home, but uncertainty held him back.  With any other girl, he would have known just by looking into her eyes if she wanted his company or not, but with Park Sohyun it was always a mystery.

With short black hair and smooth pale skin, she appeared angelic, a fact which her actions only supported.  Kind and soft-spoken, she possessed an innocence that only added to her radiance.  He had seen her in passing between classes, helping others pick up dropped books or offering to help carry heavy things for someone, despite the fact that she was rather tiny herself.  She had smiles to spare and always a nice word to say about someone yet he was terrified to ask her out.

It wasn’t anything that she could help; it was a personal problem.  Somewhere between his first year and second year of high school, he developed the ability to hear the thoughts of girls by looking into their eyes.  It was a double-edged sword, for even though he had attained insight into the minds of the female gender (a feat any guy would acknowledge, because their minds were truly labyrinths of thin lines and convoluted messages), the fact that he had to stare into their eyes often freaked them out.  In this day and age, it seemed that eye contact made someone creepy.

Regardless of the knowledge that he knew exactly what girls looked for in a guy—intelligence, good looks, a sweet personality—and also regardless of the fact that he embodied all of those characteristics, he could not bring himself to move beyond polite conversation with Sohyun.

As much as he hated to admit it, it amazed him how his friends could be so bold (and successful) when it came relationships.  Baekhyun was good looking and intelligent (in certain aspects), but he was like a time bomb—a well dressed, sassy and crude, time bomb.  But even though he was not, objectively, the ideal guy, he had been dating his girlfriend for almost five years now.  Often dreaming out loud of proposing to her, Joonmyun knew they would last.

Then there was Jongin, or as the girls of the dance program called him, Kai.  Blessed with good looks that could be either cute or y, his physical appearance immediately caught people’s attention.  Easily adapting to situations, he could be sweet or a “bad boy,” depending on what the scenario required.  And while he was not necessarily the most academically intelligent, he had accumulated a great deal of wisdom over his twenty-two years.  He possessed, in one way or another, all three qualities so (what should be) naturally, girls fell for him at first sight.  Kai wasn’t a playboy, but rather one to fall in love and out of love faster than most.  Despite the decent-length list of break ups, other girls still gave him a chance. 

Over time, he had learned—by reading their minds—that certain types of girls were often attracted to certain types of guys.  He knew it was impossible to become a guy who would appeal to all girls, so logically, the best plan of action was to possess all three qualities—good looks, intelligence, kindness.  Theoretically, this would assure him that some girl would like him, but the blessing of awareness his power gave him also resulted in him scaring girls away.  Why was it so difficult to look in someone’s eyes in conversation?

The university he attended was one that put equal emphasis on academic performance as it did artistic.  Students who were enrolled in the school had a typical educational major—his was finance—while also pursing some type of art.  Taking vocal lessons and studying the stock market (or any combination of classes) was time consuming and as a student of this particular school, all free time was usually dedicated to one or the other.  So, as one could imagine, it was quite the feat to be the top student of the class.

A feat which Joonmyun had accomplished. 

No one studied harder than he, for his grades did not come easily to him.  They were the result of hours upon hours of hard work and never would he turn his back on another student who needed tutoring; he wanted people to see him as approachable and selfless.  In the world of finance, he was on his way to procuring a well paying job.  Eventually working for an investment company, he was sure to be able to spoil his future girlfriend with anything her heart could desire, for his only wish would be to see her happy.

As far as his singing ability went, there were certainly others whose voices outshined his.  Baekhyun, for example, was often praised for his range and control.  His own ability was limited to one octave, but he did not sound bad.  He had control and precision, allowing him to maintain his overall standing.

The art courses were divided by specialty—singing, dancing, instrumental, and visual.  As a result, he saw the same students all four years, for once one was accepted into the school for a certain art program, it was impossible to switch.  He made good friends within his own limited social circle (though most of the time it felt like a competition) but had learned over the years that none of the girls—whose minds he easily peered into—were interested in him.  They fawned over Baekhyun (who was very publically in an exclusive and deep relationship) or Kim Jongdae, a guy who could sing the dictionary and, much to Joonmyun’s admittance, captivate an audience.  For the longest time, he had given up on the prospect of dating in university, thinking it would be best to start fresh with strangers in the work force, where no one knew him as that guy who stared deeply into the eyes of girls.

Confidence diminished, it was not until he encountered Sohyun that his resolve to stay away from girls had shattered.

Being the most popular program in the art sector of the school, the instrumental program was divided into basic and professional.  The difference between the two was obvious; students of both were talented at their instruments (an audition was required for the school), but upon hearing the two classes play after one another, the difference was painstakingly clear.  The basic class read the notes with accuracy, paying close attention to each detail; it was like listening to a recording.  The professional class’ performances were an entirely different experience.  The musicians didn’t just read the notes, they breathed them—music was just part of them, their instruments simply extensions of their bodies.

The seating rank for the professional class was a cut-throat ordeal, one that made Joonmyun glad he had auditioned for vocals rather than his pathetic piano playing.  The musicians in that class would spend every hour not in class in front of music stands.  As a result, the students enrolled in the professional instrumental program were often at the bottom of the academic standing list.

Park Sohyun was enrolled in said program, and had held first chair, first cello from the moment she entered the university.  Her

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[CREATING WORLDS] but tbh imma write it regardless for my sake


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Chapter 20: Thank you thank you ~ i really love it .
Chapter 19: I'm going to become the biggest fan of this, seriously speaking! The story is just awesome. I was so immersed in it that I want it to continue XD Thank you very much! You guys are the best & I will gladly request again when the shop will be reopen :D
Train_girl #3
Chapter 14: Wow!!! IT WAS AMAZING! Really!! Best!! Can I request again???
windinmyhair #4
Chapter 18: Well, first of all, I'd like to thank you soo much for taking my request very seriously and putting a lot of thoughts into it. I'm so thankful thank you.

Honestly, you left me teary-eyed especially since I can relate it so much with me (in which i'm planning to tell you about it and pm you after this hehe). And this story give me feelings, and at some points it hits me so hard like reality. And thank you, for your willingness to entertain my discussion on this particular topic.

Omg i dont know how can i thank you. Oh and yes, i love your story and definitely upvote :)
N_miSone #5
Chapter 17: I loved it loved it loved it... so much that i m crying ..... wanna give u a real squeezy hug n lots of love ....
I loved the chnge and the long black hair thing just made mahi more pretty .... the whole thing was perfection how do thank u???
Do u have a ultimate bias... just wondering and can i req again if u dont mind???
windinmyhair #6
Chapter 17: I just read disillusionment and the one before, and oh dear I really love ur writing. I can tell that you put a lot of thoughts and effort for every piece of your writing. I dont really read fluff and comedy, but I love what you done with Junghan (even though i dont know seventeen much) and Mahi. Its not over the top, its toned down and its realistic. Got to say, realism is the main thing that draws me in every time i read your stories :)

And yeah, i cant believe its finally my turn!! Omg thank you, thank you, thank you soo much.
ByunBaekButt #7
Chapter 16: I LOVE YOU~ Baekhyun and Yun in one story, you made my day xD ♥ I totally loved it *-* I've been reading it during work xD (Locked myself in the toilets, once again) xDDDD Too much feels right now ._. ♥
N_miSone #8
Chapter 16: finally... i've been waiting for my turn..... yeahhhhhh~~~~~~~~~~ XD XD
Chapter 15: I totally looooove it! The way you wrote it is perfect! And the end is funny *^* Manly Kyungsoo ahah thank you, you rock!!