Leave Me Breathless

Creating Worlds [ONE SHOT SHOP | CLOSED]
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Requesed by: windinmyhair

Characters: Sehun [EXO] & Park Hayoung [OC]

Premise: Sehun, an accountant, and Hayoung, a surgeon, are married.  Their marriage is one of tolerance rather than love and it's now on the brink of separation.  What will happen?

Author: Admin K, DivinestSense


Leave Me Breathless


“Oh gosh, she looks absolutely stunning, doesn’t she?”

“She always looks good though.  Check out Jongin.  He cleans up nicely.”

“True.  How much do you want to bet that he and Minah fought World War III to get him in that white tux?”

“From what I heard, they weren’t speaking to each other until today because of it.”

Playing with her clutch, Hayoung mentally noted just how accurate the conversations around her were.  Minah was indeed breathtaking in her ballroom-wedding gown; it was as though she was taken straight out of a fairy tale, her prince charming accompanying her.  With Jongin in his white tuxedo, it was impossible to take her eyes off of the couple as they twirled around the dance floor.  Dancing and smiling as they whispered words of devotion to each other that only they could hear, she had never seen a couple more in love.  And even though she knew it was true that they screamed at each other over his outfit—she had, much to her own discomfort, been there to witness the fight—only to give each other the cold shoulder leading up to their big day, she couldn’t help but envy their relationship a little bit.

She and Minah had been friends since they were children.  As neighbors, it seemed only natural that they should grow up to become best friends.  While the two of them shared many similarities, the few differences that existed were the most obvious.

At least to Hayoung.

Both strong and intelligent, they achieved easily; failure was never an option simply because it never occurred.  They were realistic and witty, kind and thoughtful.  To the world, they both looked like they were living their lives to the fullest.  She couldn’t speak for her newly wed best friend, but anyone who knew Hayoung knew that could not be further from the truth.

The core difference between the two best friends was in their acceptance of the spontaneous.  Minah was a free spirit who fell in love easily; Hayoung had comforted the girl through many nights of ice cream tubs and sappy romance movies before she met Jongin.  She wasn’t afraid to break her own heart because to Minah, taking risks was all part of living.

And that’s what Jongin had initially been: a risk.

The two of them had met at the end of college.  She was finishing up her international relations and finance double major while he was competing underground in dancing.  The venue of their first encounter had been one that Hayoung wished she could wipe from her brain; filled with the scent of alcohol and the bodies of intoxicated beyond functioning humans, Taemin’s party was the place to celebrate the conclusion of finals.  Minah was very go with the flow in a social setting, easily getting along with everyone.  She was (much to Hayoung’s worry) rather phenomenal at drinking games and not one to get drunk easily; she had years of practice under her belt.

Hayoung had not actually seen Minah and Jongin’s first encounter, but she assumed there was some type of verbal interaction before she found them making out on a beat up couch that had surely witnessed some less-clothed action before.  She was severely out of place at the party—in fact, it was her first party, for the loud and reckless scene made her nervous—having only attended for the sake of her friend’s safety. 

The next day, when Minah’s head was clear, she told her all about the dancing boy she had this “connection” with.  Apparently, they had spoken before shoving their tongues down each other’s throats.  Although he wasn’t pursing higher education, he was well versed in the ways of the world.  He was, like her, someone who lived in the moment.  Talented at dancing and quick to charm others, even Hayoung agreed he was destined to climb to great heights in his passion.

But she could never date someone like him.

When she finally officially met her best friend’s boyfriend, he was a wonderful guy.  He was sweet and smooth, but even early on in their relationship she could see issues.  Even though Minah was spontaneous and adventurous, she put great emphasis on her education and future—she wanted a secure job, she wanted children and she wanted his presence.  She could understand Jongin’s view—dancing gave him turbulent hours of “work” and if he planned to pursue it seriously, there was no time to raise kids—but often the picture of their future became the topic of argument.  Undeniably, the two of them were so in love with each other; maybe that’s why when they fought, they screamed. 

That’s why Kim Jongin was a risk, for even though the two of them loved each other and could ignore their problems for the next few weeks, it wouldn’t be the same in the long run.

Hayoung hoped it would work out for them.

Glancing to her left, she watched an attractive, well-dressed man around her age laugh with some other guys.  She knew that laugh.

She knew it was fake.

Glimmering on his left hand, an expensive wedding band decorated his ring finger.  Sighing, she turned back to stare at her own hand, adorned by the matching ring.

While Minah was one who lived for herself, Hayoung was one who lived for others; she was a pushover. 

Since she was young, school had come easy to her—there was no subject that she struggled in.  It wasn’t something she bragged about, but rather just a fact of life.  Because she was good at everything, there was never anything she was passionate about.  She wasn’t concerned with feeding the world’s hungry or determined to make it big in the entertainment industry—she just liked to do well.  Having been complimented and praised by teachers and parents since she was a child, recognition was something she placed a high level of importance on.  She wasn’t good at sports or singing or anything else—academics were her thing, so it was only logical she pursue something that would make her intelligence known, something that she could give her a comfortable life, something that just made sense.


If she was good at Biology and if she could make it through medical school, then why not make a career out of it? 

The pride that tattooed her parents’ face when she graduated medical school taunted her whenever she even had the slightest notion of changing careers.  It was not that she hated being a surgeon, but that she wondered what it would be like to be anything else—if she had not chosen a career out of safety and expectations.

But there was no use wondering about things like that, for she would never have the nerve to make such a drastic change.  She wasn’t the type to break the rules or make a scene—she just wanted to do everything right and to her, there was nothing wrong about that.

That mentality of hers applied itself to more than her professional life.  She had met her husband at a business dinner on behalf of the hospital.  Local professionals all gathered for a meal and made painful small talk about their lives without going into too much detail.  They were not there to make friends; they were there to do their jobs.  The idea of the dinners had been to bring together different factions of the community and even though she doubted anyone believed they were achieving their purpose, they attended.


Because it was expected of them.

It was there that she forced her way through conversation with Oh Sehun, accountant and as was her impression, part time model.

The two of them were similar in

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[CREATING WORLDS] but tbh imma write it regardless for my sake


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Chapter 20: Thank you thank you ~ i really love it .
Chapter 19: I'm going to become the biggest fan of this, seriously speaking! The story is just awesome. I was so immersed in it that I want it to continue XD Thank you very much! You guys are the best & I will gladly request again when the shop will be reopen :D
Train_girl #3
Chapter 14: Wow!!! IT WAS AMAZING! Really!! Best!! Can I request again???
windinmyhair #4
Chapter 18: Well, first of all, I'd like to thank you soo much for taking my request very seriously and putting a lot of thoughts into it. I'm so thankful thank you.

Honestly, you left me teary-eyed especially since I can relate it so much with me (in which i'm planning to tell you about it and pm you after this hehe). And this story give me feelings, and at some points it hits me so hard like reality. And thank you, for your willingness to entertain my discussion on this particular topic.

Omg i dont know how can i thank you. Oh and yes, i love your story and definitely upvote :)
N_miSone #5
Chapter 17: I loved it loved it loved it... so much that i m crying ..... wanna give u a real squeezy hug n lots of love ....
I loved the chnge and the long black hair thing just made mahi more pretty .... the whole thing was perfection how do thank u???
Do u have a ultimate bias... just wondering and can i req again if u dont mind???
windinmyhair #6
Chapter 17: I just read disillusionment and the one before, and oh dear I really love ur writing. I can tell that you put a lot of thoughts and effort for every piece of your writing. I dont really read fluff and comedy, but I love what you done with Junghan (even though i dont know seventeen much) and Mahi. Its not over the top, its toned down and its realistic. Got to say, realism is the main thing that draws me in every time i read your stories :)

And yeah, i cant believe its finally my turn!! Omg thank you, thank you, thank you soo much.
ByunBaekButt #7
Chapter 16: I LOVE YOU~ Baekhyun and Yun in one story, you made my day xD ♥ I totally loved it *-* I've been reading it during work xD (Locked myself in the toilets, once again) xDDDD Too much feels right now ._. ♥
N_miSone #8
Chapter 16: finally... i've been waiting for my turn..... yeahhhhhh~~~~~~~~~~ XD XD
Chapter 15: I totally looooove it! The way you wrote it is perfect! And the end is funny *^* Manly Kyungsoo ahah thank you, you rock!!