Chapter 7

He Loves What I Love

A/N (YOU CAN SKIP IF U WANT) Okay guys, this time, my goals are 450 views and/or subscribers and/or 20 comments (not including mine) for the next two weeks. :) Here's the bad news.  This time I won't be updating as fast as the other chapters because I have midterms... -_-   At this point, I bet you guys are tired of the settings every chapter is in..... which is English class, lunch, after school, in the dance studio, cafe..... blah blah blah. sorry >.< I cant think of anything. Honestly, I don't plan ahead about what I'm going to write, other than thinking about my characters before I sleep ^.^ hehe. But then, again, I've never experienced high school, like im two years away from that.... but I'll use the knowledge i have from middle school and from watching dramas to like write this story. Here's a virtual cookie for those who are reading:   (insert virtual cookie(s))


"Was it your anniversary with Yung-Hee yesterday?" You said it so fast that it sounded like one word.

"H-how did you-"

"I found flowers on the top of my locker today." 

"Oh. Well... yeah." Jimin looked back at his phone.

"Are you okay?"

"I would say yes. Honestly, no. On the outside, I seem calm, but on the inside, I'm raging with fury."

"I know how you feel," you say. It was true.


"Please, having a crush on someone for such a long time, and being rejected twice in a day, yes, I do know how it feels." You glared at Jimin.

He scoffed. "I thought you were over me. Anyways, I did say sorry."

"Well, yeah, I told you, again for like the second time, I'm over you. But at that time, when you rejected me, I felt so lonely, one-sided, awful, and stupid. I mean, I felt really horrible. Anyway, isn't it kind of funny how I am telling you this?" You lightly laughed. "I can't belive I'm telling you this. I've never really been this open about my feelings for people." 

"I hurt you that much?"

"Yeah..." you scratched your head.



"How exactly did you still like me even though I've been so cold to you?"

"Well, actually, when I wasn't around you, I realized that I was being stupid for still liking you even thought I clearly knew you hated me. But then, when you were around, I would always remember why I liked you."

"Why did you like me?"

"Jimin, I told you too much. I'd rather not say. So, therefore, you should kind of feel better after I told you about my story of a one-sided love. I finally got the courage to stop liking, and you should too." 

That was all you had to say for Jimin to get him to actually work on the project. It tok about 30 tries for recording the poem, where Jimin said the first half, and you said the second half.

Jimin jumped onto my bed. "Yah! What are you doing on my bed?"

"Sorry, Li-Na, can I have some water? My mouth is dry."

"Get it yourself." Just to mock him, you took your water bottle and drank it in front of his face.

"Ugh." Jimin, looked like he was stranded in a desert, because he had his tongue literally hanging out. He rolled himself off your bed, reached out for your water bottle, AND DRANK IT! 

"JIMIN!" you yell.

"What?" he looked at you annoyingly, while wiping his mouth. Now, you found it disgusting that he just drank out of your bottle, with your saliva on it..... ew. OMG AN INDIRECT KISS..... O.O

You ran downstairs and got two glasses of water and brought them up. One for you and one for Jimin. Jimin immediately took both of them and gulped it down. "Ahhh."

You looked at him weirdly. "The other glass was supposed to be mine for your information." You glared at Jimin, who did not feel any regret. You sighed.  "I think you should go now. It's getting late. We could do the video another time." Jimin nodded.

"Yeah, okay. See you." Jimin took his stuff and went out of your room. 


You took out your phone.

Li-Na: Hey.

Myung-Hee: Li-Na! Guess what? I'm not single anymore~~~ :)

You gasped in shock.

Li-Na: Really?!?! Finally! BTW, can you come sit with us tomorrow at lunch? You should bring Myungsoo. I miss you :(

Myung-Hee: YES. I'll sit with you tomorrow. And I'll bring Myungsoo oppa. Miss you too. <3 <3 How's it going with J-Hope?

Li-Na: We're good.

Myung-Hee: That's it? No chemistry goin' on? 

Li-Na: Hehe your'e funny. Yeah no chemistry going on. We're just friends.

Myung-Hee: Whatever you say~~~~~ i doubt it tho

Li-Na: Ugh. Anyway how the project?

Myung-Hee: Myungsoo oppa, his english is funny :P

Li-Na: Glad ur having fun. :-) But not too much fun ^.^ if u know what i mean...

Myung-Hee: LI-NA!!!!! EW NO! GO AWAY.

Li-Na: Hehe

Myung-Hee: I gtg anyway. Bai...

Li-Na: Sorry for interupting your fun :P

Myung-Hee: LI-NA!

Li-Na: I thought u gtg. Oh well. 

Myung-Hee: >:( BYE


Lunch (Jimin POV) 

I was heading to the table I would always sit in. I realized that was the table Yung-Hee and I used to sit. When I reached that table, Namjoon and Yung-Hee were there so I immediately turned away. I then thought of Jungkook, but he was with his girl. For the next five minutes, I tried finding a seat. The next person who was on my mind........................ Li-Na? I searched for her, and when I found her, she was already looking at me.

A/N, it seems I can't unbold this paragraph.............. this isn't supposed to be in bold.

(Li-Na POV)

For like the moment you've been waiting for which was like......... forever, you finally got Myung-Hee to sit with you at lunch.

"It's been a while." she says right before she munches on her food. Myungsoo sat right next to Myung-Hee and gave her a small peck on the cheek and she blushed. You look at J-Hope who looks at them in disgust. You laugh.

"What's with the face?" You ask J-Hope.

"I never knew your friend and her boyfriend could be so lovey dovey."

"Please, you shouldv'e seen how Myung-Hee was with Jackson," you whisper in J-Hope's ear, so Myung-Hee or Myungsoo wouldn't hear. Myung-Hee then gave you an eyebrow. 

Your eyes scan around the cafeteria and you see a boy, facing away, wandering around. He looked right and left, as if he couldn't find a place to sit. When the boy turned around, you could see his face. 


With a surprise, his eyes met yours. Then, he walked towards your direction with his tray on one hand. Within seconds, he stood at the side of the table, making all of us stop eating and stare.

"Hey," Jimin said. He spoke so faintly, you could hear his voice tremble. "Can I sit with you guys?" You gulped. 

"Uhh. Yeah! Sure!" Myung-Hee spoke up. Jimin grabbed a chair from another table and sat down. No one spoke a word. Jimin kept of shoving every bite of his food into his mouth. You were wondering why he would sit here. You bet you weren't the only one thinking that.

J-Hope was the first to break the silence. "Li-Na, do you want to dance at the studio today?"

You shook your head. "Not today, J-Hope."

"Oh, I see."

"So, Li-Na." your friend says.


"You wanna go shopping today?"


Myung-Hee pouted. "Why not?"

"Because she's doing the project with me, right Li-Na?"

The voice startled you. You then realized, it wasn't only you that was surprised. Jimin was looking at you in the eyes. He had a tint of sadness in his eyes, but you didn't question it.  "No, not today either," you whisper.

You gave up. "You guys, I have tennis practice today," you say. The whole table then mouthed the word, "oh."

"Li-Na, you shouldv'e said so." Myung-Hee crossed her arms.

"Wait, Li-Na, you play tennis?" J-Hope asked.


"Can I watch?" 

"Why would you want to watch? It's just a bunch of girls hitting balls over the net. If you didn't know the sport, you would find it extremely boring."

"Well that's the point. I wanna see a bunch of girl hitting balls." J-Hope said. He then laughed at his own remark, along with Myungsoo. Jimin almost choked on his water. You were confused. Myung-Hee cleared .

It took you about a minute to figure out what was happening. "OH MY GOODNESS, J-HOPE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!" J-Hope started pounding the table. His face was so red. Myungsoo and J-Hope high fived. You started slapping J-Hope's arm. Myung-Hee also died of laughter.


You too, then joined in the laughter. You looked to your left, only to find Jimin with a solemn face, still, eating. You pretended that you didn't notice because this time, for sure, you wouldn't get into his business. He wouldn't want that.


Tennis (J-Hope POV)

I never knew Li-Na played tennis. Gosh, this is bad. My ex played tennis too. I would always watch her play. Now, it just makes it worse that I'm reminded of her when I see Li-Na...

"I swear, if J-Hope comes," she mumbled under her breath. She held the racquet real tight, with her head hanging down. I laugh as I held onto the fence, about six feet away from her.

"You swear what if I come?" The girl looks up, startled. 

"Oh great. You came."

"Why don't you want me here?"

"Not particularly you, but when people watch me, they tend to be bored and they judge me when I make a mistake.... like Myung-Hee."

"Well, I'm watching."

"Whatever." She ran back to the court with another girl and started to play. I noticed she wore a really tight tennis outfit, where I could see her curves....

I hit my head. "Stop thinking like that Hoseok!" I scream in my head. My brain told me not to but my eyes refused. I checked her out anyway.

2 hours later...

Li-Na exited the gate, with a towel over her head. She was dripping with sweat and her cheeks were hot pink. Matter of fact, she did look hot like this state.

She saw me and walked over. "Your'e still here?" I nod.

"I can see that your backhand is better than your forehand and your serve has lots of spin, making your opponent stumble to get the ball." I say.

Li-Na wiped her back with her towel. "When did you learn all that?"

"I never played tennis, but tennis is something I enjoy watching," that was half true. I never played tennis but my ex used to play, so she would teach me things and make me watch proffessional tennis matches with her which would last like four hours. I didn't tell Li-Na that. I didn't want her to know.

"So, do you want to drop by the cafe?" I suggest.

"Sure. But your paying." she says.

I smile. "Of course." 



"Hey, J-Hope?" 

"Hmm?" I slurped on my drink. Li-Na was staring at her drink, then at me. Her eyes are so pretty...

"Aren't you wondering why Jimin sat with us at lunch today? It's been bothering me ever since."

I shrugged. "I don't know. You should ask him if you are so interested." I took another sip. I was slightly jealous that Li-Na thinks of Jimin. Yeah, sure, she says that she's over him, clearly she isn't because she still cares. 

"But I don't think that he will like it that I barge into his business." As I said, Li-Na cares.

"You do whatever you want to do." I say.

"Ugh. Your'e annoying." Li-Na pouts. Gahhh, she's so cute...

"That's a nice way to talk to someone who bought drinks for you." 

"Whatever." Li-Na rolls her eyes.  "By the way, do you play any sports?"

"Yep. Basketball." 

"Oh really?"

"I heard one of the guys got injured so I asked the coach if I could join. I showed him what I've got and I'm in."

"That's great! Are there any games coming up?"

"I think next friday. Your'e coming?"

"Sure why not? But the thing is, I don't know anything about basketball."

"Eeey. It's fine. I'll teach you." I wink. 

"Hey, don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Wink. People will think that we're-"


She nods.

"Then let them think that."

She paused. "But I don't want them to think that."

"Why not? Is there someone you like?" I leaned in closer.

 Li-Na leaned back in her chair. "As of now, no. What about you?" 

"Me?" I honestly wasn't so sure. I wanted to say that I liked you, Li-Na, but I can't say anything yet. "No. I don't like anyone. I'm not interested in being in a relationship."

"Really? But you flirt a lot."

Yeah, I flirt a lot........ but only to you, stupid. And it's only a matter of time until I make you mine...


 Next day (Li-Na POV)

So after school, you decided to ask Jimin about sitting with us at lunch, because today, he sat there too. You, Myung-Hee, Myungsoo, and J-Hope, were all suspicious. 

"So what should be our title page?" Jimin asks.

"Well since it's about love, then we should do a heart or roses."

"Wait, you want pictures? I was thinking of animating it."

"I mean, I can do it. Can you do it too? Because I don't really want to be doing the video myself this time." 

"If you teach me?" Jimin took out his hands and pouted.

You rolled your eyes and mouthed the word 'fine'. 

Jimin POV 

I realized that Li-Na wasn't so bad after all. I believed every word Yung-Hee told me about her, but now, I realized that she was completely wrong. I saw the real side of Li-Na. She's nice, helpful, hardworking, and she's straightforward. I could easily read her face and it's pretty easy to see what she's thinking. I like that. When I first met Li-Na, it was not at school, but we were in the same hip-hop class. I was always complimented by the teachers, and I became the best in the class. But then, Li-Na too, she was a hardworker, and climbed herself to the top with me as one of the best. Therefore, I became friends with Li-Na. At that time, we shared the same interests and I believe that we both liked Big Bang, but I'm not sure about now. After a few months as friends, I found out that Li-Na had the hots for me, I immediately backed off. I wouldn't talk to her, I wouldn't speak to her, or looked ino her eyes. I liked someone else, and that was Yung-Hee. Still, with all the harsh attitudes that I showed Li-Na, she still liked me. But then the school closed down and I moved to a different place, cutting all connections with Li-Na, but then she still held onto me. Suddenly, I just had a urge to know how's she's been all this time. But for now, she's probably wondering about why I sit with her at lunch.

When Li-Na was absorbed in her computer screen, I made my move.

"By now, I bet your'e wondering why I sit with you guys at lunch right?" I asked. 

Li-Na cleared . "How did you know?"

"I just do."


"I wanted to make it even between us because you shared your feelings with me before. I won't nessesarily share mine, but I'll give you a reason."

"Wait, Jimin-" Li-Na was confused. She peeled her eyes off the computer and swayed her chair towards me.

"Just hear me out." I sighed. "Can we be friends again?"

"Huh?" Li-Na widened her eyes. "I'm sorry, did you just ask if we could be friends?"

"Yeah, I did."

"But, why?" 

"Li-Na, for the past few days after the break-up, I've been depressed. Youv'e seen me, I was broken down. The thing is, you offered your help, and I feel that your easy to talk to. I just, somehow feel comfortable. I want to start over with you because I want us to be even." 


I sighed and continued. "I was told lies about you and I-"

"No. I won't be friends with you." Li-Na kept a striaight face.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want to be involved with any of your problems anymore. It makes me depressed and it brings back so many memories."

"Then why don't we start over?"

"What do you mean?"

I cleared my throat. "Hello, I'm Jimin." I held out a hand. She was hesitant to shake it, but slowly, she got herself to do it.

"Hello, I'm Li-Na."

So you guys know where this is going right? hehe... who's gonna make their move first tho???

OMG guys! I found this line ^ that could seperate my paragraphs. I just found that out. I know, laugh at me. I'm really flattered that people call me author-nim.... ....I have a question. Why is the font like this and the spaces between the lines are weird? It's too clamped. I like it before.... someone please help. Anyway, how was this chapter? I feel like no one is reading.... :( but i'll keep going. I'm pretty sure, by the time I reach somewhere about 20 chapters, the views will increase..... again, sorry if I don't update soon...


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sayboo #1
hi there!! i'm not sure if you'll still be around to read this, but here it goes.
i really, really enjoyed this story (it's so good) and am inspired to write my own story, loosely based on yours. it won't be exactly the same and i'll include your name in the credits, no worries. i hope you don't mind!! ^^
Chathu123456789 #2
Chapter 28: Plz update and continue the story it's so different I like it
Chapter 28: New reader sins yesterday (4/2/16) and now its 2am on the 5/2/16 i love the story so much but reading this breaks my heart that your not going to finish this story :(. You didn't show j-hope and jimin like jerks it's just what they have bin true there live's, this can happen in real life to so don't be so hard on yourself really. I think i said it once but i'm going to say it again i love this story! If you really want you can make this story really beautiful and give it a really nice ending. So rethink it and i hope you will go further with this if not... Well it's your chose, but every story is made to have a ending even this one ^^. I also need to start writing my story's again but i know i will end mine even if i don't really like some of them any more. Hwaiting!!!!
KiwiMonster #4
Chapter 27: Omg this has my emotions on a roller coaster !! Please let Li-Na and J hope work out
Funnypanda369 #5
Chapter 28: Oh... Um... It's okay author nim, I enjoyed it because to me... It was rather different, jaja
Funnypanda369 #6
Chapter 27: *wiggles brows* hoot hoot, chemistry is starting again
Funnypanda369 #7
Funnypanda369 #8
Chapter 25: Woah... Damn... That was... Intense :'C
Funnypanda369 #9
Funnypanda369 #10