The stranger

What love does

The stranger I had bumped into was a foreigner. He seemed to only know a few english phrases, and was lost.

"Oh I'm so sorry!"

I apologized for bumping into him.

"Ah, excuse me."

"Oh no its my fault"

"Could you help me? I am lost"

I wouldn't really be the best person to ask for directions, but I decided to help him anyways. 

"Uhm, yeah. Where do you need to go?"

He gave me the name of a hotel pretty far from here.  I was pretty sure it was one of those high class ones too. I told him I knew how to get to the general area from a bus. He asked me if I would come with him so he doesn't get lost again. I thought to myself, would I really go with him that far, after i just found my way back?  But then I realized that I would want someone to go with me too. Then I thought, but I don't even know this person... I was having a mental fight with myself. I began to realize that ths was my chance to do more exciting things in my life. I'm supposed to break the chain. I decided to go.

We walked awkwardly to the bus stop and waited. Under the street light I could see his face more clearly. I couldn't believe who it was. In college me and a bunch of my artist friends were really into asian music and culture. I even learned Japanese and basic korean. Seeing who this was, I realized that those skills would come in handy. I was confused as to why he's be here. I decided to learn more via awkward conversation.

"Are you visiting from somwhere?"

"Yes. I am from South Korea."

"Oh, I see...Are you visiting family or something?"

"Oh no, I am here for work."

"Oh really, what do you do for work?"

Of course, I already knew most of these answers. However asking these questions would lead me up to the one I'd really like to ask.

"I am a singer."

"A singer? Wow, that sounds exciting. Are you performing here anytime soon?"

"Not soon. We came a few weeks early, so we could have a little vacation."

And there it was. I was wondering why they'd be here walking around. It appeared they came early before the concert so they could avoid fans and enjoy their time in America. 

We got on the bus. I have to say, talking to him was quite nice. It was relaxing.

"Our stop is the next one after this."

"Ah, thank you."

"Its no problem."

I could help but smile. It was nice to have a normal conversation after a long time of stress. It was nice to have a day that didn't fit the normal pattern. I check my phone to see what time it was. "12:03 pm..." I uttered to myself.  It was late, and I was tired.

We got off the bus, and I directed him to the hotel.

"Please, I must thank you properly, come inside and I will buy you something."

"Oh no, its fine. Really."

"Please, you must."

"um...I guess."

I awkwardly came in with him to the hotel. As we walked I saw someone taking a picture with their phone and pointing, they must have recognized who he was. We continued to his room. I felt more and more uncomfortable as we went up the floors, but he was foreign, so he wouldn't know that this is odd in my culture. We walked down the hall and into his room. There were four other boys, sitting and talking.

"Where were you?"

I'm pretty sure thats what one of them said, it had been a while since college so I wasn't too sharp in my korean.

"I got lost, but this lady helped me."

I'm also pretty sure thats what he said in reply, I was still a bit rusty.

He gestured to me. 


They all waved and said that in unicen. I nodded and said:


Their faces were shocked. It seemed like they never really thought that someone would know their language.

"You speak Korean?"

"eh, not very much, but some."

The one I guided home went in to grab something. He came back and handed me a CD. 

"Thank you very much."

"Chun man e yo"

Once again they appeared to be surprised. Quite frankly I was surprised they much english.

"May I ask your name?"

He asked.

"I go by Kat. And you?"

"My name is Kim Jonghyun."

I already knew who he was, but it still felt odd for him to be introducing himself. He then asked the others to introduce themselves.

"I'm KEY."

"I am Taemin."

"I am Minho."

"I am Onew."

They were all very nice. I looked at the little microwave only to see that time had flown by, and I quickly left.

"Um, nice meeting you! I must leave now though, good luck on your performance!"

I went back to the bus. I sat down and thought to myself: All from trying to break the chain? Who knew...

I came back to my apartment, and plopped down on my couch. I was laying down, and began to just stare at the ceiling, only to remember that I forgot my bag. My bag, with my phone and wallet, was now left inside the hotel room of the Korean pop group SHINee. How embarrassing! I was freaking out, after all, I couldn't just go back there, not after I left in such a hurry. What do I do? My phone was in there. My wallet was in there. I was stressing out more than usual. All this from breaking the chain...  I eventually passed out on my couch, leaving this problem to be solved another day.

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.