Breaking the chain

What love does

Breaking the chain


My name is Kat. I'm an artist. I like to paint. Yup, that's me. The Kat who likes to paint. 


I had just moved to LA to begin my artist career. It seemed like a good place to start, ya' know? As a child I had dreamed of living the exciting artists life. From street fairs to art shows, I wanted to people to see my paintings. I thought it'd be easy. It wasn't easy. A few months in I began to see what life is like in reality. I ended up living off of a piece I painted back in my school days that was purchased for a large price. It seems like I couldn't paint anything like that again, my pieces were rarely purchased for a reasonable price. I was in a slump, I needed to find my way out of it. My days were all pretty consistant: Wake up, eat breakfast, go for a jog, come home, try to draw up anew sketch, eat lunch, freak out about bills, eat dinner, sleep, begin the cycle again. I knew what was happening, and I knew I needed to break the cycle. No one else could, I had to. It was my job to take inniciative. And so, I began to change my day with something simple.

I woke up and made breakfast. Instead of just regular cereal, I decided to make myself something nice. I had a bacon and egg samwhich, yummy! I was already off to a good start. Now, onto my jog. I took a different route than usual, and stopped at a cafè on the way. It was a cute little place with tiny cups and napkins with little frilly patterns on them. It was relaxing. I treated myself to a mocha and was on my way. I did some window shopping. Looking at all these window displays really inspired me artisticly. I had been walking around until it got dark, and decided to head home. It was dark and I had travelled farther than usual.

I tried to trace my tracks back, but it was difficult. I was a bit lost, but I think I was on the right track, I think. Turn right here, a left over there...There it was, the icecream shop a few blocks from my apartment, I knew I was close. I was a bit scared of walking around at night alone, so I ran my last bit back. It was dark, so I couldn't really see if someone was real close. The lighting around here was okay, but not the best. I ran, and noted where I was by the dim shop lights. I kept going. I kept going. I was pretty close to my next little landmark, and *bump*. I had run into a stranger. 


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teddiebears #1
just popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.