
Into The Snow


More of us survived the fall than I had expected. There was about a dozen of us, give or take a couple. It doesn't seem like that many, but considering we just fell down a mountain, I think it's pretty good.

Now, we were all getting ready to trek out into the cold world outside. Luckily, it seemed that the front section had parkas stashed nearly everywhere. Things were running smoothly until Yongguk brought up a problem.

How am I supposed to carry Yongnam?” he asked. “I won't be able to if we're both wearing parkas.

We could tie him onto your back and you could wear one parka over both of you.” The voice nearly made me jump out of my skin.

If that weren't such a good idea, I would smack you,” I said as I turned to face Namjoon, the person who spoke.

Namjoon has the uncanny ability to walk without making a single sound, allowing him to sneak up on everyone by accident. It's pretty neat the first couple of times, but after about fifteen years of it, it gets kind of annoying.

As I said though, his idea was a good one. With the two of us helping, Yongguk was ready in no time. Everyone got ready pretty quickly with minor difficulties.

I took a look around and noticed someone was missing. “Where's Adra?” I asked.

I don't know,” Jiho replied before turning around and calling, “Junhong, did you see where Kongjoo went?” Junhong shrugged in response.

“Kongjoo?” I asked. It meant princess but he was using it like a name.

I thought it was fitting. She grew up one of the most privileged people on the train, and has probably never worked a day in her life,” he explained.

I couldn't exactly argue with that logic, considering it was probably true. “Don't call her that,” I told him.

Why not? It's not like she has a clue what we're saying,” Jiho retorted.

Just don't, it's not very nice.” Saying it like that made me feel kind of childish, but I couldn't come up with anything better.

Jiho seemed to have that same thought. “I'm nineteen, not five,” he said.

Stop being difficult, you get my point,” I said. He nodded as I moved on.

It wasn't that hard to find Adra, there were so few of us still alive and she was the only girl. I found her huddled over a small compartment. “There you are. What are you doing?” I asked.

She looked up with surprise, she had been so busy with whatever she was doing that she must not have heard me walking up behind her. “There were some things I thought we might need when we're outside of the train,” she replied.

“Like what?”

“Something sharp, like a weapon of some sort.”

“The planet's been frozen solid for eighteen years, there's nothing living out there.”

“As far as we know.”

She had a good point. Who knows how much things could have changed in eighteen years. “Fair enough, I'll help you.”


So I finally have a new chapter for this. I have far too many things I'm working on, some school related, most random little snipets of other stories I've been writing, I swear, I must be crazy for doing this stuff ....

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Chapter 1: this is really good please update asap!!!