the answer

Take this to Heart

The paper rustled quietly as Hanbin lowered the letter, still staring at the words written in Mino's forceful handwriting. Disbelief spread on his face. Did the elder really do this? He knew that Mino was the master of surprises, but this letter was more than he could have ever imagined, and he really wasn't sure of what to think about it yet. This letter was exactly what Mino wrote about - a shot to get you on your knees. A small sigh parted Hanbin's lips. Folding the letter, he got up from the floor and grabbed his jacket and bag. It seemed that there were some things that needed to be clarified if he wanted to be able to sleep tonight, so he decided to pay a visit to the other rapper before going home.

"Was there no other way to tell me you're jealous?"
Hanbin fixed his eyes on Mino. The older one hadn't turned around when Hanbin had walked into the practice room, he was still facing the mirror. Not giving an answer, he lowered his arms which he had just strechted, shaking them slightly. Obviously trying to win some time. It was easy to tell that it costed him quite some effort to raise his voice, but ignoring the younger boy wouldn't be a help to both of them. If he didn't want them to talk about this, he shouldn't have written a letter in the first place, and he knew this.
"Who says I'm jealous?"
"If you're not, then what is the letter about?"
With crossed arms, Hanbin met Mino's eyes as he shot a glance at him. Yes, what was it about then? Mino left the question unanswered and grabbed a towel. Actually he just needed something to hold on to. He realized that he hadn't thought about the possible consequences of the words he had written to Hanbin, now that the younger stood in front of him, demanding answers. Well, he easily forgot about important things and just remembered them when it was too late.
"What if I am?", he asked in a low tone and turned to Hanbin.
"Then I'd like to know why."
Mino held his breath for a moment, before a silent sigh parted his lips again so that he could say what he somehow felt bad about saying, but what finally needed to be said.
"Jinhwan. Bobby."
These names left no emotion in the younger boy's face. This was a stupid reason, but Hanbin already knew about it. He just wanted to hear it from Mino, and now that he did, he didn't know how to respond.
Not saying a word, they looked at each other for a while, a while that felt like an eternity, until Hanbin shrugged his shoulders and let his eyes wander around for a second. Mino just raised an eyebrow as he could watch the younger suddenly lying down on the floor and spreading his arms and legs for the duration of a deep breath. Then, with a short gesture, he silently asked the elder to do the same, but Mino just stood wondering.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"I thought you want me to lie with you?"
"Yes, and it wasn't supposed to be a joke."
"Did I say I think it is?"
Mino bit his tongue and kept staring at the younger for a moment, being a little torn between whether he should leave or stay, but then he muttered something and lay down next to him. With a satisfied grin on his lips, Hanbin turned away his head and looked at the ceiling.
"Now, let's talk. What's lying so heavy on your heart exactly?"
"Are you making fun of me?", Mino shot a glance at him, before he sighed, annoyed, and sat up again. His thread of patience was really thin today. "I thought you'd understand."
He was tempted to get up and leave, but the other didn't let him.
"I understand better than you think."
The sudden change in Hanbin's voice let Mino pause and look at him again. The smile had left the lips of the younger boy, they were just a straight line instead, causing him to show the serious face Mino was so scared of in the beginning. Slowly Hanbin's gaze wandered to the older one whose heart skipped a beat for a second, while Hanbin just stared at him, continuing to speak.
"Jinwoo? Taehyun?"
Mino felt caught. He shirked from the other's look and clenched his teeth, not daring to answer. There was no possible answer.
"Do you think you're the only one who has to share?"
Hanbin began to sound hurt, somehow. Hurt and angry and disappointed, but at the same time he managed to give his words a distanced touch, as if he was talking about something that was none of his business. It was scary.
"I'm making more efforts to show you how I feel than you do, and still you think I prefer Jinhwan and Bobby over you, treating me like this. That's not fair."
Quickly he was back on his feet, but Mino was as quick, grabbing his wrist to keep him from leaving.
"Hanbin please", he looked at him and let out a sigh.
"Okay.. Okay. Do you want to know what's my problem? My problem is that I really am jealous of friends I don't have to be jealous of. But they see you every day and I don't and I hate it."
Another sigh.
"They can spend time with you almost as much as they want and then there's me who has to focus on WINNER when all I want to do is to spend time with you. And even though I know that you're close to Jinhwan and Bobby, I sometimes can't stand it when.. you're too close, if you know what I mean. It just bugs me. I don't want you guys to be like that, because- i don't know. I want you to only touch me, okay? In whatever way. And do you know what scares me the most?"
He got up as well, still holding on to Hanbin's wrist, but this time he hesitated before he continued to talk, even avoiding the other one's gaze.
"I always thought I'd never be able to feel so much for a person. I thought I could never talk about feelings when I have them, that I could never admit them. But it would be so easy for me to tell you, to tell the whole world that I love you because I do, it's the most honest feeling I've ever had. And still I behave like this, because I don't know myself like this. It's just so scary, it makes me so insecure. And it's the reason why I turn into a jealous beast writing stupid letters and talking nonsense, just like now. I'm like this because I'm afraid someone could steal you from me before you even were mine."
Mino bit his lower lip, ignoring the impulse to immediately go to the roof and jump. He kept looking at his fingers that were still holding Hanbin instead. Why did he have to talk such nonsense, seriously. But at least this nonsense was what was lying so heavy on his heart, and Hanbin wanted to know. Now he did.
The younger didn't say anything during Mino's little dialog. Until now, he had just listened, but he didn't look as serious as a few moments ago. His face got much brighter, though he still tried not to make it too easy for Mino. A slight change in the way he looked at the elder should be enough for the moment.   
"Was that a confession?", he wanted to know.
"Not yet."
"Not yet?"
"Yeah, but if we keep staying in this awkward situation, I might make a real confession."
Hanbin smirked, he couldn't help it. So much for his plans. Seeing this actually took a load off Mino's mind and almost let him heave a sigh of relief. He could stop himself in the last second, so everything he did was to respond with a weak smile.
"Okay, go ahead", Hanbin asked.
"I said, go ahead."
"Hanbin.. I can't just confess like this."
"Isn't the situation awkward enough anymore?"
"It is."
"Then you can."
"You wrote that letter, we wanted to clear things up, and now I'm giving you this chance, so take it."
"Are you serious?"
"Confess or I'll leave."
Mino opened his mouth just to close it again, he was too surprised. This was the Hanbin he knew, but it still shocked him a little. The younger gazed at him seriously.
"Don't you want me to be yours?"
Mino swallowed.
"You see. So do it. Oh, and, before I forget it.. You're good enough. You're the best, actually."
A smile shaped his lips now. It was weird to know that Mino didn't feel good enough for him when in fact he was the only one who could ever be good enough. He has been his choice from the very first moment on they met. The moment they had returned each other's gaze and he could hear him saying, "Hi, I'm Song Mino. Nice to meet you."
Only one thing had been on his mind in that moment. "Yes, and you are mine."
Mino could feel the smile spreading on his own lips. This kid was such a weird kid sometimes, but didn't he love him exactly for that? For his personality, the fact that he was as stupid as Mino himself, but also such a caring and loving, and adorable person? Yes, ten times yes. A million times yes.
Before he even realized it, his hands had already gently cupped Hanbin's face, and Mino bridged the last centimeters to lean in for a kiss. When his lips finally touched the younger one's, it was literally the best feeling ever. There was nothing he could compare with this, nothing that made him feel as good, and for a second he wondered how he could have lived without this for so long.
"I love you", Mino whispered softly as he pulled the other boy closer.
And as honest as Mino had been today, as honest was Hanbin's answer.
"I love you too."

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Chapter 2: Oh my God... I got nosebleed
<3 o <3
I dont know what to write it just sooooo natural and realll...
Good job (y)
Chapter 2: Oh my God... I got nosebleed
<3 o <3
I dont know what to write it just sooooo natural and realll...
Good job (y)
Chapter 2: wah this is so good;_;
ahjummaaa #4
Chapter 1: ooh, looking forward to dis yoo! minbin is so cute