You're Invited to an Island Party~F.T

A Kpop Hogwarts

Hongki grinned across from her. She sighed and glanced out the window. It was not the least  bit surprising that the only empty compartement belonged to none other than FT's Hongki. 

''TAMAKI-YA!'' Seunghyun said in his sweet high-pitched voice.



Jonghoon flicked out his leg underneath the table and kicked the maknae.




 ''Owww......he kicked me Tamaki noona.'' Seunghyun whimpered.

Tamaki pried him off her arm and kicked the two primadonnas. '' I'm NOT your noona Oppas.'' she stressed. 

The two stared at her a bit confused mentally trying to comprehend the sentence.Seunghyun's dazed look disapeared as he gave up.

         Hongki continued to be his usual creepy self as MInhwan surpressed laughter. Jaejin was the only one missing. Instead of sitting with his bandmates he chose to join his sketchy Slytherin companions such as Marcus Flint captain of the Slytherin team. 

            ''So Tamaki......'' Hongki drawled spreading his arms on the table. He clasped his hands micheiviously. The others followed su ite. , '' We have a proposition for you.'' they chorused.


She tilted her head and raised her brow then sighed knowing there was no way out of it.

'' Fine.'' she agreed grimly with the faintest trace of a micheivious smile.




  Ginny huffed as Ron , Harry and Hermoine shooed her away from their compartements. She supposed she could sit wih Neville and Luna but really  what were those three up to?!


She stalked down the corridor fuming. Stupid Ron.

In her fury she accidentally crashed into someone.

''Ohmagosh are you okay?'' She looked up and saw a blond haired asain guy with his dark haired philpino looking friend.

''uh , yeah.'' she stammered.

The two good-looking guys peered at her , the dark haired one showing a gaping interest.

''So many foreingers hyung!'' he whisphered quietly to his companion.

Ginny bowed her head and shuffled along.

''I guess these are another one of Tamaki's idol-friends.'' she murmured with a sigh.

'' KEVIN?!'

the loud screech echoed down the corridor.


 Tamaki stuck her head out of a compartement. 

Kevin bobbed his head. ''Hey Tama Noona.''

Dongho high-fived his donsaeng. '' Anneyong Tama hyung.''

Tamaki tilted her head studying them ,  then grabbed the two Kiss-MEs and shoved them into the compartement.


''First things first , I'm NOT anybody's noona , and I'm absolutely NOT a hyung.''she repeated. She crinkled her nose , '' What's up with the noona thing?''she frowned.

The idols avoided her eyes , except for Hongki who said , '' Ahhh..I'm in the mood for some kimchi chigae'' ''What??'' she said befudled look.

Luckily the  compartement door slid open breaking the akward confusion.

''Mind if I join you?'' Ginny  said timidly peeking in.

Tamaki glanced helplessy at the full compartement for six.

Hongki , Minhwan , and Jonghoon sat on one side and Tamaki ,Seunghyun , Dongho and Kevin were sitting on the other.

 Now if you look at above sentence you will see that  in said compartement there is six spots but seven people. Well my dear readers that is because at the moment Dongho is sitting on Kevin who is now complainning , shoving the maknae onto Tamaki, who then shoves Dongho onto the table causing the waste of delicious pumpkin pastries.


Like the diagram I made?????kekekeke...XD

''Aish , you're so heavy Dongho. All the other maknae's are lighter than you.'' Kevin groaned.

''Not Chansung hyung.'' Dongho said shifting his apparently unbearable weight.

''That's cause Chansung's a bear with tree trunks for legs.'' Jonghoon scoffed.

''I like to think he's a overfed chihuawa.''Minhwan said after shuffling through his korean english dictionary.

''What , like Chewbaca?'' Kevin said rolling his eyes.

Tamaki hid her face under the table but it was obvious from her shaking shoulders she was dying of laughter.

'' I don't care anymore. I'm not your chair!'' Kevin said oushing the maknae over to Tamaki.

Tamaki frowned. ''I'm a girl!''she protested.''I can't have any random guy sitting on my lap'' she finished  shoving Dongho onto the table causing forgotten pumpkin pastries  to fall on Seunghyun's lap.

Minhwan sat on Hongki , leaving his seat free.

''You can have my spot.'' he said charitably  . Tamaki shook her head slightly.

'' thanks.'' Ginny said backing out of the compartement with a frightenned look.


Tamaki sighed as the door shut and filled Kevin and Dongho in on the plan.



Plan FT Island Party commences in one moon.



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lanternofhair #1
snsd too
FairyNHK #2
@eunhaelove I read the first chapter, and I find it understandable, the font pleasant enough. I don't re-read my work, I just type and get over and done with the chapter. I may not be perfect myself, but I have standards when criticising people's work. I have seen even worse stories, with colors that are hurting to the eye, full of grammatical error and what not. <br />
Your sentence structure ain't that good either. Who cares if anyone knew the HP world, I wouldn't mind another view of Hogwarts. If you want a kpop-version of the REAL Harry Potter, you might as well just use tape and tape away the character names and substitute them for kpop names. That way, you won't get sued for plagiarism.
quexiyun #4
@EunhaeLove....Chill... Don't just cut someone down like that. Who said they had to mix perfectly? x_____x" i think it's a pretty good story. Don't be such a grammar stickler, or whatever they're called these days.
EunhaeLove #5
EunhaeLove #6
-c-<br />
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Prefects are only allowed in the Prefect's restrooms. I'm sure Dumbledore wouldn't appoint a couple of hooligans to be Prefects unless they charmed the pants off a student and had the student tell them the password to the bathrooms. Even so, you decided to use pictures instead of describing the whole scenery. Wizards wouldn't know what a water-gun if they aren't Muggle-born or if they weren't taking Muggle studies. <br />
I seriously think you need to reread your chapters. Hagrid said in the first book, that Muggles --yes, Kpop idols are Muggles-- are not allowed to know about magic or wizardry because they might try to solve all of their problems using magic. <br />
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I would go through every single chapter and say something something about it because each chapter is like I'm scratching my eyes with nails. You know nothing about the Harry Potter World. I bet you don't even edit or reread your work to see if any of the sh*t your wrote made any sense. I'm surprised you have comments or subscribers at all, but then again, you are basically reminding your readers to subscribe and comment after every chapter. <br />
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So you get my message, yeah? Later~
EunhaeLove #7
I can't believe this. It's not a good thing either. You're basically ruining the Harry Potter Series with your brightly colored font, poor grammar, and -ish storyline. There's so many things missing from this story, things doesn't make sense, and well, it's not "cool" , "awesome" or worthy of an "update soon" in my eyes. Snape is a teacher. He wouldn't be running around after some kids limping when he could just cast a spell on his leg, and mutter a quick counter spell for his hair. True, no? Are you on of those so-called "die-hard" Harry Potter fans that never even touched the books? It seems so because the way everything is portrayed is absolutely, positively unbelievable. <br />
Students at Hogwarts are deducted points for that kind of behavior. They wouldn't do something like that to a teacher, or professor, because it's also, disrespectful. Am I wrong? I have never read a single Harry Potter book that had a student hexing a teacher simply for a prank. For example, take Harry and Snape. Harry never, in his years at Hogwarts, tried to curse or hex Snape. Yes, I know, Hermione did set Snape's robes on fire in the first book, but it wasn't for a prank. <br />
Sadly, you're even misspelling words and forgetting your punctuation, too. <br />
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please update soon!!
please update soon!!! i hope you find the book soon!!!!