Backstage Chaos I

There's Never Ever Been a Show Like This

"CAN I HAVE EVERYONE'S ATTENTION PLEASE!" a loud voice boomed through a megaphone.

But of course, it was ignored.

Donghae did not stop giggling or get off of Kibum.

Yesung did not stop running around, trying to everyone's philtrums.

Henry did not stop running away from anyone that tried to touch him. "I'M NOT GAY! I SWEAR! GET AWAY FROM ME!"

"So that's what denial looks like..." Eunhyuk mused thoughtfully.

Kyuhyun didn't even look up from his PSP, except to smack a passing Zhou Mi on his skinny-jean-clad . "Stop smiling so much. It's creeping me out. I can almost feel waves of happiness coming off of you, it's disgusting."

"But Kui Xian! It's just so nice to be here with everyone! This is so fun!"

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and went back to his game.

And Sungmin did not stop banging his head against the wall. "Why. Am. I. Surrounded. By. These. Idiots."


"EVERYONE. SHUT THE HECK UP, OR SO HELP ME, I WILL KILL YOU ALL IN YOUR SLEEP TONIGHT." Siwon would later swear that he hear the lightbulbs stop buzzing as Heechul passed the megaphone back to a very weary-looking director.

"Thank you, Heechul-ssi. Now, I was thinking we could assign the roles based on who fit each part the best-"

"OH! CAN I BE LARRY? PLEASE? PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE?" an enthusiastic Donghae yelled hopefully.

The director looked a bit surprised at being interrupted- clearly this was his first time working with Super Junior. Respectful as they were, they were also very outspoken. "Uh, okay, but you do realize that this is a very important-"

"KIBUMMIE CAN BE PETUNIA! IT'LL BE GREAT, HE'LL LOOK SO PRETTY!" Donghae continued as though the director had not spoken at all.

"Err, Donghae. I think maybe Kibum-ssi would rather be something else, based on the look on his face-"

"I want to be one of the french peas!" exclaimed Eunhyuk.

"Teukie hyung should be Pa Grape!" snickered Kyuhyun.

"WHAT? WHY? I'M NOT OLD!" gasped an indignant Leeteuk. "YAH, RESPECT YOUR ELDERS, YOU LITTLE BRAT!"

"Can Kyuhyun please be Archibald?" asked Shindong. "Since Kibum's already Petunia?"

"What, no, I'm not-" Kibum tried to protest, but got distracted. By something. The director would rather not find out what.

"I'll be Scooter," volunteered Hangeng helpfully.

"Seasoning should be the blueberry chick," Heechul mentioned off-handedly, more focused on his phone than the conversation. "He's always wanted to be a fashionista."


The director threw down his megaphone. It fell to the ground with a loud crash, getting everyone's attention. He stood up shakily, as all fifteen young men watched.

"I can't do this anymore. All of you talking about the same time, it's just too much," he shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose as if he had a massive headache. Suddenly, he turned to the Super Junior members.

"You!" he pointed at Siwon. "You take over from here. You direct this, produce it, whatever. I'm out. Good luck."

And with that, the director threw down his beret, and stalked out of the rehearsal room.


The members were silent for a moment. Then...

"Who votes we just abandon the whole thing now and go home?" Shindong asked casually.

"NO!" Siwon yelped as there was a mad dash for the door. He threw himself dramatically in front of the only exit, glaring "menacingly" (of course, no one was intimidated). "If you want to get out you'll have to go through me first!"

There was another beat of silence before Heechul shoved Han Geng towards Siwon. "Sic 'em, boy!" He ordered. Even Eunhyuk looked ready to run Siwon down.

"Whoa now," Zhou Mi said, raising his hands. "Let's all just think about this for a second. You realize that running away from this will only prolong the agony, correct?"

Everyone shifted uncomfortably; Zhou Mi had a habit of being unfairly reasonable.

"Mi's right," Leeteuk said, chosing this moment to get into his leader form. "The company wants us to do this- we really don't have a choice at this point. If we run away, they'll keep dragging us back. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can try to forget it ever happened and salvage our dignity."

Eeteuk waited for the mutters of agreement to die down before he scooped the director's beret off the floor and jammed it onto Siwon's head.

"Well then," Leeteuk said brightly, "I release this bunch into your capable hands, Siwonnie. What should we do first?"

Siwon had been kind of frozen up to this point, but quickly snapped to attention. He had been paralyzed with fear upon the suggestion that he direct this mad production- direct his band members, no less- but hearing Leeteuk's speech had made him hope that maybe the others would be more willing to cooperate with his ideas.

"Okay," Siwon said, rolling up his sleeves. "Let's do this. No funny business now, alright? You all want to get out of here, don't you?"

After a resounding "Yes," Siwon plucked the director's notes from his chair. "Let's see what we've got here...."

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Summer #1
What happened during the Christmas party?? XD haha... I love how you incorporated Taekwondo stuff in here XD
Steins #2
OH MY LORD. Siwon. SIWON. xDD <br />
<br />
I love these so much! <3
TheAppleandthePie #3
Gah, your chapters never fail to make me laugh. Poor Siwon. I seriously don't think he knows what he's getting himself into. I mean, there's twelve people, right? Drinks, food, etc. He's going to go bankrupt for life. Just kidding~<br />
<br />
But someone should help the poor guy out. Awww.<br />
Feel so bad for him, but it makes good comedy, lolol.<br />
You haven't updated in ages. D';<br />
But this made up for it~~~<br />
<br />
Hope you'll update soon. (:
TheAppleandthePie #4
Lol, I was wondering why nobody was updating recently and then I realised I wasn't logged in. Sigh. Asian Fanfics. Why won't you just keep me signed in?<br />
<br />
Anyway, lol. Update soon, my lovely?~<br />
You know how awesome you are so I won't tell you.<br />
But you're awesome.<br />
Like your fic. Update soooon~
Steins #5
Ah, poor director. xD <br />
<br />
YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD REASON FOR UPDATING THIS. Then again, I should better have a good reason for reading this rather than research for my project. xD Oh, well. I did it anyway and I'm not regretting it! C: <br />
<br />
Poor Siwon almost getting run over by his fellow bandmates. xD
Steins #6
xDDDDDD I like this. I like this a lot. Lemme sub it before I forget to. C:
Steins #7
THE.<br />
THE. <br />
THE. <br />
THE POSTER...IS...Is...SO CUTE! OH MY GOD. Gosh. So cute. Alright, I'll read this now. C:
TheAppleandthePie #8
LOL. SIWON.<br />
I was just reading a very detailed angst story with abuse and and this just changed the mood completely. Aha, update soon.<br />
I like how Kyuhyun suggested SHINee. They would look hilarious in vegetable costumes.
TheAppleandthePie #9
Omg, you updated. Yay.<br />
I'mma read this now.